Chapter 33: Y/N's captor..!

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[Kokichi's POV]

I slowly backed up and ran as fast as i could to the bush where ill meet up with my subordinates. As i sat down, i recalled what i heard from Momota's group.

Amami took Y/N... that sly fucker! How did she managed to get captured..? What did Amami do?

As i was in thought, my subordinates were already right in front of me. I looked at them and sighed, "how was the lookout..?" I asked them as i grabbed my panta and drank. "Well base on our keen eyes sir, we saw a suspicious person..!" One of them reported as they opened a notebook, one of them took it from the other and started reading their notes.

"A guy with lime green hair came to school late, a little messy hair and their clothes are not that ironed that well.." they said, i nodded. "He was never late to be honest.. his grades will  change if he's late like earlier.. its not like him.." I said honestly. "And..." i said with a paused, my subordinates looked at me and was waiting for me to say something.

"I already know who took Y/N.." i finally said, my subordinate's faces were straight up mouth wide open. "And before you all shout and scream, we need to go back to the lair.." i said, they all nodded and we went back to our secret lair.

[Y/N's POV]

"I climb every mountain... and swim every ocean.." i was just singing a song while waiting for that avocado hair to come back. I sighed, "just to be with you..." i kept on singing until i heard the door unlock and it swung open, i saw Amami. Great...

"Hi there sweetheart, how were you doing while i was gone?" He asked as he puts his bag down in his desk and took off his blazer coat and tie. "Its fine, just doing what i do here ever since.." i said as i laid down, i heard him chuckle. "You didnt try to run or get the cuffs off?" He asked, i shook my head 'no', "why would i even?" I asked as i rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh i dont know... maybe you want to have it with me again.." he said, his hand on my thigh, slowly going to my stomach, chest and at the side of my neck, he leaned closer to my neck as i felt his hot breathe. "St-stop..." i said, he licked my neck and started to softly bite on it.

Can this guy get any worse...!?

[Kokichi's POV]

I made it back to our secret lair, i placed my stuff in my room and changed my clothes into a new pair of one. Then i put on my cape and hat then went to the meeting room, where ill meet my subordinates. I sat down on my throne, "soo... have any luck finding out who was the unknown number?" I asked as i took a sip of my panta.

"Not yet sir, but we'll keep looking.." one of my subordinates who stayed to hack through the unknown person's number reported to me, i nodded. "How about you sir? Did you do your lookout in school?" One of them asked, i looked at them. "Eventually yes, my fellow subordinates who were with me also has something to report.." i said, one of my subordinates who joined the lookout stood up and read the report.

"Based on what we saw, and what boss said, the guy with green hair, Rantaro Amami, came to school late, Boss said he was never late since it will affect his grades, then his clothes were all wrinkly, unlike him he's always neat and clean to showing up to class.." they said, i nodded right at them and let them sit back down. "And one last thing.." i called out, they all looked at me. "I have a theory that.. Amami was respondsible for Y/N's disappearance.." i spoke, they all looked at me with their mouth agape. "S-serious..?" One of them asked, i nodded.

"I was walking back to meet with you, when suddenly i heard Momota and the others gossiping, i decided to eavesdrop onto their conversation and listen, then i heard Amami mentioning about taking care of Y/N.. thats when i got my suspicion on him.." i said, they all looked at each other. "You have  to report this to the school!!" One of them confronted me, i shook my head 'no', "i cant.." i spatted out.

"Why sir?" They asked me, "its hard to confront them, especially if the person who reported was a liar.. i need many possible evidence to prove that Amami really did took Y/N.. the reason, my testimony, and everything.. i need to prove it, not to mention we have two ultimate detectives working there.." i explained, they nodded at me. "Then we'll help you gather as much evidence that you need sir!" They said.

"Yes sir!"

"We'll do it!"

"We'll help you get L/N back sir!!"

"We wont let you down!"


As i heard all of their promises and encouragements, it made me feel happy again.

Thats right... ill do this for Y/N! We'll risk and do our best!

I felt tears forming as i tightly hugged all of them. We shared our group hug for minutes then we all separated, "alright.. lets do our duty now! Continue on with the search while we find some evidence to prove that Amami is the guilty one..!" I said, they all nodded and immediately went to do their work.

I myself, immediately went to my room and start to think of the reason why Amami took her, what did he do, and why her..?

Dont worry Y/N.. ill save you, i wont let him do anything to you... as your king, its my duty to protect my queen, and that queen is you Y/N.. i wont stop until i save you...!

Chapter 34: evidence and proof

°•words: 1120•°

A/N: its me author-chan! Cant believe this is almost over! 2 more chapters then ill officially call this book complete! Thanks for reading this really, i never thought this could get any views, i was wrong, you guys really proved that, so thank you very much!

Chapter 35 will be cut in 3-4 endings, one of them is the true ending, might wanna give ideas for the bad endings, i have some on my mind but maybe ill use your ideas too so if you have any, just explain how the plot goes in the comments then ill write it!

Thanks again guys!

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