Chapter 22: contest winners

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As i helped kokichi walk all the way to the gym, we met up with Chabashira and Yumeno-san in the hallways. "Woah! What happened to that degenerate male of yours!" Chabashira shouted as she and Yumeno ran up to us.

"Nishishi, im flattered that you care about me now then before!" Kokichi teased, Chabashira-san pouted and i giggled a bit. "I-I still hate you tho after all of the pranks and jokes thst you pulled out..." she muttered, i giggled again. "At least care free, anyways is break time over?" I asked the two females.

"No not yet, wanna hang around with us for a bit?" Chabashira-san asked us, i smiled. "Of course!" I said, i looked at kokichi to get the approvement and he did, "fine, just because my queen wants to..." kokichi said, i smiled and hugged him.

We sat down on the table sears in the cafeteria, there are other students too like Koizumi, Mioda, Maizono, Ruruka, Kuzuriyu and Pekoyama-san. "Want me to fetch us some drinks?" I asked, they all nodded. "Alright just tell me and ill go buy some in the vending machine!"

After they said what they wanted, i headed towards the vending machine which is on the far side of the cafeteria, Chabashira wants sprite, Yumeno wants cold sparkling water, and me and Kokichi on the grape Panta, of course. I arrived at the machine and pulled out my pocket money and checked the machine for the drinks that were told.

"Sprite is only ¥3, sparkling water for ¥10 and grape Panta for ¥15..." i said, i got some money and just as i was about to insert the cash so i can get drinks...

"Why hello there Y/N-chan~" a voice called out, its Amami... how disgusting...i hesitated and didnt look back but i was pinned by Amami on the machine, he made me face him from below.

"What are you doing love?" He asked me. He even called me love!? Gross!! "Buying drinks... and dont call me love!" I said as i tried to push him but he pinned my wrist above my head with his free hand. Amami chuckled and ran his thumb over his bottom lip. "I know you like that, that nickname is even better than what Ouma calls you..." he said, i frowned at him.

"Like i said, i dont like you and i will never will like you..." i said to him, he looked at me with no expression seen or whatsoever. "How many times L/N-chan... friends stay friends, Ouma never even like you..." he said coldly, i rolled my eyes. "You dont know what Kokichi have gone through you know, im his only bestfriend... his girlfriend..."  i said to him.

Amami looked at me with his green eyes and suddenly planted a kiss on my lips, a passionate one. I tried to back push him but he pinned my hands and i canf even call for help. He dissconnect his lips and both of us catched our breathes. Then Amami smirked. "A lovely girl... i love to kiss you all the time..." he said, thats so disgusting!

"Ill make you mine, dont worry about it..." Amami said as he leaned closer to my ear and whispered it to me. It send shivers down my spine, then he left. Kiss... he stole my first kiss and now he wants to try and get me!? I didnt even kiss Kokichi after our confession!!! I said in my head but calmed down afterwards.

I bought the drinks and headed back to the cafeteria with the drinks in hand. "Hey guys im back!" I said as i placed the drinks down. "Thanks! But what took you so long L/N?" Chabashira asked me. I opened two grape panta for me and kokichi and sat down. "Oh, someone was buying..." i made an excuse. Chabashira nodded and took a sip of the sprite.

"Nyeh... i wonder who would be the top 3 winners today..?" Yumeno-san asked as she took a sip of her sparkling water. "Anyone of course mage hat!" Kokichi teased, Chabashira spitted her softdrink. "Dont you dare call my little Himiko like that!" Chabashira shouted, which caused me to chuckle a lot. "And dont call my king a degenerate male!" I teasingly said back, rewarded by Chabashira sitting back down. "Hey Yumeno! Your girlfriend seems to be roasted!" Kokichi said as Yumeno patted Chabashira's back.

"What...wait...did you call Ouma your king...? And Ouma calling you queen!?" Chabashira noticed, me and Kokichi looked at each other and we had a pink hue blush across our faces. We looked away earning an 'aww' on the two females. "Thats so cute~!" Chabashira squealed, which made me and Kokichi blush even more.

Then the announcement speaker went on: "attention all hope's peak students! Break time's over! Please proceed to the gym for the contest winners!" Then it went off, the four of us finish our drinks and made our way to the gym and parted ways to go to their group. Me and Kokichi sat next to Saihara's group.

"Ouma-kun! Your alright! How are you feeling?" Saihara asked him, Kokichi smiled. "Im alright mister detective!" He said, Saihara smiled and had his full attention back to the stage, thsts when we saw Ms. Monophanie on the stage with three folded papers.

"Welcome back students, today is the time to reveal the top 3 winners of this project presentation!" She announce and the people in the gym cheered and yell. "Once i call your group name, please go to the stage to get your medals and tokens and stand on the number podium!" Ms. Monophanie announced to all of us, chatters and muttered noises filled the room this time. Then the teacher opened the paper as the principal walked up with Ms. Usami with the prizes.

"3rd place goes to..." students crossed their fingers, others pray, others were nervous and others were too eager to win. "Angie's group! Please step up on the stage and claim your prize and stand here!" She announced, we clapped and shouted as Angie and her group walked to the stage and was given a medal and a bag of candy, after they were taken a photo they stand on the 3rd place podium as their project was in front of them.

"Next is.... Aoi's group! Congratulations!" Ms. Monophanie said as Aoi's group went up and did the same. Then Ms. Monophanie opened the last folded paper. "1st place... goes to..." i knew we wouldnt be there so i dont have any reason to cross my fingers and pray...or so i thought...

"With the nest dream house project goes to... Y/N and Kokichi!!" She announced, i looked up in surpise. We got in!? I cant believe it. Cheering and shouting were around as me and Kokichi ran up the stage and claimed our prizes and medals and took a picture. Then we both stand at the podium with our project in front of us.

"Congratulation!!" Monokuma shouted and the whole gym went wild. I looked over to kokichi and we both smiled at each other.


After we saw the 3 projects placed in the museum, me and kokichi walked pass the hallways and somehow its empty, Kokichi stopped me by my tracks. I looked at him, "thanks Y/N..." he said, i tilted my head at him as i faced Kokichi. "Thanks for letting me experience this...!" He said. "You never participated in these?" "Never, people hated me before" "well at least they saw your other side of you!" "Yeah..." then he hugged me and i hugged back.

Then i felt him leaving a kiss on my cheek and whispered into my ear, "love you Y/N..." he said, i smiled. "Love you too... Kokichi..."

Chapter 23: Kokichi's blackmail

°•words: 1321•°

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now