Chapter 13: hopes peak history

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Kokichi's POV

me and L/N walked along the 3rd floor hallways, we've visited other labs and mess around. "Um Ouma-kun... " She asked me, I looked at her as I put my hat back. "what is it my lovely L/N~chan?" I asked looking all romantic like. She giggled. "well I've been thinking about the history book you have... Why... Do you have that anyways? " she asked. "well I don't know either, Shirogane san did said that I had that when we were in a killing game... " I explained, I looked at L/N and she was shocked. "killing game!? " she asked as we stopped and she shaked me, I'm getting kinda dizzy. "y-yes!! I-i j-joined the k-killing g-game!! " I said as L/N kept shaking me, until she stops. "so you survived... Right? " "hmm... " I paused and the silent was interrupted. "I know your lying Ouma... " L/N said, I jumped. She knows I'm lying!? "I feel like your lying because you said Shirogane san said and you said you joined... " she explained as I nervously looked at her. "wh-wh-what do you m-mean? " I asked. "my highschool days went perfectly without any tragedies happened, your dreaming? " she said, I looked at her shock. Shit!!

"w-well... " I'm stuttering!! Am I going back to who I am before I was titled!? My mask is falling!! "Ouma... Tell me please? Your an ultimate student and you were involved so please... " she convinced me, I breathed in and looked at her. "well... Let's say... " how should I put this... I breathe in again. "well let's say the most tragic event in history did happen... " I said, nervously swaying back and forth. "you serious? How come... " she was lost in thought. "the tragic happened yes, but you weren't involved because your out of town right? " I said, I finally know!! "oh right... Well what about the killing game... You haven't answered my question yet... " she said as we started walking back to my lab. "well.... I'm not gonna lie but I.... " I paused as we enter. "I died during the game because of my dumb thinking cap said I should save everyone! " I shouted from guilt. "you died... But if you died then--" "the killing game I'm in was a virtual reality... The meteorites falling to earth... Us hiding our talents away.... Our pregames... Ingames... All a virtual reality " I explained. "it is true we've got our ultimate talents but suddenly the 15 students were forced to play the 53th killing game that Junko Enoshima made.... Shirogane was the taken charge in that time... " I said as both of us sat on the ground. "Shirogane? She's responsible for this? " she asked and I nodded.

Silence filled my lab. "Ouma... I'm kinda curious... How did you die? " I flinched as she asked me that question, I can still remember it... "I... "

"I've told Kaito to kill me, I sacrificed myself for others to live but how dumb can I be...? Everyone hates me..." I said as I flopped lazily on the floor. "I've been killed by being crushed by a hydraulic press " I finally said it, I can see L/N's expression. "that's brutal... At least it's not real! " she said as she hugged me, I hugged back. "yeah, yeah, I know... " I said. "hey wanna go to Harukawa's lab? " I asked, L/N thought and said yes, I grabbed her arm and pulled her all the way to the 5th floor since she's in class 1-E after all.

I opened it to reveal Harukawa's lab. It has loads of guns and machines, knives, katanas and etc. "can't believe you guys have an ultimate assassin here... Wait she's part of the killing game too right, it says in the book. " L/N asked and I nodded. We took her guns and loaded it with ammo and went to her training platform and started shooting.

[2 straight hours later]

Me and L/N are at Yonaga's lab, using her paint to paint her white plain walls with splatters. "this is waaaaayyyy more fun than class!! " I shouted as I splashed some pink paint, I heard L/N giggle. Once were done, we headed out and went back to my lab. "I'm poofed out... " L/N said as she slouched back, I sat beside her. "at least you get to see everyone's research labs... And experience it" I said placing both of my hands on the back of my hair. both of us started talking random topics.

[30 minutes later ]

We've been laughing about our childhood past, especially the time when me and L/N embarrass the bullies in school. "oh atua... I wish we can go back to the old times... " L/N said, I nodded because those were the good old times, we already did one of them, the trick wherein we sprayed panta on momota-kun's group. "oh L/N-chan! Want me to grab some grape panta downstairs? " I asked, she looked at me. "there's a vending machine here? " she asked and I nodded, she said yes and I stood up. "you can wait here! I'll bring some! " I said as I ran out and slammed the door shut.


Ouma slammed the door shut, he's probably excited? Maybe... I looked around to admire his lab, if only I have an ultimate talent, I would also have a lab too... I sighed and stood up looking around again. I decided to check the car that is in his lab, do his members use this back then or...? I checked the inside to see it is a four seat car, there's a lot of buttons and etc. That's when I saw a bag in the back seat. "huh? Why would Ouma have this? " I said to myself as I got the bag and checked inside.

Kokichi's POV

I placed a nickel and got another grape panta. I skipped happily as I held both drinks in my hand.


Binoculars... Crossbows? What does he need this for? I thought he doesn't like to kill people since that's their most important rule in his group, yeah he told me that too... Unless they use it for syringes? No... I don't think they kidnap people. I ignored the crossbows...

Antidote... Masks... Scarves... A picture of his group, they look so happy... I smiled as I placed it back, I kept looking... Purple contact lens... Extra DICE clothes... A board game... And...

My eyes widened when I pulled the thing I found. "m-my private journal..!? " I looked at it shocked. Did ouma-kun took it!? I shivered as I imagined how he reacted when he saw my journal pages about him. "L/N!! I brought drinks!! " I jumped when I heard Ouma shout as he opened the door. "L/N what are you--" before he could finish his sentence, I held my journal for him to see and turned to him. He has a shocked face and dropped the cans.

"you took it Ouma-kun...? "

Chapter 14: caring lie, threatening truth...

°•words: 1192•°

A/N: sorry for slow update, I kept updating the mastermind! Shuichi x reader story I made, but yeah...

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now