Chapter 5: lunch break with Ouma

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I was fixing my makeup on my mirror that I place on my locker door. I almost messed up my peach lipbalm when suddenly I heard Ouma through the other side of my locker door. "hey (L/N)!" Ouma startled me. I wiped the messed up lip balm on my face and look at where his voice was. "Ouma-kun! You almost messed my makeup up!" I said, he giggled and took a step towards me. "you got a little bit near your cheeks, let me wipe it off" he placed his thumb on my cheeks and wiped the lip balm that got there. I was turning pink again. "u-um... Th-thanks.. Ouma-kun. " I said, I closed my locker door and we both made our way to class. 10 minutes to spare. I went to my seat with Ouma and placed our stuff. We decided to talk with Chabashira and Yumeno-san.

"so (L/N), what do you think of this degenerate male of yours? " Chabashira-san teased me. 'degenerate male? ' "Tenko, don't do that, (L/N) is probably gonna explode.. " Yumeno said, I was literally turned blossom pink. "well let's say I'm quite a cute prankster! " he suddenly said while he was smiling, I was still blushing. "and what do you think of (L/N) you degenerate male? " Chabashira said to Ouma. "well... Let's say she's also cute~!" he said, I can't help but blush and turn into a tomato. "Ouma-kun! " I said, the three of them giggled when Mr. Monosuke went in "alright class! We'll start now! " he said as he placed his stuff on the podium.

[10 minutes passed]

I got super bored at learning about technology, what's the point even? Not all of us are great at technology, more like no one here. I took out my journal and I decided to write.

»Class is getting more boring, well I'm writing while I'm getting more bored. Anyways about Ouma, he just called me cute! He also asked me to have lunch with him! Eeekkk!!! When will I confess to him? It's still early, it would be super awkward if I confess right about now.

I kept writing on my diary, when I notice purple colored eyes looked at me. I quickly close my diary. "so (L/N) what did you write on that? And what's that even? " he asked me. I hid my diary underneath the table, sliding it in my bag. "oh it's just a notebook filled with stuff I kept writing everyday.. " I said. "well then let me see when lunch time comes, okai? " I panicked when he said that he wanted to look at my diary. "oh uh no you can't.. " I said, Ouma looked at me for a few seconds "oh it's fine! " he said, paying his full attention towards the lesson.

[lunch break]

I went to my locker to get my packed lunch that my Auntie cooked for me, then I waited. "Hey (L/N).. Why are you standing next to your locker? " I heard a man voice. It was Hinata-kun along with Nanami-san. "oh, I was about to go at the back of the school.. " I said, Hinata gave me a confused face. "why? " "I'm gonna have lunch with Ouma-kun, if you guys don't mind? " I said, Hinata and Nanami smirked as if they know why. "well ok then, tell us about it afterwards! " Nanami said as the two walked away going to the rooftop, I sigh and walk my way towards the back of the school.

As I walked out, I saw the cherry blossom tree, I walked towards there and I saw Ouma on the other side where I was, looking at the far distance of the school's walls, I sneaked up on him. "boo! " I said, he got startled and jumped. "(L-L/N)! Don't you dare scare the ultimate supreme leader like that! " he commanded. "yes, Mr. Supreme leader of D. I. C. E. " I teased. "Nishishi, now since your here, come sit right next to me! " he said, giving me space to sit next to him. We opened our lunches, mine is omurice while Ouma's lunch is rice with sesame seeds and chicken teriyaki. "yours looks delicious! " I said to Ouma as I pick up something from my bag. "Nishishi, one of my dice member made it for me! Yours looks delicious too you know! Your auntie cooked it for you? " he said with a smile, he took a bite at his lunch. "yeah.. But she also taught me how to make it! " I said, placing the drinks in my side out of Ouma's view, then took out my spoon and Prepared my lunch. "cool! Bet you can teach me soon~?" he said, looking at me with a smile, I can see a little crumb on his cheek. That's when I realized I was turning pink again! Gah!! "oh uh y-yeah.. " I said nervously as I took another bite out of my food. I took the the two liquid bottles that I have right next to me. "(L/N)-san, what's that?" Ouma asked. I saw his eyes lit up once I brought it up. Two Grape Panta for both of us. "your favorite! One for you and for me! " I smiled as I handed him the other one. "thanks (L/N)-san!!" he thanked me and opened his, and I open mines. We talked with each other as we both finish our lunch.

"so (L/N), about your auntie... Does she still know me? " Ouma asked, packing his finished lunch away, and drinking the grape panta. "oh she stills knows you... Always uses your existence to cheer me on.. " I said, that's when I realized what I just said, I covered my blushing face. "like... How? " "w-well... She'll say that I'll meet you in my dreams at night, and when I'm lonely I just have to pretend that I'm talking to you.. " I said, taking a sip of my grape panta. "your aunt is something... " he said, biting his fingers. "heh, just saying.. What about you? Does your D. I. C. E. Members know about me? " I asked. He turned to me. "yeah, that's why I joined the organization right? They knew that I wanna find you " he said. He rested his back on the tree.

"btw (L/N).." Ouma spoke, I looked to his direction with a confused face. "why don't you want me to look through your diary of whatever you call it? " he said. "well ouma-kun.. It's not personal.. Yet.. " I said. "so there's a slight chance that I'll get to see it? " "hmm... Nope, maybe, might... " I said. Ouma chuckled and looked at the academy's border wall.

"what's so special about the school's border walls? " I asked in curiosity, he turned his head to me and smiled "well... It's something, I don't know why either " he said, I giggled and his followed. We talked for a little while until I heard a song from my phone.

"huh? Hope's peak students group chat? " I said, I looked up who invited me in the chat. It was Ouma, I turned to him and let him look at my phone. "so.. Give me a reason why you wanted me in this chat? " I asked. "well you know since you are part of the academy, all students are required to join this group chat for us to discuss privately for an event without the teachers and staff noticing, but there's rules. " Ouma explained. I placed my phone in my pockets and sighed. "so those shitty eggheads are there too? " I said, picking my sketchbook and pencil and started to draw. "well yeah, but the student council can handle them" he said. "you guys have student councils around? " "yeah, the head is Makoto Naegi, ultimate hope, vice is Kyoko Kirigiri, ultimate detective, secretary and treasurer are Byakuya Togami, ultimate Agency or whatever and Toko Fukawa the ultimate bookworm, and the sergeant and arms are Aoi Asahina the ultimate swimmer pro and Yasuhiro Hakagure the ultimate clairvoyant " Ouma explained again. "Kirigiri is an ultimate detective as well? So there's two?" I asked. "Nishishi well it's true, they both work to help with the case outside the academy. " he said. I looked at my sketchbook and sighed.

[after lunch: in the hallways]

Me and Ouma are walking towards class when suddenly we were both got tugged inside a room that is nothing but darkness and empty.



Chapter 6: like before...

°•words: 1425•°

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now