Kim Taehyung

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Disclaimer: Once again, I don't own any of the Bangtan members except for the OCs mentioned. The plot is actually starting to take shape from this chapter. So, Enjoy!!


The murder was done in cold blood. That he was pretty sure of. Whoever it was, surely had some pretty sadistic tendencies. Kim Taehyung, more popularly known as Kim Vantae was sure that this criminal was probably a Devil or Werewolf. Humans were out of the equation as were vampires, sirens,  fairies or even mermaids. He probably could be a Demon too, but he doubted they would be this.... clean and subtle while murdering. Most of them, if not all, had pretty aggressive ways of murders. But they sure were a possibility. Right now , he was leaning more towards the possibility of the murderer being a Devil.

Kim Taehyung has seen many gruesome and horrible murders in his 22 years of life, but he had to admit that this murderer -roaming around Seoul, murdering people and kidnapping others- has to be a very experienced killer to so successfully avoid leaving any accidental evidence. Not a weapon, a sample of blood, or even a trace of his powers to lead back to him. It was very well thought and even better executed. He quietly moved to the beheaded woman's right side, getting a closer view on the symbol of sort carved on her skin. It was  somewhat criss-crossed and fully splattered in blood, but the cut have been deep enough to provide a view of some tissues inside. Gross. The symbol was vaguely resembling some type of runic or sacrificial carving.

The blonde ran his elegant and slender fingers over the length of the carving, focusing hard for any signs of a ritual being performed

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The blonde ran his elegant and slender fingers over the length of the carving, focusing hard for any signs of a ritual being performed. But sadly, he did not feel any remnants of any magic, sacrifice or ritual lingering in the carved scar. What he did understand though, was that the scar was inflicted  upon the victim with some jaded and sharp knife mostly used for rituals. Now  that he had deduced the weapon involved in inflicting the scar and possibly murder of the victim, he can say that the murderer had probably used the victim for some type of ritual. But, if the ritual was performed, then there should be some lingering effects or trace of a supernatural gift on the victim's body, which he knew for sure was not present. Interesting. He tapped his chin with his dainty index finger- the motion not going unnoticed by the passing/stalking investigators and police officers roaming around the spot, as they abruptly froze in their positions after witnessing the sensual and seductive movement, once again enthralled and hypnotized by the gorgeous blonde's oblivious seduction; stunned and in a dreamy, dazed stupor at the sensuality exuding in tons from the very simple yet extraordinarily graceful movement of the Adonis in front of them. How pathetic.

While his fellow investigators were busy drooling and dreaming over him, hypnotized by his simplest gesture, Taehyung quickly did a last minute survey of the crime scene, committing everything to memory before the post- mortem team arrived to take the body away. His exquisite  and bewitching silver blue eyes now sharp, missing no details yet giving no hints of his thoughts. He mentally counted on all the suspicious details he gathered from inspecting the crime scene- not even ignoring the miniscule or useless ones- like  how the woman was lying flat on her back with her head on her bosom, how her fingers were curled as if she was holding something, her blood pooling around her body, still fresh and warm and not dried or even how her brown hair now matted in blood seemed to be cut short, and so on. Several of these points were very well connected with each other while the others, didn't quite add up. But, he was determined to squeeze out the most evidences he could obtain from the spot. And when he had had enough, he could conduct his own researches...  and get his answers in his way.

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