Chapter 35- The End (true ending)

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True Ending (Good Ending): Together ever since

This will take place right before Ouma gave his evidence to the two detectives.
Amami got home and greeted his sisters, one of them got curious and peeked in Amami's room, and saw everything. Frightened, the sister took pictures of Amami doing horrible stuff to Y/N and showed it to the others.
On the day when Ouma was about to share his evidence that Amami took Y/N, Amami's sisters rushed in and shared what they saw, Ouma who looked over became disgusted over Amami, Kirigiri and Saihara were disgusted as well so they took matters in hand.
Amami wasnt aware of what happened, so when the day Ouma burst in his room along with his subordinates, Amami was completely defeated.
He was arrested, and was expelled in Hope's Peak along with Momota and the others, who help him carry this plan out. Y/N was also saved from what she had to go through, and Ouma promised that theyll always be together, and will always protect her queen no matter what.

mentions of abuse and r@pe, please proceed to read this with caution. (Believe me, i cried writing this until the rescue part)


3rd person POV

Amami came home from school, and dropped some stuff that he bought for his sisters in the living room. "Hi Big bro" the the oldest sister greeted Amami as the 5 youngest sisters rushed over to the stuff and rammaged over, the other two oldest went to try and stop them.

"Hehe.. hey there, how are you all?" Amami asked them, some of them gave a big thumbs up, the others were too busy rummaging over the stuff Amami bought. "Were all doing fine, bro. But what about you?" The oldest asked, Amami raised his eyebrow. "Youre always in your room once you arrive.. are you okay?" She asked, Amami giggled a bit. "Im fine, really. Im just super busy with school.." he made up a lie.

"Oh.. alright.." she said and went in to join the others on rummaging the stuff that Amami brought home. Amami chuckled and went to the kitchen and heated up water and got two cup noodles for him and Y/N. After finishing, he went up to his room, unfortunately, one of his sisters saw him carrying two cup noodles up to his room.

"Is big bro that hungry?" She asked herself. Curious as she was, she followed her big brother without him knowing. Once he got in, he forgot to lock his door, so his sister peeked in and watched.

"Since our food still hot.. lets have a talk!" Amami said as he sat down, setting Y/N down on his lap, facing him. "I would prefer to eat my noodles hot.." Y/N said coldly, Amami only chuckled in response. The next thing the sister knew...

Her eyes widened as she witnessed a scene playing right in front of her innocent eyes, Y/N was struggling to stop Amami from 'it' again (kill me so i could rest in pieces for you all–). It was all played out in front of Amami's sister. 'Big bro!?' She thought as she covered her mouth so Amami would hear her.

She ran out of the halls and down to her room, which is a few doors away from her brother's, got in and locked the door, leaning on it as she slumped down, thinking about what just happened. "Big brother... brought a girl.. and just.. r@ped her!?" She was panicking alot. That explains the noises that she was hearing sometimes around at night or by the afternoon, or rarely by morning.

"I need to find out...!" She said then went to bed, trying to get it out of her head.


"See you later Y/N! Oh and dont forget to–"

"Wear what you just bought me.. got it dickass.." Y/N mumbled as she felt Amami gave her a kiss. "Be presentable later.." he said and walked out of the room, closing the door shut. As he went down, he was greeted by his sisters, well... some.. the others were still asleep in their rooms. The sister who witnessed Amami's dirty mends was also there, but didnt bother to greet her own brother, since she was devestated on what she saw yesterday.

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