Chapter 21: im sorry kokichi...

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i was running towards the nurse's office, after hearing from saihara-kun that he was beaten up by momota and the group i quickly dash. "cant believe you momota... you two amami...." i said to myself, and yes amami brought be away not only to tell me to love him, even tho i dont like him, but to keep me away to protect kokichi, i cant believe it!!

i stopped at the front door and panted heavily from my running, once i gain my energy back i took a deep breath and opened the door to the nurse's office. "h-hello..?" i called out as i look around.

then i saw tsumiki-san treating kokichi's bruised up body, she saw me. "L-L/N-san..! c-come in!" tsumiki insist, i walked inside and looked at kokichi. "how is he?" i asked her as she wrapped a bandage over his left arm. "a-a little g-good... he's wont wake up i-in a while tho..." she said, the she treated his cuts.

"how come he has cuts when momota-kun just beat him up..?" i asked her, she flinched a little. "i-i dont know..." she said, she wrapped the bandage around his head. "o-ok im done, if you want you can stay with ouma.." she said as she packed up the medical supplies and brought them back to the cabinets. 

"i-ill stay, the program is not done yet..."  i said, tsumiki nodded and pulled a chair for me to sit next to kokichi. "i-ill be back before the announcement for the winners..." she said as she closed the door.

i looked at the door then at then at the supreme leader. "kokichi... please wake up soon..." i said to the unconscious supreme leader. im too worried... if amami hadnt took me away, none of this couldve happen..

"i remember this event too..." i said to him.


"hey ouma-kun!" i called out to ouma who's just sitting in class all alone. "o-oh L/N-san... what is it?"  ouma ask me as he stood up from his seat. i pulled out a grape panta bottle. "here!" i gave the panta to ouma. 

"th-thanks!" he thanked me as he took the panta from my hand. "ah! but i d-dont have s-something for you! " he said to me, realizing that i always have something for him and he has nothing to give for me. 

i giggled, "oh no its fine, i dont need anything!" i said to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "but you did give something for me!" i said, he look confuse. "wh-what's that?" "you! a friend!" i said to him. ouma smiled as we hugged each other.


"ouma-kun ill just go to the restroom... w-wait for me here!" i said as i left my bento on the school bench next where we are always eating during recess. "o-ok..!" he said, i smiled and went off.

once i was done, i went back to where we spend our recess together. but once i get there... i heard laughing. i took a peek and saw a bunch of kids in our terf. 

"haha! no one to be protected with?"

"boo-hoo little whimp!"

"cant believe a boy like you needs to be protected by a girl!"




they're hurting ouma! "hey! get out!"  i shouted, they saw me and run away. "o-ouma-kun!" i shouted as i ran to ouma, who's bleeding a bit from the bullies. i help him up. "wh-what happened..?" i asked him as i got the cloth and wiped of some of his wounds and wrapped it with bandages. "wh-while you were gone... they c-came up t-to me and b-beat me u-up... a-and use like scissors..." he said, i was shock.

"i-im... im sorry! if  i havent left you, none of this wouldnt happen!" i apologized. he smiled at me. "i-its alright..." he said


"im so, so very sorry..." i said again, remembering what happened to him when were still little and we both attend in the same school, if i hadnt left him, none of those would happen to him. i felt like crying, but i actually dont wanna... i held hid wounded hand.


Kokichi's POV

"ngh..." i slowly open my eyes, and scanned the place that im in. "infirmiry...oh..." i said, i tried to lift my right arm but, something or someone is blocking. i look at whoever is there and i suddenly blushed, my blush was pretty visible. Y/N is resting her head on my chest as she held my arm, she mustve known what happened to me.

did she brought me here..? oh wait, might be saihara because he's the one who stopped momota. i shrugged and tried to move my left arm, eventually it cant move because momota hit my shoulder pretty hard. 

"my queen~ wakey, wakey~!" i teased as i tried to wake her up, then she slowly opened her eyes. "k-kokichi...?" she said, i give her a soft smile then sha sat back up. "k-kokichi!!" she said as she hugged me, i hugged back using my right arm.

"im worried sick..." she said as she sat back down to the chair that is next to my bed. "aww~ did i make my queen worry about her king~?" i teased her, giving my signature grin. she giggled. "of course i am, my king..." she said, booping my nose.

"saihara-kun told me about earlier, he brought you here and then he told me.." she explained to me. "... im so sorry kokichi..." Y/N suddenly apologized to me. i looked at her confused. "why you're sorry for?" i asked her, she looked at me.

"i didnt got your back..." she said, a slight of giggle got out of my mouth. "you dont have to be sorry you know, its amami's fault.." i said to her with a smile, she smiled back. "y-you sure...?" she asked me, i nodded an agreement.

"anyways tsumiki said she'll be back before the announcement of winners.." Y/N said to me, i nodded at her. "uh can i have a drink?" i asked with a nervous giggle, she laughed a little as she stood up and get a paper cup and filled it with water from the water dispenser. 

she hand it to me and drank it, then she placed it aside and she sat back down. we both talked different topics.


"i-im back!!" the door flew open to see tsumiki, this must mean that its breaktime and the judges are thinking who would be the 3 winners. "tsumiki-san, hello.." Y/N greeted her. "so how are y-you o-ouma-kun..?" she asked me as she got my medical files from one shelf and opened it. "im fine, just a have some parts sting a little.." i explained, she wrote it down.

"o-ok... well the parts that hurts and was all bandage up are your left arm, right shoulder, bleeding forehead, bruised stomach and beaten up face.." she explained as she added those to the files. "you can walk, thats for sure but you cant move your right arm due t-to y-your fractured s-sho-shoulder.." she said as she closed my files.

she helped me up and Y/N held to my left arm. "ill escort her tsumiki... how many minutes left ti'll break time's over?" she asked. "o-oh, 5 minutes left, its a 15 minutes break.." she said. Y/N thanked her as she helped me walk around.


chapter 22: contest winners

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Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now