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Taehyung was sure whatever the hell Lisa wanted from him would be anything but simple. Then again, the Tome that he asked for wasn't really that easy to acquire. And it's not like what he is asking for is even legal. So he would need to bear with it.

It might be surprising how a government employed Investigator wouldn't hesitate to do something illegal, but we need to keep in mind that it was Kim Taehyung we're talking about. Daring, dangerous and someone who lives for the excitement and thrill of doing the impossible. No matter the risks involved or the high percentage of odds working against him. He didn't play by the rules but instead, he bent the rules to fit his needs. And when he played, the other players can do nothing but ogle at him doing the impossible possible, awestruck and shocked beyond belief. He was the Master in everything he did, and he didn't mind evoking and reminding that simple thought in his opponents' mind every chance he got.

One thing that we should always keep in mind while facing Kim Taehyung is that he thrived beyond belief under pressure, when he is alone against the world. When he knows that what he was trying to achieve was supposed to be unachievable or even unobtainable and the task to achieve it was named impossible by the world, but he would still do it. And by doing it, he would not only succeed but continue making a complete and utter fool of what was considered to be the impossible in this world. Always reminding everyone that the boundaries in our abilities aren't set in stone, instead we ourselves are the ones to put them. And if it's us who are putting them in the first place, then it would also be us who have to take them down... That was Kim Taehyung's philosophy.

Even then, there was no logical or comprehendible theory behind his unhealthy obsession with danger. Playing with fire, they said, always ends with getting burnt. But that was utter bullshit when it was Kim Taehyung doing so. He didn't let fire and the fear of burning tame him, instead he tamed the fire, it's mechanisms and manipulated it to fit his needs. As for the fire, it was just too happy to oblige him... Beyond happy actually...

So, whatever condition Lisa was giving him, was sure to be fulfilled.

"Do continue..." He prompted the brunette, not even a tinge of worry or apprehension coloring his unimaginably seducing and silky sweet deep voice. While if it had been others in his place, they were sure to be creeped out and terrified, on the verge of wetting themselves when subjected to the shark-like grin of one brunette queen of the underground.

As for Lisa, she knew exactly what she was doing. Playing with fire that is. And unlike one certain blonde, she had more than a fair chance of getting burnt and scarred for life. Even if that happened, she would actually beg to do it again and again. If getting burnt had to do with a certain never in a million mind-blowingly and inconceivably alluring, magnificent blonde, then she would never once complain, instead if offered another chance to do it again she would take it in a heartbeat and never repent yet feel incredibly blessed to be given another chance to do it.

Call her a psycho and perhaps you are right, but she absolutely loves playing these dangerous games with one blonde investigator and no one, absolutely no one would be able to stop her from doing such.

Back to the situation in hand, Jimin was watching all the proceedings with his sharp, hawk-like eyes. Missing no details. No matter how soft or innocent his features screamed, he could act like the Royal Devil he was when the time demanded him to do so. He was just too good at hiding that form until required. In his form as the Devil none would ever like to cross him; he was merciless, ruthless and always feared. Unstoppable in his path. And that, was the main reason he hid it behind his other cheerful and lovable self.

But, if the world ever needs to see his other self, they better be ready to surrender. Or else, cruel and inescapable consequences would await them. Cus they would never know what hit them until it's too late.

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