Chapter 6: Like before...

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We were both inside a dark, empty room, we were both dragged inside. That's when we realized who did that to both of us...

"good afternoon..." a voice said, I located where the voice came from, and just as I thought.

Kaito Momota, the ultimate astronaut along with his mates. We both tried to back away from them but we were cornered by the walls while Saionji, Owada, Harukawa, and Amami blocked our possible escapes.

"no where... To run... " Momota said, he was palming the bat from his hand, Ouma gulped "momota-kun~ ! Don't we have classes to attend to~?" he said, playing his evil leader act. "like we give a damn about that... Don't you dare talk to him like that.. " Harukawa said, moving forward to us, I immediately slapped her. "what the fuck was that!? " Momota growled as he push Harukawa at the back and aiming his bat at me. Silence entered the room as the cold and dark atmosphere started to evaporate.

"don't you dare lay a hand on my girl... Tch " Momota growled, he turned his back against us and walked away the border, then...

"Owada, Maki hold them both... Don't let them escape... " he commanded, I felt something held my arms, unable for me to escape, same to Ouma as well. "hey! What do you think your doing!? " I shouted, I heard a chuckle from the spike hair astronaut, Amami pulled out his camera and started to record their action while saionji watches.

"you know... Something's off about you, new girl... Wanna tell me your name~?" he asked. That's when I remember what Shirogane, Sonia, and Akamatsu said to me about them. I decided to remain silent.

"cmon don't be shy~, just tell me your name and this will be over... " he said, I kept my mouth shut. Momota suddenly punched me right in the face.

"No!! " Ouma shouted, struggling from escaping. "tell me your God damn name or else!! " Momota growled at me. I can hear Saoinji laughing. "my name... Is (Y/N) (L/N)...there happy? " I said, he let out a chuckle and moved back. "you know... (L/N), I've heard... About you... How? Well basically it says in the bulletin board, new students... And yet again, a new target along with Mr. Coward over here... Heh " he explained as he looked at Ouma, I looked at him too seeing him in full anger, I clenched my teeth and talked. "what's your purpose of bullying anyways? To break down a person's reputation and self-esteem? To make them miserable? " I said, he looked at me with disgust. "your in a school full of high school leveled ultimate talents, and here you are... Just making people miserable.. " I kept talking, he walked towards Ouma and held his chin, then he looked at me. "but your forgetting... Some students here are ultimateless... No ultimate at all... Why are you even here? Why did Ouma even bothered to invite you here to study? " Momota said. He clenched his fist and punched Ouma in his right shoulder, then right in his stomach. He kept hurting him.

'Ouma! No! Why!? Why would you do that to Ouma!? '

«back at the past»

"hahahahha what a loser you are! "

"why are you friends with some coward even? Are you a coward too? Hahahaha!! "

"take a break inside a dumpster will you! Hahahahaha!! "

"loser! Loser! Loser! Loser! "

Me and Ouma were bullied by a bunch of kids, Ouma started crying as they threw trash at us and taking pictures of our dirty looks. "s-stop bullying us! We d-didn't even do anything t-to you g-guys!! " I defended. They laughed again, nonstop. I growled under my breath. "y-you... Shut.... Uuuupppp!!!!! " I shouted I suddenly land a punch on the kid. I grabbed Ouma by his wrist as we both fled away from them, we made sharp turns, until we can't breath.

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