Chapter 35: The End (Bad Ending 2)

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Bad Ending #2: °•I lost...•°

-This story happened once Ouma and the Dice are about to save Y/N.
-Ouma and DICE were about to save Y/N, but in the end, not everything turn out the way they planned. Amami knew Ouma was trying to get Y/N back by looking outside his window and saw them. Once Ouma arrived, he tried to talk over it with Amami but refused, the Ouma got stabbed at the back, Amami calles his friends to help and they killed all the members of DICE, and their leader, Kokichi Ouma.

◇warning: this chapter maybe unsettling and a bit cringy at the end part◇


[3rd person POV]

Amami got home with a little surprise for his lovely Y/N, he went in his room and closed the door behind him, he saw Y/N just paying attention on the tv, watching anime.

"Im back Y/N~" Amami said as he sat down next to Y/N. "Ah welcome home.. i guess.." Y/N mumbled, Amami chuckled "y'know i have something for you~" he said as he sat down next to Y/N. "What is it?" Y/N asked, praying in her mind that Amami didnt bought something from somewhere..

"Its in the bag.." he said as Amami got the bag and gave it to Y/N. She looked inside and saw some clothes, wait.. they are not just clothes! This dumbass bought a maid outfit, it has cat ears and tail to go along with it! Y/N is literally about to prepare the blender and her nachos.

"Th-the fuck.." Y/N mumbled, clearly not wearing that kind of thing! "Try it on Y/N, im not going to peek.." Amami said with a smirk, Y/N is fully disgusted by him, so so much. "Your disgusting! Im not wearing this!" Y/N said as she threw the bag on the floor, Amami sighed "dont waste this Y/N, you know how much money i need to spend on this? Almost a hundred.." Amami  said as he picked the bag and gave it to Y/N.

"Come on, wear it.. or i might dress you up.." Amami said, Y/N is now disgusted for real, she doesnt want to wear it but even if she refused, Amami would be the one to dress her up. "Fine! But only for a minute!" She said as she got the clothes out of the bag, Amami chuckled and uncuffed Y/N's cuffed ankle so she could go to his bathroom to change. "More than a minute.." Amami smirked, Y/N sighed and just slammed the door and started to change.

"I hate this.." she said as she wore the maid outfit and starred at the other accessories, thigh high socks huh? And a little collar with a bell attach to it, what is she? A cat? I mean there's a tail and cat ears that is along with the headdress but still.. Y/N puts on the accessories and then walked out of the bathroom for Amami to see her, Y/N's face showed annoyance instead of embarrassment.

"Its suites you well my Kitten~" Amami smirked, Y/N was about to puke. "Ok now i have this on, im going to change back–"

"Did i tell you to change back?" Amami said with a smirk, Y/N looked back "excuse me?" Amami stood up and walked up to Y/N, wrapping both of his arms on her waist. "I said did i tell you to change back? Its an order from your Master~" Amami cooed on Y/N's ear.

Y/N's eyes widened and pushed him off. "Goddammit Amami! What am i to you now!? A fuckin' slave! To use me!?" Y/N ran to the bathroom but Amami quickly got Y/N and pinned her to the bed.

"Naughty naughty Kitty~" he cooed on Y/N's ear, Y/N was now disgusted by this freak. As when Y/N was about to say something, Amami immediately kissed her.

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