Chapter 30: investigation

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We arrived at the gym.

"This is where most of the students have last seen Y/N... right?" I asked as i opened my notebook, they both nodded. "Who were the witnesses..?"

"Well if i remember correctly... it was Souda-kun, Tanaka-kun, Fukawa-san, the pharmasist guy, and me as well..." Yuki-san reported, i wrote it down. "Did she come along with anyone?" I asked, she shook her head, i sighed. "Lets check the whole gym to see if theirs anything related to it..." i said as i walked inside of the gym.

"Lets split up.." Saihara-kun said, we nodded and split, Yuki went over to the stage, Saihara covering the grounds, while i check each and every storage rooms here, until i found something. Its a bento box, which can be recognized very easily by the chopsticks and a wrapped napkin, its Y/N's. I placed it on my bag and took note of it in the notebook.

"Found anything?" I asked the two, Yuki shook her head "no, sorry Ouma-kun..." she apologized, i nodded then saw Saihara-kun walking to us with a piece of evidence. "Whats that?" I asked. "Its a note..." Saihara said as he handed the paper to me, i read it:

'Y/N-chan, remember to always meet me in the back of the school every dismissal okay? Or else, remember your regret towards your cheating boyfriend..'

I flinched and just kept it in the bag and took note of it. "Lets keep looking..." I suggested, Saihara and Yuki nodded and we went to a different location in the school.

[Y/N's POV]

"Open up~" Amami said as he held up a spoonful of curry, i turned my head away, i dont wanna be fed by some dumbass avocado! And im not a baby! "Cmon Y/N-chan... eat it before i put it in my mouth and transfer the food to you by kiss.." Amami said, i was disgusted as hell. "Fine.." i said as i opened my mouth And ate the curry.

He kept feeding me until the bowl was now empty, he set it on the table and got a glass of water. He lifted my chin up and forcefully made me drank the water, once it was empty he let go of me and placed the glass down on the table. He sat in front of me.

"Done with lunch, what should we do now..." Amami said as he looked at me, up and down. "I dont know, maybe you should stop looking at me like a damn pervert.." i said to him, he chuckled. "Am i? Did i even do anything perverted to you~?" He asked as he scooted a little towards me. "Not like that i mean like, you look at me like perverted.." i said to him, no anger or fear, like how i just talk to people normally. "Im just admiring my lovely Y/N-chan..." he giggled and leaned into a kiss

Goddammit stop kissing me from time to time!!

He pulled away from the kiss and smirked "your lips are soft.." he said, i was about to puke.

[Kokichi's POV]

"The note, her lunchbox, in the gym..." i repeated as i read my notes again and again, i felt a hand on my shoulder, i look and saw Saihara-kun. "You know Ouma, as a detective maybe we can ask everyone in the school where they were all are right before this happened.." he offered, i only nodded. "Alright... me and Yuki-san will handle this, dont worry, we'll dig enough evidence to find her.." Saihara-kun comforted me, i let out a small smile and nodded.

Afterwards, the detective and Yuki-san left to do their task, leaving me alone with possible conclusions on where Y/N could be. "The note... maybe ill find answers there..." i said to myself as i got the note out and read it.

It hit me into realizing something, someone else knew about this sick joke.. if they wrote this, then its either this person was the one respondsible for this chaos since no rumor roamed around about it. Then the bell rang so i stood up and went back to my classroom and sat down.

One by one, the room is now being filled up with students, then chatters filled the room.

[Y/N's POV]

"Cmon Y/N~ i really want it you know.." Amami chuckled as he planted kisses on my neck as he tried to get his hand go to my shirt's buttons. "The fuck!? Get away! What do you think your doing!?" I shouted right at him, which made Amami scoot back a little. "I wanna habe fun, cmon you'll like it.." he said and started to do the same thing again. "The hell... stop talking like that!!" I said, he got angry at me.

"Your left with no choice you know.." he said coldly as he started to unbutton my shirt, i was about to shout at him again but then Amami roughly kissed me to shut me up. He kissed me until he took my shirt off and let it go down until where my wrist are, he pulled away and...


I panted as he was... done... he seriously went in me with no prep! Well at least none of his semen got inside me, wouldnt i get pregnant? "You like this time huh? Then lets make it daily since you really like it..." he chuckled as he wiped all of the substance with tissue and puts his undergarments and pants on, but leaving me completly covered in the white substance. "D-daily... n-no i dont like that.. i never wanted it in the first place even.." i said with a weak voice as he started to clean me up.

"You enjoyed it, if you didnt then why did you tell me to go even further on it? You keep calling my name... you mustve like it alot, now you wish Ouma did this with you huh" Amami said, he was done cleaning me up and letting me wear my underwear and bra, no short or shirt to go along? Really? Its damn cold! "No, Ouma would never do that... he'll understand why i dont want it..." i said with full honest truth. "You know him too much, very too much that your blind from all of his lies..." he said

"Im not! He was a friend of mine since childhood, he doesnt lie when we met... and also today, he maybe the supreme leader of a prankster organisation, but he cant lie to his own childhood friend..!" I said, my eyes starting to tear up. Amami stayed silent and got his phone and took a picture of me. "Get some rest... ill get some food for both of us.." He said and left, locking the door so his sisters wouldnt get in.

I sighed as i look at myself from the mirror in front of Amami's bed. Covered in bite marks and hickeys, sweating and tired. "Why do i have to live my life like this...?" I said to myself, "please Ouma... please find me..." i said as i started to cry.

I love you Ouma... find me, we can be together again...

Chapter 31: questions..

°•words: 1266•°

A/N: heya everyone!! Yes now u all saw the other side of me TwT dont worry, not making smut, dont want your minds to become more rotten, or more like i dont want the innocent children to become rotten

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now