Chapter 35: The End (Bad ending 3)

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°•Bad Ending 3: never to be seen again..•°

Taken place a day before the rescue mission was proceeded.
Ouma was making plans with dice to help him rescue Y/N from Amami, while that, Amami was with Y/N, trying to get her mind and thought of Ouma off, and yet Y/N still refuses. Since Amami couldnt take it anymore, he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Amami forced Y/N to follow him and obey him, Then Amami booked a flight, and theyll leave in a while on his private jet (rich kid much), and just like that, Ouma wasnt able to rescue Y/N and Amami and her already left Japan to live in another country.


3rd person POV

"Soo whats the plan sir!"

"Gonna snoop in!"

"Didnt we just reported that this dude has 12 sisters!?"

"Hah! Only boy!"

Ramblings and muffles sorrounded the lair as Ouma was trying to come up with a plan, but since His subordinates were loud as frick, he couldnt barely manage to think. Ouma stood up and went to his room, locked the door behind him and went back to thinking.

"How could we rescue Y/N...? Hmm.." Ouma thought as he tried his best to come up with a plan.


"Why do you have to make me fuckin' buy this shit Amami?" Owada grumbled as he handed the shopping bag to Amami. "So you dont want this thousand yen? We made a deal, havent we?" Amami smirked as he got the bag and checked if Owada bought the right clothes for Y/N.

"Fine.. if only Momota and Harukawa are here for that instead..." Owada sighed. Momota was out on a date with Harukawa, going around the park and etc. "We cant let them you know, Momota mightve hit you on the spot.. heh.." Amami said as he got a thousand yen out of his pocket and gave it to Owada, who snatched it from his hand and placed it in his chestpocket, probably going to buy a new motorcycle with the money he got and what he has in his savings.

"Can we go now! Cant believe you drag me into to this!" Saionji whined as she also handed a shopping bag to Amami, this time in the bag that Saionji brought has some food and a stuff toy. "We will, here's your hundred yen.." He said and gave the amount to Saionji. As they were done, theyve left the mall, Amami got in his car while he watched Owada and Saionji leave by walking.

As he got home, he welcomed his sisters and walked upstairs to his room. "Y/N dear~ im home~!" Amami said as he went inside his room and locked the door behind him. Y/N who was reading a book, saw Amami and gave him a frowned look "welcome back..." she said as she placed the book down. "What are you reading?" Amami asked as he sat next to Y/N, who looked the other way. "About Korea.. thats all.." she said, Amami hugged her. "Thats nice, did you know ive already been to Korea? It was such a nice place..!" Amami said excitingly.

"I also went to Paris, New York, Spain, China, America, Peru, Philippines, Germany, England.." Amami kept rambling about the places that he've gone to. "Isnt that the whole reason why your the ultimate Adventurer?" She asked with a stern tone in her voice. "Im just saying.. want me to bring you to Korea someday?" Amami asked as he planted a kiss on Y/N's cheek. "I'd prefer Ouma and the others to bring me there.. i dont want someone like you to take me there.." she said, Amami's aura turned dark. "I know all of the places from left to right.." he said, Y/N pushed his body away from her. "Ouma knows too.. he'd talked aboit going there before with DICE.." she said.

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