Chapter 8: dream house project

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I believe right now it's already PE class... And... We're all here... Just talking about the different types of players in basketball and volleyball... Kinda boring... Way to kill Mr. Monotaro...

I didn't pay much attention so I decided to write in my journal, this time keeping an eye on Ouma spoke he wouldn't peak through my journal

»So me and Ouma are paired up for a project for home economics, and to be honest I was kinda surprised because... He's gonna go to my house so we can work on it... At least auntie will have a chance to see him again, well who cares! I love having him with me!

I kept writing on my diary until I heard a whisper by my ear. "writing on your diary again? " it was Ouma, it sent shivers down my spine so I just nervously nodded at him.

[after PE class]

Mr. Monodam is explaining to us about our ultimate labs. I felt like I shouldn't listen to it since I have no ultimate at all and just a normal high school student who was invited to study here...

"Hey, (L/N) , you should listen, listening about people's labs is way cool.. " Ouma cheered me, I giggled and decided to take it. "and this is the ultimate gambler's lab" Mr. Monodam said as he shows a slideshow of Celeste's ultimate lab. I can see how surprised Celestia was, her lab was like a casino, or like a place where the gambling place is, the floor was scattered with pokers and deck cards and money too, walls are decorated with hearts and diamonds which you can see in the cards. "I would love to see that lab of mine! Hmmhmm! " Celestia said as she placed her chin on her hands as she smiles. "ok, now let's move on to the ultimate Magician's lab! " He announced, the slideshow was moved to Himiko's lab, which is filled with stuff that magicians need for their act: tanks, cutting boards, pigeons, and etc. "Nyeh! That's so cool.. " Yumeno said. "your so cute Himiko! Maybe one day you can perform here in school! " Chabashira said as she cheered for Yumeno.

School bell rang and our next class begins, music class... Great...

[after classes: cleaning time]

I decided to leave so I can clean my locker, I opened my locker and took my sketchbook from there, I closed my locker door and saw Ouma walking towards me. "hey Ouma! " "hey (L/N)~! So... Wanna go now? " he asked. "wait you don't need to ask permission from your members? " I asked just in case. "nah it's fine, I am their supreme leader of evil you know... I can just give them a call! " he said as he placed his hands at the back of his hair, I smiled and walked towards the gate with Ouma. He was talking with his DICE members so I decided not to interrupt

[few minutes later]

He was done with his conversation with DICE, so we both talked until we reached my place, I opened the door and let Ouma inside first. I place my bag on our bag holder, same as Ouma. "Auntie! We have a visitor! " I announced, I bet she's doing laundry since I heard a big splash of water from our laundry room. "who's our visi--" Auntie said as she walked out of the room, with a shocking look on her face... What? It's not like I'm dead, I'm a ghost, or it's because I'm late... Joke

"Ouma!? Is that you!? " she said. "yep it's me! So nice to see you again too! " Ouma said. "I'm so happy to see you again! You know I've heard you from my dear (Y/N)~!" Auntie said, I was shocked that she literally said that. "Auntie! Not in front of Ouma-kun! " I said, she giggled at me. "well Ouma, what are you doing here today? " Auntie asked. "eh just for a project, me and (L/N)-chan here are partners!" Ouma said in a childish attitude once again. "aah okay, if you need anything just shout! I'll get you two snacks! " she said as she skips her way to the kitchen, I grabbed Ouma by the wrist and led him to my room.

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now