Chapter 2: stumbled upon you

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Break time's over, I went to my locker and got my books for class. I walked to class with Nanami, we reached the classroom and went inside, as soon as that...

"Hey! Get away from my Himiko! You degenerate male! " the girl with a big like green lookin bow in her hair said. "whatever you little shit.." the guy with a weird looking hair said. "yeah! And plus aren't you a degenerate yourself!? " the kimono girl said. "nyeh! Just stop fighting! " the girl with a mage hat whined. "shut up!! " the guy held a fist at her, and before he could punch the girl, I immediately stopped him by pulling the collar of his clothes. He fell back. "shit! What the fuck was that all about.. " he said looking at me. "don't you dare lay a hand on a girl, you had no respect to women... " I said. "whatever you dipshit... Why don't you scram before I break the fuck out of you... " he looked at you with a dull face, I shot him a emotionless expression and he decided to leave the class, along with the girl in a kimono. "are... You guys alright..?" I asked. "your a lifesaver! Thank you for protecting my little Himiko! " the girl said as she hugged me. "I'm Tenko Chabashira! The ultimate Aikido Master! " she said. "and this is Himiko Yumeno! The ultimate magician!" she said as she hugged the short red haired girl. "stop calling me a magician, I'm only a mage... " she said. "wait... If your a mage, then why are you the ultimate magician?" "nyeh, people said because I'm good at magic... " "she's great at magic! Isn't that right Himiko!? " a teacher went in. "alright class! History class will start now! Please take your seat! " we all scrambled to our seats, I can see that the two students who bullied Yumeno-san were gone, but not only them... "Say where's the ultimate supreme leader? " "we have no clue sir.. But may I, find him and drag him back to class? " the girl with a maid gown said. "yes you may Kirumi, but if you can't find him, tell me immediately so I can report this to Mr. Monokuma " "yes sir" Tojo bowed and went out to class to find that childish guy

[20 minutes had passed by]

I was listening to the teacher as I sketch some new sketches on my sketchbook, later the door slide open, it was Tojo-chan pulling the boy in class "MOOOMMM!!! STOP PULLING MEEE!! " he whined trying to break from Tojo's grip on his wrist. "Oh hey! Morning Mr. Monosuke!! " he said. "Mr. Troublesome student! Why aren't you showing up in class!?" "well duh of course he's late! He doesn't like classes! " the kimono wearing girl showed up with the guy from earlier. "Miss Saionji and Mister Owada! We're have you two been? " "like we care dipshit... " we walked to his seat, the girl followed

"Let go of me! Pleeeaaasssee!!! " the boy whined again, Tojo looked at the teacher, Mr. Monosuke nodded and Tojo let go of his wrist. "next time please show up at class.. " "yes sir!! " he happily skips towards his seat, smiling at me, I immediately looked away and closed my sketchbook

[lunch break]

Me and Nanami walk towards the rooftop since Hinata went there already, I looked at Nanami's Nintendo "what game is that? " "it's a [insert game name], wanna try and play? " she asked as she handed me her Nintendo. "ah no thanks, video games aren't my thing... " I said "oh it's fine, maybe I you can show me your sketches? " she asked me, decided to keep her Nintendo packed in her bag, I handed her my sketchbook and looked at the pages. "your artstyles are really cute and cool... How did you learn this? " she asked me. "my auntie taught me... I've been doing sketching since 2nd grade, since I have nothing to do.. " I said as she handed my sketchbook back. "well I see, cmon let's go, our lunches won't heat themselves once were up there! " she said, smiling at me, I giggled and we proceed to the rooftop.

Once we got up, Saihara-Chan waved to us signaling that they're there, we walked to their place and sat on a free bench, I decided to sit on the floor. We ate happily and talked, I just ate my bento, Sonia-san looked at me "(Y/N)... How did you manage to get rid of Owada and Saionji from their bullying? " she asked me, packing away her finished lunch. "oh yeah I remember, you stopped Owada-kun from punching Yumeno-san... " Saihara added. "wait you stopped them? From bullying? " Keebo looked at me. "uh... Yeah... " "so plain... How did you do it? " Shirogane asked. "well I've encountered many bullies in my former school... I guess that helped me step up from bullies... " I said as I ate my last bento and putting the box away. "oh I see... " "but for your safety (Y/N)-chan, they are not meant to play with... " Keebo said, I looked at him confused. "yeah... It's best if you avoid them... Like they can counter you and their leader will just kick your ass... " Akamatsu said, eating her ramen "leader? Wait.. They have a group? " I asked "yeah, we didn't told you yet but this is the best time since they're not here... " Hinata said, packing his sandwich away. "What about them? " "well... They are a group, yes, but messing with them will make you their next target.. " Shirogane said. "they would bully you after-school before you go home... They'll either make you suffer by beating you up, drown you in a toilet, force feed you their leftovers, and what's worse is when their target is a girl and your only alone with him... " Akamatsu added. "what's worse for a girl..? " "well their group has 2 girls and 3 boys, Hiyoko Saionji the ultimate traditional dancer, Mondo Owada the ultimate biker gang, Rantaro Amami the ultimate adventurer (just based his ultimate from the Danganronpa Fandom Wiki), Maki Harukawa the ultimate assassin, and their leader, Kaito Momota the ultimate astronaut.. " Saihara said, as he lowered his cap. "and what would happen if your alone with that Kaito guy? " "well... You see... I only heard this from Mahiru but before theirs a new student who was targeted for bullying, then one day at dismissal, Kaito went up to her alone, he dragged him in the janitors closet and... " Sonia covered her mouth afterwards "uhh let's say he does something... Gross... " Akamatsu said, I reacted to it in a gross expression since I knew what it meant. "and then the next day she was found dead in her apartment, apparently got herself killed... " Sonia said "oh... Well if they tried to bully me or any other students, I'll make sure about it... " I said looking at my sketchbook. We spend the rest of our break chatting and laughing at each other.

[in technology class]

Class is still boring, I opened my textbook and decided to open my sketchbook too and doodle, the guy sitting next to me looked at me. I immediately closed my sketchbook and placed it in my lap, I looked outside the window.

[after class ]

Cleaning the classroom wasn't my ideal, so I decided to pack my stuff and headed towards my locker. Before I could even walk away to somewhere quiet I heard a loud voice

"What is it Momota-chan~? Can't punch me like before~?" the guy with purple hair said to the guy with pinkish purpulish spiky hair. 'so that spiky hair dude is Kaito Momota... ' "shut up you worthless piece of shit... One more and I'll punch you... " he said, ready to hurt him. "Nishishi~ in your dreams momota-chan, you can't land a punch at me... So why don't you try it on a effigy! " the childish boy said, I really don't like fighting so I went up to the boy, tugging his shoulder to look at me, I took off my hoodie so we can talk face to face. But...

"(L/N)-san!! It's nice to see you again!!" the boy said as his eyes lit up. "it's me! Kokichi Ouma! The ultimate supreme leader! " he said, I backed up with a shocking look on my face

"O-ouma-kun!? "


Chapter 3: You've changed

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Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now