Chapter 24: Kokichi's message... to me...?

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I walked to school and made it there with 15 minutes to spare before school began. I placed my things in my locker and brought the necessary materials needed for class and an extra bag for carrying heavy objects such as a lot of textbooks.

I made my way to my classroom and set my books on my side desk where we can place our items, i met up with Tojo-san who is cleaning the classroom. "Morning Tojo-san!" I greeted, she looked at me and smiled. "Morning L/N-san... mind help me with my maid duty?" She asked as she pointed out on the chalkboard that has scribbles and chalk dust all over.

"Sure thing!" I said as i made my way to the chalkboard and start cleaning.


Im now at the cafeteria, eating a sandwitch that Hanamura-kun made for the school canteen. I got 2 slices, and im just eating peacefully, until someone came.

"Hello L/N-chan!" Its friking Amami... i didnt reply as he sat in front of me. "Oh 2 slices of sandwitch? Are we sharing?" He asked me with a sweet smile that is very fake... too fake than my smile back at elementary years. He was about to reach it but i got the place.

"No, these are mine, and no were also not sharing because like i said i wont love you and ill never will..." i said as sat sideways, holding the plate. "Isnt that selfish dear~? Maybe your so called boyfriend would be mad~" He said, i rolled my eyes. "Then ill tell him to get his own, which he wont mind to our humor... on yes he's my boyfriend..." i said, taking a bite of the sandwitch.

"Tch... " Amami clicked his tounge, then i saw Kokichi coming. I waved my hand and he saw me, and eyed Amami who he just realized that it was sitting on my place. "Hello my queen! Ooh Sandwitch!" He said, i took it away. "Buy your own!" I said, jokingly. Kokichi laughed then i followed. "Ill just buy lunch for both of us instead! Nishishi!" Kokichi offered, i blushed. "Sure..." i said, he laughed and both of us stood up and went to class.


"Then this is the flower's..." Mrs. Usami is teaching us the parts of a flower. I listened carefully as Kokichi is.... looking through my sketchbook after i drew a few more sketches there...

3rd person POV

Amami is with his group in one place outside the school, probably at the back hiding, skipped the morning classes. "So... pictures didnt work, so what now!" Saonji whined like a child.

"Calm down will 'ya, this is L/N and Kokichi... its hard if their both smart, especially when its Ouma..." Owada said to the small kimono banana, who pouted right afterwards.

"There's gotta be something they're both aftraid of...." Harukawa said as she kept browsing on her phone, probably looking up to some ways on how to blackmail someone. "Can texting Ouma, like threaten him!" Saonji suggested. "Nah, that dumbass could block us... probably ask his so called team to find out who's number it was..." Momota explained, Saonji pouted once more.

"Then what if its not Ouma who we're gonna blackmail..." Harukawa said, everyone's attention went to her. "What the fuck are you saying?" Amami questioned her, Harukawa only giggled. "What if we send L/N the pics... then show her a picture of Ouma texting the photoshopped girl then their convo, which when Ouma will show thst he didnt, it actually did...." Harukawa explained.

Momota grinned. "My girlfriend's a genius... lets with that..." he said, everyone agreed as well. "Great, we'll start the plan later after school..." Harukawa said. Everyone nodded and afterwards they went back to their perspective classrooms.

Kokichi's POV

I was about to fall asleep in class when suddenly the door flew right open that it slammed into the wall. I jumped and look who it was, Huh, Owada and Saonji did join class... i thought they're gonna skip it again.

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now