Surprise... or Surprised?

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The courtyard was as unpleasant as the house itself if not more freaky. Taehyung with Jimin very close to him, passed by it quietly now standing on the threshold of Dansae's house.

Before he could knock on the door though, his left hand was tightly clutched by his companion. Startled, he asked "Mr. Park...?" He called softly to the pink-haired male who was gaping wide-eyed at the backyard, seemingly horrified by something.

The grip tightened to an almost unbearable extent as a now prominent shadow emerged from behind the dried trees of the backyard.....

As it came closer, Taehyung felt like the blood circulation in his left arm would definitely be cut off due to the death hold of the Grey Fairy beside him

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As it came closer, Taehyung felt like the blood circulation in his left arm would definitely be cut off due to the death hold of the Grey Fairy beside him.

The shadow finally formed figure, two figures to be specific. A woman and a smaller figure, probably a kid.

"Dansae, Mrs. Hong...." Taehyung acknowledged, as the two finally emerged from the dark backyard.

"Hyung... You came... And you brought along a Devil too!!" The kid shouted, ecstastic as it skimmed the blonde's companion from head to toe. While Jimin clutched Taehyung tighter and practically hid fully behind him.

As Dansae advanced towards them, Jimin hid completely behind Taehyung's lean yet firm, slender  body, totally regretting coming inside the creepy house since he already knew what resided here....

Taehyung on the other hand could feel the creepy, vile and very much distinguishable black aura surrounding the young boy, now that he was at the presence of both a full Devil. And his experience and knowledge only pointed at one thing that could cause this....

Black Magic..... Necromancy....

This young kid practiced Black Magic, the vilest form of all magical forms to ever exist. The form of magic that can decay your soul and freeze your self-control, that feeds upon your subconscious and sanity until it completely and irrevocably takes full possession of you- mind, body and soul. The form of magic that can only cause extreme suffering to you until you are reduced to nothing but a filthy creature begging for Death to take you away from the realms of the living....

Black magic, the evil most form of witchcraft that even the vilest of witches would never dare to come in contact with.

And this young kid was practicing it.

How?! There's no way he would have succeeded in doing so for this long without any supervision. Then who? Who had dared to lead this young boy towards such an evil, filthy form of living....

Subconsciously he clutched the hand holding his own tighter, Jimin leaning further into the willing but subconscious contact, causing him to slightly relax from the stress he was experiencing at being near such a corrupted, decaying soul...

Taehyung though was a different story. His head was filled with every types of knowledge he had about Black Magic and it's users, which was not much... Thoughts and plans formulated and discarded at the speed of light in his mind. Thinking. Planning. Calculating.

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