It's in the Past...

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The next morning, Taehyung was awaken by the golden rays of the sun caressing his lusciously splendacious  skin. A golden glow radiating from his magnificent stature as he laid asleep, oblivious to world and the hypnosis-like effect he  was unknowingly having on his unfortunate- or perhaps fortunate- viewers...

Luring them in with his irresistible and gloriously stunning features as they experience and get high on the deadly attraction, unable and not wanting to resist his overwhelmingly inescapable temptation... Oh, only if he had any idea of what unimaginable and unrecoverable effects he had on his supposed acquaintances or even people who were blessed enough to witness the Creation of The High Lord himself... A mesmerising piece of Art whose alluring beauty can never be represented in a still, a portrait... Who is beyond any Art known to any creature himself but can never be represented in any form of Art.
The combined mortal form of Adonis, Eros, Aphrodite and Apollo themselves...

 The combined mortal form of Adonis, Eros, Aphrodite and Apollo themselves

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(Blonde Tae...🤯😍🤒🥵😭)

" Agh... What time is it?" Mumbled the just awakened blonde in his velvety voice that was unimaginably deeper, huskier and richer and oh so stunningly seductive and undeniably sexy from his sleep. His elegantly messy bedhair just adding to his boundless other charms, especially his mind-blowing allure, i.e.  sexiness...

Checking out the time to find it only 9 a.m. in the morning, he finally emerged from the couch and made his way towards the bathroom, hoping to get fully awake after a nice, refreshing shower.

He has just returned to the sitting room/ his temporary bed room and got dressed in his casual clothes....

He has just returned to the sitting room/ his temporary bed room and got dressed in his casual clothes

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(Only notice the clothes)

Before he could head out for breakfast though, he was once again interrupted by a certain coven of Devils...

"Rise an- Oh... You're up. Good... Let's have breakfast!" The sunshine of the group happily suggested...

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the ravenette's excited state. He wasn't so... happy while in my presence even yesterday. What changed? Taehyung wondered in his mind.

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