Chapter 4: friendship flashback

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It took only seconds for everyone to close their jaw after what I said about me and Ouma-kun's friendship since childhood. Keebo first talked. "so wait, you and Ouma were friends since you two are little? " he asked me. "y-yeah... " I said, looking at my Ouma sketch. "then why didn't you notice him since yesterday since he sit next to you? " Sonia-san asked me. "well... Theirs a backstory behind him, he's actually not like that when we first met" I said. Everyone's jaw just dropped once more 'is it that surprising? Seriously... ' Akamatsu shook her head. "what do you mean that he's not actually like that? " "well his whole appearance and attitude is different when we first met... " Saihara looks puzzled. "can you explain the whole thing.. " he asked me, I nodded and closed my sketchbook. "when we both first met, Ouma has short whitish hair and some hair that covers his other eye... He dresses emo and has a shy personality, he was much of a coward before... " I explained. Shirogane looked at me. "so meaning.. " I cut her off "he changed for the better, that's what he said to me when I finally recognized him. " I said. I finally asked. "did you guys even got a chance to even ask him about those?" they all nodded meaning no, I sighed and looked at my Ouma sketch once more, I felt someone looking. "are you madly in love with him? " Saihara said. I suddenly turn pink "wh-wh-wha-what are y-you t-ta-talking a-about? W-were j-just fr-friends!! " I freaked out. "nope, you like him don't you (L/N)-san? " Shirogane said. They all looked at me with a sinister grin. My face is turning red. "did you tell Ouma yet!? " Sonia said, I covered my face, I sighed and suddenly said something. "I like him since childhood okay? But please don't tell him yet.. " I said. Everyone looked at me with a smile.. Hinata asked me "why not? " "because he might not like me back! Plus he has an ultimate and.. I don't.. " I said looking down, Nanami patted my back. "it's ok, not everyone has an ultimate, take me and Hajime, he doesn't have an ultimate but I do, and he even likes me a lot... " she said looking at Hinata who is likely turning red. "C-Ch-Chiaki! Not to her!" he covered his face. We all laughed and we decided to have the rest of the day just talking and teasing each other.

Kokichi's POV

I was just slouching my back into a wall in the hallway, suddenly Celestia saw me. "Ouma, aren't you going to take your recess? " she asked me. "no, I'm not hungry " I said taking a sip of the grape Panta that I brought. "oh I see... Um I do have a question to you... Your actions are clearly different around (L/N), do you have some sort of like... Obsession for her or like her?" she asked me, I almost spit out my Grape Panta. I was turning pink again, crap you gambling ass big hair French type!! I sighed and looked at her. "well... " she asked, waiting for me to answer, I opened my mouth and talked. "no we're just friends, I was just super happy that she'll spend her years here in this school with me!" I lied, I don't want her to know that I like (L/N), she suddenly giggled. "you know your lying to a gambler who knows how to lie too you know?" she said, giggling again. "Fine, fine, you caught me from my act... " I said placing my hands in my pocket. "so? You plan on telling her? " she asked me. "I don't know yet... I mean, what if she likes someone else? What if she doesn't like me? What if--" Celeste stop me at that fair point. "she *will* like you, trust me, remember you said she was mostly lonely during her years in her former school? So there a chance! " she said, looking at me with those red crimson eyes of hers. I nodded and took another sip of my Grape Panta. "so your gonna confess?" "no.. Not yet, I have to wait just a little longer, it's still too early.. " I said, slouching back to the wall. "I believe your right, well then I shall go, I have to fix my hair.. " she said, walking pass by me, without a second thought I talked "but isn't your hair already ok? I mean it's always like that! It might took yeeaarrrs to fix it!! " I cracked. Celeste stopped at her tracks and turned around to face me. "SHUT UP YOU FILTHY LOSER! DONT CRACK A DAMN JOKE AROUND ME! " she shouted as she points her finger that had a ring on at me, I suddenly ran just to get away from what might happen next.

Just as that...

*thud! *

I fell back on the floor, I quickly looked up and see...

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now