Chapter 10: Art Shopping

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Next day for school, I got up and got ready. I wore a black shirt and a white jacket that has chains on the side shoulders, black leather pants with white short boots that has a chain too. I put my hair into a ponytail, I tied a checkered cloth and wore a checkered looking bracelet, I put on some makeup and got my things for school. I took the packed lunch that my Auntie left me and dash right to school.

[At school]

I panted as I arrived at the school gates, I check the time on my phone.

7:20... 30 more minutes to spare, I walked inside the school and saw Kirumi cleaning, well she is the ultimate maid. "Morning Tojo-san! " I greeted. Tojo seemed to heard me. "morning L/N-san... Early bird? " she asked as she wiped the classroom hallway windows. I giggled. "yeah... I'll just prepare my stuff... Bye! " I said as I happily skipped towards my locker. I opened it and place my bag inside and took out my money bag. I walked towards the cafeteria only to see Hanamura-kun cooking.

"morning Hanamura-kun! What chu cookin'?" I asked him. "ah miss L/N-chan~ so nice to see you again! Well I am cooking up some fish filet and grilling some steaks... " he said. I can see some pink blood dripping from his nose. "sounds delicious! Anyways can I have the (chips) " I said as I pointed out. He nodded and took it and gave it to me, I gave the cash and went off. I didn't eat back at home so the chips van be worth a shot.

While I was walking I came across Saihara-kun. I decided to walk up to him. "hey saihara!! " I shouted, his head turned towards me and waved. "hi L/N-san.. Your an early bird today? Excited to see your boyfriend? " he asked as we both made our way towards his locker, I almost choked on my food. "b-b-boyfriend!? " I panicked, he laughed as he opened his locker. He has tons of books on the top shelf and school books on the middle along with notes, on the lower shelf are folders and on his locker door is a picture of him and Akamatsu-san. "bookworm? " I asked, he flinched at that and turned to me. "I just love reading books... Especially mystery books and detective books so yeah... " he explained as he took one. "and since I'm your friend I would like to hand you this.. " Saihara game me a book. "trust me... It's very interesting to read.. Wanna borrow it from me? " he asked. "oh uh sure! That would be lovely! Thank you Saihara-kun!! " I said as I got the book from his hand, he giggled and told me to take care of it, I can have it until Monday so I'd better start reading later. "say... Did you and Ouma made any progress on your project? " Saihara asked me. "uh maybe a little, we only started with the sketch, today we're gonna buy the materials after school... " I said as we both walk to the courtyard. "good for you, my group can't function much because yeah... " he said. "it's about Komaeda-kun talking about hope? " I asked, he nodded. "yeah, he seems obsessed, like 'hope bagels? " he mentioned, that's when I laughed so hard. "h-h-h-hope!!! B-b-bagels!?!? Buahahahaha!" I burst out laughing too much, Saihara laughed as well

It only took 2 minutes for me to calm down. "gosh... Good one ultimate lucky student... Hahaha" I said, Saihara giggled. We both talked for 8 minutes until...

"Boo!! Gotcha L/N-chan~! Nishishi!! "
I was attacked at the back, I jumped. "geeek!! " my chips fell... What a pain... "O-Ouma-k-k-kun!! You scared my life out of me!! " I said, Ouma giggled along with Saihara. "Nishishi it's fine, I won't scare my L/N-chan again~!" Ouma said as he lend me a hand.

Wait... Did he say 'my L/N-chan...? ' does he...

I took his helping hand and dust myself, Ouma waved as he proceeded to his own locker, I looked back to where Saihara is and he's smirking. "I heard it... " he said, I rolled my eyes at him. "bet I can catch you and Akamatsu-san saying that to each other..! " I said back, which made him blush. "the ultimate detective is in love with the ultimate pianist!! How long was your relationship with her!? " I asked him, he was so flustered!! "L-L/N-san! " I giggled. That's when the school bell rang, signalling our first class.

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