Chapter 32: on the lookout

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A/N: hey guys! Author-chan back with posting a new chapter! I'll be more active next month, once mt christmas break starts



Nighttime already came and right now, im just in Amami's bed, sitting down while Amami feeds me dinner, the food he prepared is curry. "You love the food that i prepared for you today, princess~?" He said as he fed me another spoonful of food, i ate it then i talked, "yes but i would mostly praise your cooking fully if you dont call me princess, like i said i dont love you, only Ouma..." i said to the avocado.

He chuckled and kissed me on the cheek, then went back to feeding me a spoonful of food. "Tomorrow... ill go to school, you stay here and dont let my sisters see you.. got it?" Amami said as he set the food down on the desk and grabbed a glass of water. "Yeah, yeah... but what happens if i didnt stay?" I asked in full on curiousity, he looked at me with a smirk. "Of course... a punishment.." he said and let me drank the water.

Once the glass is empty, i looked at him with horror, "punishment? What... kind?" I asked, competely scared. "Still thinking about it... but maybe the punishment is that i wont stop..." he said as he sat next to me and his hand slowly went down to my lower parts, thats when i knew what he meant.

"Not that!! Anything but that!!" I said as i tried to get his hand away, he chuckled. "I make the rules Y/N, and you follow it..." he said and slowly rubbed me through the fabric.

I dont like this...

[Kokichi's POV]

My subordinates are now doing what theyre assigned to do, me and the 4 of my subordinates are doing a deep investigation about who took Y/N, so far our only evidence is the note that i found in the gym.

"Maybe we can find it through who wrote it? You know, who's handwriting this is.." one if my subordinates suggested, i shook my head "impossible... its type written, no one can write like a computer.." i said, totally serious about this, they all look down. "Sorry.. this was all the evidence i only have..." i sighed as i placed the note on my notebook. "Meet me tomorrow here before school starts.. our lookout starts there.." i said as i walked out of the meeting room, now going back to my apartment.

I went inside and changed into my sleepwear, i slouched down on my couch and went to the news while drinking Panta.

"Breaking news! Several incidents had happen around the city of Japan!"

I listened to the local and international news, some incidents like car crashes or murder cases which our mister and miss ultimate detectives are now investigating, and some championship news like Ogami-kun's martial arts championship, some evil groups like the kuzuryu clan and thats all.

Before my group is part of that news as well, since were on part investigation were not there.

I kept on listening to the news until the news about Hope's Peak came up.

"We had a breaking news here in Hope's Peak Academy, a school to bring up hope to the world and to overcome despair, one of the students, Y/N L/N had gone missing a few days ago with no traces!"

"The school council and headmaster, Makoto Naegi and Monokuma are here for the speech!"

Naegi and Mr. Monokuma gave their speech, somehow not Y/N's aunt tho, guess she was too worried..

I sighed and decided to sleep.

[Next day; At school]

I made it to school, unpacking my stuff and put it in my locker, my four subordinates are on the lookout outside the school, unnotice really. I went to my class and saw all of my classmates, Saihara went up to me. "Morning Ouma, where did you go yesterday?" He asked as i went to my seat and sat down. I looked at the detective "eh? I was at the cubicle in the boy's bathroom.." I said as i opened my book and read.

"Well... Kiibo looked all over for you and didnt saw you, not even in the cubicle.. where did you really go?" He asked, i looked at him. "I went to do my investigation... i just want to see Y/N back.." i sighed as i close the book. "We know... but its best if we all do the investigation.. because were worried about her too.." Saihara comforted me, i just nodded then the class bell rang and our first period went now in session.

[3rd Person POV]

Kokichi's Subordinates are on the look out outside the school, they hid on bushes and trees, using binoculars to look into windows and some parts. "First class session is now ongoing mates!" The girl with pigtails reported to her mates. "Not too loud... we might blew our cover dear.." the girl with short hair said as she went on lookout with her own biloculars as well.


"There... be a good girl until im back, okay my princess?" Amami said to Y/N as he chained her ankle to bed so she wont get away, he also placed a bento box for her lunch and a glass of water, he confiscated Y/N's phone so she wont call anyone. "Y-yes..." Y/N said as she only stared at the mirror as she brush her hair. Amami chuckled and gave her a kiss on her cheek, "ill be back afterschool... see you my princess.." Amami said then walked out of his room as the sound of the door lock made a click sound.

Y/N sighed as she finished combing her hair and tied it into a ponytail, she layed down as she opened the television and watch her favorite anime, Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) and just sat there and watch. "This is much worse than being bullied at school..." she said to herself.

Even so, its worst already, Amami already had it with her, and more worse if when she tries to disobey him, she'll recieve a punishment, and the same thing will happen, he'll have it with her again. Gross right??

Y/N just felt substance underneath her, right she wasnt cleaned up because Amami was in a rush.


"Oh! Oh! Look over there guys!" One of the dice members said as she pointed at the direction of the front gate, they all look and saw Amami. "Is that the rich kid that Boss hate?" One of them asked, they nodded and took note of Amami's tardiness.


Lunch time and Ouma is with Kiibo and Iruma. "Something is very off today.." Kiibo said, Ouma and Iruma looked at him. "What is it Kiibo? Someone went fucking missing again?" Irum said, Kiibo sighed, "its about Amami.. he came to school late today than usual.." Kiibo said, thats when Ouma noticed as well, Amami walked pass his class earlier in the 2nd period.

"Ah that laid back shithead.. maybe he woke up late.." Iruma said as she took a bite of her ramen noodles. "He doesnt even had any late attendances yet... and thats also part of the grading system here in school.." Kiibo said, "attendance is really important, if your early, additional, if your late, your grades lowers down.." Kiibo continued.


Its now afterschool, Ouma packed his stuff and walked outside the school campus until he heard a familiar voice from the left corner. Curious, he peeked and saw Momota with his group, they seem to be talking to one another so Ouma decided to eavesdrop.

"How is L/N?" Owada asked the adventurer, Amami only chuckled, "its great... she was very obedient, and easy to manipulate in the first place.." Amami said, the group laugh. Ouma on the other hand, was surprised.


Chapter 33: Y/N's captor..!

°•words: 1307•°

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now