Chapter 26: tears and regret

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Is it even normal to cry from suffering too much on schoolwork (yes, i have to submit 7 modules/schoolworks on thursday and i havent finished all)

tomorrow is wednesday and now im having a mental breakdown because idk what to do since i forgot my pot and seed back at home for my scouting project-

Anyways... lets get on with chapter 26


Its been minutes since ive been crying, i finally stopped. "You alright now Ouma-kun?" Yuki-san asked me, i looked at her and nodded. "Um Y-Yuki-san... do you think its alright if you eat in your classroom? I have something to do..." i excused, she nodded and escorted her back to her class.


I arrived at the rooftop, to see my friends talking to each other, i wiped my tears away and walked towards them. "Oh hey L/N-san! Say... where's Ouma-kun?" Shirogane asked me, hearing his name...

"H-hes... he's..." i tried to say something as i sat down. "He's where?" Akamatsu asked. "H-he's... he's... he's..." then i suddenly cried, they noticed and went on panic. "L/N! Whats wrong!?" Saihara asked me.

"L/N whats the matter? Did something happened!?" Kiibo asked me next. "H-he's.. *hic* with s-someone else...! I was too dumb to fall in love.. *hic* with him..!" I said, crying on Sonia's shoulder, she patted my back. "Someone else! Who!?" Shirogane asked. "Th-the... *hic* n-new student...!" I said. They all gasp.

"Is it true!? I cant let my ship sink!" Shirogane asked me as she wiped my tears away with her hanky. "*hic* ch-check my phone a-and.. *hic* his..." i said. Saihara looked at my phone  through me and Ouma's conversation. "Just by the messages and pictures... bit we cant tell yet, i have to talk to Ouma.." Saihara said as he pocket my phone back to my back pocket.

I looked at him. "A-alright..."

Kokichi's POV

I made it to the student council's office, where Togami and his group is, i knocked and they let me inside. "Ouma, your h-"

"What happened to you!? You look like you just cut out some onions!" Hagakure said. "Oh me... nothing! What do you mean? Nothing happens to a Supreme Leader!" I lied. Kirigiri sighed and continued on reading a file case, while Asahina and Naegi walked up to me and offered me a seat. "Hey Ouma, dont say that, tell us why were you crying..." Asahina said as she gave me a box of tissues to wipe my tears.

"I told you im all good..! Dont ask a supreme leader..." i said then i faced Togami. "Can i have a going home slip?" He raised an eyebrow at me as he puts his teacup down. "Valid reason why..." he got one from his drawer and got his pen. "Well i dont feel that good you know... and i dont think ill be able to get back to class..." i said tiringly, he nodded and wrote it down and gave the slip to Naegi to sign, then he gave it to me. "Just tell Sir Sakakura that we gave you the permission to leave and give the slip..!" He said, i nodded and i left the room and went to my classroom to get my stuff, to my surprise Hoshi-kun, Tojo-san and Ludenberg-san are also there.

"Oh Ouma-kun, your here to take your lunch?" The Lolita gambler asked me as she took a sip of her tea, i nodded a no. "Im gonna head back home..." i said as i got my bag and wiped my tears with my checkered scarf. "Hm? Why so early? And why are you crying, im deeply concern for you..." Tojo asked me. "Oh its nothing..." i said, then i plastered my grin once again. "Anywaysss im going!! Bye~!" I said as i march my lying ass towards the door and walked all the way to the front gate.

I gave my slip to the school guard, Sakakura, also a previous student in Hope's peak, and known as the Ultimate Boxer. He lets me go and now i have to walk my ass all the way back to my organization.

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