Chapter 1: new school

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(Y/N)'s POV

*BEEP!! *

*BEEP!! *

*BEEP!! *

*turn off*

"shut up alarm.... " I groaned as I looked at the time... '6:30 am... ' I stood up and started my morning routine. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, I go to my closet to get my clothes. White shirt with a black crop top jacket, ripped jeans with a chained belt, and black boots. I dried my hair and put it in a lower ponytail with two colored clips for my bangs. And put some makeup and got my bag. I went downstairs to see my auntie making breakfast.

"Morning Auntie.. " I said. "morning dear, first day of 2nd year highschool eh? " she said as she placed the cooked waffles on the plate. "I bet it will be hell again... Just like before... " I said, sitting down and eat my food. Auntie looks at me and sat beside me. "(Y/N),dear... Don't ever think like that, I know you'll get bullied and get all angry and stuff but... You have to try and deal with it, maybe... You'll find a friend that will be on your side!" she said, trying to cheer me up. My auntie knew that I've gone through worse in school, even if we told the principal or teacher about it, nothing... They don't do shit... I placed a smile on my face I look at the clock:

'7:20 am, I still have more time'

I finished my food, took my bag and waved bye-bye to auntie. I'm just walking down the street. 'hope's peak academy for gifted juveniles... Why am I even in that school? I thought... Only the students with ultimate titles are studying there...?' I sighed as I walk my way towards school.

[skip time; at school]

I placed my other stuff on my locker and designing it with stuff that I brought before school begun. I felt a tap on my shoulder. "hi, are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" the guy with brown hair and casual uniform asked me. "um... Y-yes... " I said as I look away, not wanting to look. "oh ok, I'm Hajime Hinata, your classmate " he said. "nice to meet you... What's your ultimate talent? " I asked closing my locker once I got my books for class. "oh I don't have, I was only enrolled here because Chiaki wants me to study here.. " he said. I put on my hoodie as we walk to class. "so meaning... Someone also wants me to study here? I mean I'm just a normal girl with no ultimate talent... " I said. "maybe... Don't worry that someone will talk to you about it. " he said. We stopped right in front of the classroom door. Hinata opened the door, revealing our other classmates. "Hinata... Who's she? " the girl with big twin drills asked Hinata. "oh this is (L/N)-san, new student " he answered. "you can find your seat, class will start soon" he said as he went to his seat. I decided to sit at the back near the window. Right at the back of the girl with two big pigtails and kitten kimono. School bell rang and our teacher came in. "morning class, I'm your teacher, Mrs. Usami and welcome to another fun year! " she said with a smile. 'yeah fun... ' but as soon as Mrs. Usami was about to start the lesson, someone opened the door. "Gooood Moorning!! " the guy with purple hair said, putting his hands at the back of his hair. He's smiling, not like he cares about getting late. "Please give me a valid reason why your late, Mr. Ultimate Supreme Leader? " Mrs. Usami said. "of course he's late because of his stuck up ultimate! " the girl in front of me said. "WAAAAHHH!!! YOUR SO MEEAANNN!!! " the guy suddenly cried like a little child. "whatever, don't be late again okay? " "okie dokie!! " the guy said as he skip his way towards his seat, he sat down and looked at me, I looked away. "yay I have a buddy!! " he said, smiling at me while I just look at the window.

[after 2 more classes; break time]

I walked away, suddenly Hinata catches up. "hey (L/N)-san! " he said. "oh hi Hinata-kun.. " I said, applying mascara on my eyelashes. "wanna come with me and Chiaki, we'll hang out with our other friends in the rooftop " he said, looking at Chiaki, focused on her game. "well... Sure I guess.. " I said, taking my sketchbook and pencil case out of my locker and went to the Rooftop with Hinata and Nanami.

"Hey Hinata!! " the blonde girl waved. The three of us went to them, they noticed me as I look through my sketchbook. "who's she? " "oh this is (Y/N) (L/N), new student in hope's peak academy " Hinata said as he took Nanami's Nintendo away for her to socialize with others. "Welcome (L/N)! I'm Kaede Akamatsu! The ultimate pianist! " Akamatsu said, I decided to look at her. Her pink eyes looks so pretty, she then spoke. "Hehe, your just like Saihara-kun here! " "wait what! Akamatsu--" "that's... How can I say this... Plain romantic? " "I couldn't agree more Shirogane! " they laughed, Akamatsu pointed out. "that's Shuichi Saihara, the ultimate Detective, thought one who's wearing a hat" she said. "so that's your boyfriend?" I suddenly said. Akamatsu was shocked and turned bright pink "wh-wh-what!? " "Well it's kinda true... " "says the one who likes to be with Iruma-chan after dismissal... " Nanami said, they all laughed including me. "That's K1-B0 the ultimate robot.. " Nanami introduced the robot. "your a robot!? For real!? " "yes indeed, but please address me as Keebo " he said. I opened my sketchbook and flipped to an empty page. "can I please draw you? " "oh um... " "he would love that!" Saihara said. "Hey! " "th-thanks!" I said and I started drawing him. "I see you like drawing... Do you sketch like clothes designs? " the blue haired girl asked. "um I tried, I have some in my sketchpad... " I said as I kept drawing Keebo. "can I see, I wanna make an oc.. I'm Tsumugi Shirogane by the way, the ultimate cosplayer " she introduced. "what a cool ultimate... So you cosplay characters? " "fictional characters actually " "cool" I said, I finished my sketch and showed it. Everyone is very amazed at my skills. "what a lovely sketch of Keebo! " the girl with white blonde hair said. "thank you... " "I'm Sonia Nevermind by the way, the ultimate princess " she said, I look shocked "ultimate princess!? " "why yes " their ultimates were stunning and very cool. We talked for a while.


Chapter 2: stumbled upon you

°•words: 1116•°

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now