Chapter 23: Kokichi's blackmail

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Kokichi's POV

Me and Y/N went back to our regular classes in the afternoon after the contesr and having lunch with Saihara-kun and the group, right now its music class.

"The different types of string instruments are..." Mr. Monokid explained, i dont get it were already in highschool and were still study basic stuff on music and instruments for elementary. I looked over at Y/N, who is only starring outside the window.

I tapped her shoulder, she flinched and looked at me. "Wh-what..?" She asked me quietly, i giggled and told her to listen.

3rd Person POV

In Amami's class, their having math class with Mr. Monosuke, they're learning about graphs, Amami raised his arm. "Hey teach, mind if i go to the restroom?" He asked, Mr. Monosuke eyed him and decided to let him. Amami stood up and called on Momota who sits in the far left next to the door.

They went in the boys restroom, "so Amami... hows your talk with L/N-san?" Momota asked him, Amami sighed and turned to him. "Problem one, she's in love with a childhood friend of hers and two... they're together..." Amami reported, Momota clicked his tounge.

"Seriously...?" "Fuck yes!" "But stole her first kiss?" "Damn right of course..." "why would L/N even like him... he's weak and annoying!" Momota complained about Ouma's behavior, Amami agreed. Momota sighed, "lets get bsck to sure our group can help with this..." he said as both of the males went back to their class.


5 minutes before next class, Ouma is just listening to Mr. Monokid's lecture just to get high grades i guess, then there's L/N, listening but her attention is on the window where the birds chirp and sing.

"Yo Miss Y/N L/N!! Wat'cha lookin' outside for!?" Mr. Monokid shouted at L/N which startled her and made everyone look at her, even Ouma. "Yes sir...?" Her question trailed off. "Yo listenin' to mah lecture!?" Mr. Monokid asked L/N but he's talking like he's in a rockband.L/N nodded quickly and the teacher went back to his lecture.


Class is over, the two highschool lovers walked towards their lockers and fixed some messes in there and walked together towards the school gate and back to their home, L/N fetched her stuff in Ouma's lair and walked home.


"The hell you want us to do?" Owada asked, Momota and his group are discussing on how to break Ouma and L/N's relationship so Amami could have L/N.

"Think of something we could do in order for me to have L/N-chan..." Amami said to them. "Maybe blackmail Kokichi?" Saonji requested. Amami looked at her and smiled. "Great idea~" he said, the group chuckled.

"What should we blackmail him?" Harukawa asked as she pulled out her phone. "Pictures..." Momota suggested at his assassin girlfriend. Harukawa then went to Ouma's page on social media and find some pics.

Kokichi's POV

Im scrolling through my social media, until i got a message. "Who's this?" I said as i opened the message, their name is not given its only '???'


8:30 pm

-your Kokichi ouma right?

Thats me! The ultimate supreme-

-ok then, mr. Supreme leader...
-*sends photo*
-*sends photo*
-*sends photo*
-*sends photo*

What the hell!?-


The mystery person send me pictures of me with... a girl...?

The first picture shows that im at the park eating ice cream with a girl, then the second is the same but were in a restaurant, the third is that im ina house, i believe its the girl's house, and the fourth... i kissed the girl!?


8:32 pm

Thats not me!-
I never had a girlfriend other-
Than my beloved Y/N!

-does she know?

Of course!-
Id never lie to her-


I blocked our conversation and closed my phone. "Whats up with that person..?" I asked myself, i stood up and headed towards the dining room to eat dinner with my subordinates.

"Good evening Ouma!" One of my subordinates greeted, i tip my hat and smiled then i sat on my seat. "Whats the food this time?" I asked as i snatched the grape panta from the tray that one of my subordinates is holding.

"Beef stake with cut fruits and salad with matcha mochi and rice" three of them said, switching answers. I nodded and took a sip of my grape panta.


Me and auntie are now eating our dinner, we have ramen noodles with rice, we also have strawberry mochi prepared and green tea as well.

"So how was your sleepover with your boyfriend over the weekend?" Auntie asked me, i almost spit my tea when she mentioned the word 'boyfriend' "its alright, we hung out with my other friends yesterday too..." i said as i took a bite of the mochi.

"Thats great! Your already having friends than before!" Auntie complimented, i smiled. "They were good... unlike my former school back then..." i said, Auntie patted my hwad for comfort.

"Dont worry much, just be grateful that you have friends!" She said, i smiled at her and went back to eating and talking from time to time.

Afterwards, i helped my auntie wash the dishes and went up to my room to change into my sleepwear and work on my assignments. "History and Japanese..." i said, i started with History.


"And done..!" I said as i closed my Japanese book and slouched at my seat. "Man... Japanese lessons are that hard..." i said. I packed my things and headed to sleep.

3rd person POV

"It didnt work!?" Amami shouted right at Harukawa. "He blocked the conversation! " Harukawa shouted back at Amami, he growled and pulled her by her shirt. "Hey! Dont you dare do that to Maki Roll!" Momota shouted as he let go of Amami's grip on Harukawa's shirt.

"Yessir... but what now..." Amami asked, he got his cup and drank. "We just have to think of something else..." Momota said, Amami sighed and decided to go back to his mansion.

"Your mine L/N-chan... ill make sure your relationship with Ouma is worthless and weak..."

Chapter 24: Kokichi's message? To me...?

°•words: 1041•°

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now