Chapter 25: Cheater!!

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I woke up with the sun shining brightly from my room's window. "Mmm...." i slowly rose up as my tired hands tried to support my weight. "Another day..." i said as i stood up and walked to my closet to get some clothes.

I decided to wear the crop top thar has a kitty paw printed on the upper left, then some pants, i got a heart tag collar and a white jacket, then the 4 inches high heeled boots and tied my hair into a ponytail.

I got my bag and walked all the way to school today.

Kokichi's POV

"Cmon hurry up!!" I shouted at the window of a house. Apparently im waiting for (Transfer student), i was told by the council to bring her and introduce her to our school. "Sorry! I had struggles on wearing my hair exstension...!" She apologized. She is also known as the Ultimate role model, which explains her sense of fashion and looks.

"Its fine! Lets get going! Ill introduce you to my girlfriend too!" I said as i jumped up and down.

She giggled and both of them walked all the way to school, i escorted her to the Student Council office. "Togami-kun!!" I shouted as i slide the door wide open. "Oh Ouma... your with (transfer student)?" Togami asked me as he sat his teacup down. I nodded and brought (transfer student) to Togami's desk.


"And here's your class schedule and locker number..." Togami said, handing (transfer student) the key and the class schedule sheet, she's on class 1-F. "Thank you sir!" She said, Togami smiled and led both of us out of the office. "Lets find your locker?" I asked, she looked at me and nodded.


Class already started and Kokichi isnt here yet. "Um maam.." i called out, raising my hand. Mrs. Usami saw me and gave me persmission to speak. "Kokichi isnt here yet..." i said, then the whole class looked around.

"He probably skipped class again..." Kuwata said, ruffling his hair a bit. "Not possible really, he was told to escort a new student here..." Celeste said. "New student? A new target!" Saionji shouted while Owada chuckled.

"Cut it out Saionji! No one gets to hurt a new student!" Chabashira shouted from her seat. "Alright now students please settle down... lets continue..." Mrs. Usami motioned.

Who could the new student be...

(Time Skipped: recess)

Me and my friends are at the rooftop, eating our snacks. I looked around, Kokichi isnt here yet... im worried. "L/N-san... something wrong?" Shirogane asked me. I looked at her, "im fine Shirogane-san... im just worried about kokichi..." i admitted, then i took a bite of my jelly sandwitch.

"He's just giving the new student a tour thats all..." Nanami said, then her focus was back on her nintendo. "Oh i see..." a tour? How come i wasnt shown around the whole campus...? I thought as i continued to eat my sandwitch.

Kokichi's POV

"And this is the laboratory! Its where we held our science experiments, or where the ultimate chemist brew up..." I said, she looked amazed. "Science experiments sounds so fun!" She said as her eyes sparkled. I giggled, "yeah, unless you want it to blew up right at your face..." i said.

"Anyways lets keep on moving! " i gestured as i walked pass the laboratory, and showed her the computer lab.

[Time skipped: 4th period of class]

I finished the tour and showed (transfer student) her classroom, once she was now at her seat, i ran all the way to my classroom. I slam the door open, "im here! Sorry if i didnt attend the last 3 periods!" I apologized. "Ah i see you came back from giving our new student a tour?" The teacher for our period today, Ms. Yukizome (dunno if i spelled it right but correct me if im wrong) asked, i nodded. "Well ill consider, please hurry along to your seat!" She said.

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now