Chapter 7: childhood wounds

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We both arrived at the nurse's office and before I could open the door, Ouma whined. "(L/N)~ why are we going to the nurse's office again~?" he whined like a child, I blush seeing how cute he is when he whines like a child. I giggled a bit "well it's because of your wounds and mines, we have to get medical treatment.. " I said, Ouma looked at me with a pouted face. I pat his head "good thing I'm taller than you.." I teased him, Ouma started hitting me like a child. "now now Ouma-kun, we need to get inside the office now" I said. "hmph! Meanie!" Ouma name called me. "name call me whatever you want, Mr. Ultimate Supreme Leader, I don't mind! " I smiled, I was blushing because I told him that I like him name calling me. God!

We went inside and saw Tsumiki-san setting up the things needed for our treatments. "o-oh you guys are here! I-i prepared y-you guys a-a separated b-bed!  C-come! " she said, stuttering. We both went to separated beds, I was first. "c-can you tell me wh-where yo-your injuries a-are? " Tsumiki asked. "well I only got punched in the face, and I think both of my wrists got bruised by Harukawa-san's tight grip" I explained, she stood and took some cloth and bandages. She treated my wounds and let me lay down on the bedroom get some rest, she then proceeded to treat Ouma.

Just as Tsumiki was treating him, the door swung open to see Makoto Naegi. "N-Naegi! Wh-what are y-you d-doing here!? " Tsumiki asked, still bandaging Ouma by his wrist and face. "oh I'm here to pay a visit to these two, anyways how are you both going? " He asked. "were... Good Sir Naegi.. " I said. "oh no need to be too polite! By the way thanks for updating us student council about Momota's group, Hina and Fukawa are now sending them straight to Togami's office for their punishment" he said, I looked at him in confused. "punishment? " I asked

"well... We have a policy made by Mr. Monokuma, whomever violated the "no bullying" policy will receive a punishment " he explained to me. "which is...? " I asked again, I'm praying and hoping that Naegi won't get annoyed by my questions. " cleaning the whole school for the rest of their time today! " he said, I cracked a giggle because they'll be doing that, can't believe it, actually like that punishment for them, I mean.. Yeah... " heh I see... " I said. Naegi stood up. "Tsumiki after giving their treatment, proceed back to class... " he said walking out of the office, Tsumiki nodded a yes and proceeded to treat Ouma. "U-Um Ouma, could I feel you stomach..? " Tsumiki asked. "Suuuurreeee~! " he teased with a smile. "just tell me if it hurts I'll put bandages... " she asked, pressing the palm of her hands to his stomach. Ouma was flinching from the sharp pain. "you just need some rest... " Tsumiki said. "A-anyways just stay here and recover... " She said, I tilted my head. "why? It's just some scratches and bruises and pains? " "well still, Naegi insisted you two to stay h-here.. Plus Owada and Saoinji are your classmates, we can't have you guys injured... " she explained, I sighed and she walk back to her class.

It's boring...

[5 minutes later]

It's been 5 minutes since we're in the nurse's office, we can't do anything, I don't even have my diary OR my sketchbook for me to do... I looked at Ouma who is suddenly trying to stand up. I quickly shotted out of my bed and held Ouma. "you shouldn't stand up... " I said. "but I'm booorreedd!!! Can't I get at least a paper and a crayon? " he whined like a child. 'paper and crayon? He's acting like a child.. ' I sighed and I looked around he room, nothing but medical supplies... "I think there's some unused papers in those drawers and crayons? Or at least a pencil or two.. ?" I said as I walk towards the nurse's desk and opened the drawers..

Microscopes, Magnifying glass, tweezers, Popsicle sticks, and a folder? I took it and looked inside, there's some papers that aren't use, I took them and placed the folder back, I look for something we can write with, I took the pencil and bullpen from the holder and went back to where Ouma is.

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now