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The whole ride to the Bangtan Villa was very very silent. A very taut silence filled with an eerie calm that successfully put all the Devils save for a certain blonde on edge. Hoseok was perhaps the most uncomfortable one apart from being the most worried too, for he could clearly feel the intensely raging emotional storm that was brewing inside the silent blonde-haired investigator. Not quite shaken by the unusual death that had just occured before their eyes but quite thoughtful and agitated due to whatever that had been transpired between him and the other man just moments before the man died, that he could clearly discern. And all of them were curious- extremely curious- about that occurrence but their worry for the blonde surely exceeded their curiosity so they kept their questions to themselves.

Taehyung was still lost in thoughts, his mind a very exceptional example of organized chaos. Thoughts, memories and plans continuously flashing through his mind's eye. And perhaps Taehyung wouldn't have had as much of a problem with it if it was only thoughts, plans, hypotheses and such. But no, he couldn't help but feel extremely agitated and annoyed as it also reminded some events that he wanted to keep buried, his past flashed before his eyes. Not something that he was proud of- his weak, pathetically helpless and way younger self suffering and still holding onto that pitiable form of hope thinking that everything will be alright- yes, absolutely pathetic. His pathetic past.
And all of that caused by whom?

Unconsciously, his hands formed a tight fist, his anger level rising as those painful, pathetic days flashed before his eyes. His younger, innocent, too kind and easily loving self being stupid, naive and just pathetically optimistic. Used by everyone for their gains before being thrown away without a care.
Ha, pathetic...

His knuckles turned white, scratch marks marring his luscious milky white skin. But did he care? Hell nah.

Hoseok flinched at the sudden dangerously hot flow of anger surging through him. He already knew whose emotions these were and damn, were they lethal. They were just... Agh! He couldn't tolerate this... Oh no!! Lord!

Taehyung was having a really hard time controlling his emotions yet his face remained calm. Dangerously calm. All the Devils in the car have noticed it. And to say that they were worried would be a great understatement. Jimin was chewing on his lips, really hard at that too, thinking hard about what to do to calm his Soulmate's raging anger. The air surrounding him has already chilled to an almost bone-chillingly frozen temperature. The tension was very high in the air. So high that you could perhaps cut it with a butcher knife if you tried really hard.
Jungkook was continuously nudging him, telling Jimin to do something. And he could also sense at least some of the worry and anxiety in his mates' souls. Perhaps not as clearly as his Hobi hyung but still enough to sense them if and when they are extremely intense.

Still unsure but now strongly determined to do something, anything to diffuse the situation, the pink-haired male gently put his hand above the blonde's enticingly attractive, creamy ones. His smaller fingers gripping the blonde's beautifully artistic, elegant and long piano fingers in a loving grip. Caressing them gently, adoringly as he tried to calm the blonde's inner turmoil.

Taehyung was very surprised at the sudden skinship his Soulmate was initiating. He had almost forgotten where he was, his current position or even the taut tension around them- thrown these facts almost at the back of his mind, his entire focus on the dying words of that stupid Yong and it's implications. But, he let himself be calmed by the gentle caressing of the pink-haired male. Only this once will I let myself be so lenient, he thought, sighing audibly before looking out the window and at the darkness of the night. Forcing himself to push the burning questions about the earlier events at the back of his mind and trying focus on something else. Here, Lisa and Jisoo's words before he left.

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