Chapter 27: fragile heart, fragile soul

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Kokichi's POV

I once again woke up...

Its 8 am, i missed school once again...

Whats the point? Y/N wouldnt wanna talk to me...

She has to know that i wasnt cheating...

Who couldve done this...?

I rubbed my puffy, red eyes as i sat up on my bed, just to see my room flooded with thousands of crumpled up tissue papers that ive used to wipe my tears and blew my runny nose...

Im back to who i was...

Im back to the loser that i am...

Im not a Supreme Leader like this...

Im just a crybaby...

*knock! Knock!*

"Sir! Breakfast is ready!" One of my subordinates said though my door, i stood up with my wobbly legs and opened the door. "Morning Sir...!" She said with a smile, i forced a smile back to her.

"Morning... um can i have my breakfast again here...?" I asked, she nodded and went to the dining room and got my food.


Its almost lunch break, since were free this classtime, my class was a bit noisy, Saionji and Owada shouting at Kuwata, Saihara and Tojo talking, Celeste and Yonaga having a card game, Sonia and others doing what they do.

While me on the other hand, was just in my own seat, gazing at the empty seat next to me...

If he was here, we wouldve laughed and chatted with one another...

Who am i kidding?

He's with someone else...

Im too dumb to love him anyways...

Amami was right... if i just believed him, then none of this wouldve happen...

I sighed as i looked outside the window, the leaves are color red and orange, it was pretty, i decided to get my sketchbook and sketch out the tree and color it with my colored pencils.


"Nyahaha! I got a king!"

"Oh cmon Owada!"

"Im deeply concern about your investigation, want me to help?"

"Im dearly sorry for one of my subjects back in Novaselic, he was executed..."

"Nyeh... maybe i can pull out a bunny..."

"Hey Chiaki, wanna play a game..?"

"Can i join too Hinata-kun?"


I finished drawing.


Lunch break is now in session. I got my food and to my surprise Amami was waiting for me outside my classroom. Embarrassed because im with him, i wore my hoodie and covered my face as i walked out and went to our meeting place with Amami.

We both made it and i took my hoodie off, letting my (H/C) hair  flow. "S-so... um why are we h-here...?" I asked nervously, he chuckled. "Wow Y/N, never knew how much of a coward you are as well... i thought you dealed with bullies back then..." he said, going closer to me. "N-not all the time..." i admitted.

Yeah, my Aunt told me not to make arguments or fights with them due to getting me in detention, so instead i let them be...

"Oh how thoughtful..." he held my chin and forced me too look at him. "Dont push or squirm..." he said as he held both of my hands above my head, then forced a kiss on my lips. My eyes widened, he's kissing me again!? I tried to pull away and squirm but nothing seems to work, why am i that of a weakling!?

He shoved his tongue inside my mouth. Nonono! What am i doing!? Amami! Stop! I dont want this!... then few moments later, he pulled away from the kiss, he smirked at me while i was panting. "Third time... wonder if..." he slowly traced his hand on my hair then on my cheeks, then...

I suddenly grabbed his wrist and twist it in a 360° turn. His eyes widened and pulled his arm away, and held his swollen wrist. "What was that for L/N!?" He asked me, i stepped back a little. "I-im sorry!" I was about to fled away when he suddenly grabbed me by the waist.

"Did i tell you to leave? We didnt even had our snacks yet~" he said. Crap! I cant even...!


"Such a coward!"

"I thought your gonna fight me?"

"She turned into a coward!"

"Where's the heroic L/N~? Hahah!!"

"What happened? Cat got your tongue~"

"Did you got in trouble, is that why you cant fight us back~?"

"Coward! Coward! Coward!"


.... .... ....

... ...



I remember... my aunt told me dont ever fight anyone ever again... she recieved an amount of calls from my teacher that ive been sent to detention many times... after that i decided against it, thats how i suddenly trembled in fear...

Weird huh? Someone heroic as me, suddenly turning into a coward, im just... scared that ill be sent to detention once again...

But this time its different... i went to a coward... is it because... he's not here? Am i only strong if he's by my side... doesnt matter, he's not in my list anymore...

I started to trembled, what will happen if i did ran from Amami? "I'll stay... pl-please... let m-me g-go..." i pleaded, i heard him chuckled.

"Alright..!" He said and let me go, then sat down on the floor. "Cmon lets eat! Lets talk about each othet too..!" He said, i walked up and sat in front of him, i opened my packed snacks and started eating.

Kokichi's POV

"Sir! Please open the door!"

"Sir! Youve got some homework here that Miss Kirigiri sent!"

"Youve got a miss call from Yuki-san, Sir!"

"Sir! The microwave is broken again!"

"Sir! Someone stole one of our clown wigs!"

Im just in my desk in my room, listening to my Subordinates shouting right at my locked door. I slammed my hand on the desk. "Leave me alone!!" I shouted.






"Please... l-leave... im not going o-out..." i sobbed then i heard fading footsteps. I cried louder, i shouted at them like that for the first time...

Anyhow, it took me 1 in a half hour to stop crying, then i opened the door to see the homeworks that i need to do... 10 of them actually... i sighed and got them as i lock the door.

Chapter 28: missing student...

°•words: 1036•°

A/N: crappy chapter i must say ;-;
Dont lie to me, you guys cringed on this chapter did you?

Anyhow, thats all i could think of for this chapter...

So uh yeah... see you guys.. OwO

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