Chapter 35: The End (Bad ending 1)

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This ending was an idea from one of the comments, forgot who it was tho

Bad ending 1: °•Getting her•°

Was taken place when Ouma and the others thought of the evidence and proof needed.
While Ouma and DICE thought of a plan to rescue L/N, and while Kirigiri and Saihara are bringing the police force, Amami stayed And seduced her, although L/N was disgusted by that, Amami didnt stop and kept on seducing her, sometimes doing something dirty in order for her to say whatever Amami likes to hear.
In the end, L/N finally snapped and instead of confronting Amami about it, she killed him, using Amami's sharp scissors and stabbed him multiple times.
After she finally realized what she'd done, L/N knew it was crime and ran far away, never to be found or heard ever again.


[3rd person POV]

Kirigiri and Saihara already told the police force about what Ouma told them, they both waited. While waiting, Kirigiri noticed Saihara was a little scared or anxious. "Hey Saihara... are you alright?" Kirigiri asked the nervous boy. Saihara looked at the professional detective, "a little bit i guess... its just that.." he sighed, "i couldnt believe that this really happened to our school, we have to skip class just to discuss about it and we have to skip most because we were gathering evidence..." Saihara admitted.

"Its the first ever case that was almost unsolvable in our school... and i couldnt believe Amami would do something like that... to a new student..." Saihara said, Kirigiri patted his back. "But at least we already found it, without Ouma's help, we couldnt have this case finally close.." Kirigiri comforted, Saihara smiled abit. "Your right..." Saihara said, Kirigiri smiled back and continued to wait for the police force.


"We could bust in!"

"He has 12 sisters cmon!"

"Lets sneak our way in!"

"We can lockpick but that guy might have cameras..."

"Does he have a chimeny?"

"I dont want my clothes to get dirtyyy!"


Ouma's subordinates were all arguing and debating about how they'll be able to get in Amami's house without his knowledge nor his sisters' knowledge as well. Ouma came up with several ideas but it all might be wasted because of his subordinates sometimes goofing off, or make one little or big mistake.

"Kay kay, guys please stop arguing, how about this plan instead..." Ouma said and everyone went into a hurdle. "Were going to lure his sisters away first.. i have a voice impression box, and one of his sister's number..." Ouma continued to explain the plan.


"Y/N..~" Amami seducively whispered in L/N's ear, causing her to shiver. "A-Amami... stop... its creepy.." L/N said, trying to push herself off Amami's lap, no luck because of his strong grip/embrace. "Does my princess hate me? What did i do wrong Y/N~.." he whispered, leaving soft kisses on L/N's neck, "didnt i gave you much attention..? Or i didnt pleasure you much in our 'little session'~" he said to you seducively then kept leaving kisses around L/N's neck, his hand trailing under the oversize T-shirt that he offered you.

"St-stop.. i hate you... i dont l-like you... and stop s-seducing m-me.." L/N pleaded, trying not to let any sounds to let Amami know what she was enjoying it. "Oh you will.. you're just not showing it, i can tell that your holding back.." Amami chuckled, Amami is a disgusting person that L/N has ever met in human existance, his way of being seductive, being a pervert, and he fucking r-!¿pe her! She doesnt want this type of relationship, it was almost like she is being controlled and ordered around.

Amami kept on seducing her until...

"AMAMI!!! IF I SAY STOP THEN STOP!" L/N finally snapped and with one strong struggle, she got off Amami's grip and made sure she is in a safe distance away from the avocado. "What did you say..?" Amami asked, trying to threaten her but it was no use, after seeing a strength of a girl like that (Sorry but Sakura-). "I said stop... your a disgusting, perverted, r-!¿¡pist, obessive, and a no good person..." L/N said, slowly got up and grabbed the pair of scissors without thinking twice. "Who would call you an ultimate? Wasnt Hope's Peak about bringing Hope for the better future? And what are you showing? Didnt the school taught you?" L/N said and approached Amami.

Amami couldnt speak, whats L/N gonna do? Of course Amami knows whats she is gonna do, even when she's armed with scissors. Amami couldnt do it anymore and tried to make a run to his door, but...


"gah-!" Amami was stabbed by L/N in the stomach, then again, and again, and again. She didnt had time to stop herself, she couldnt think what she was doing, until Amami wasnt moving anymore.

L/N, plunged out the scissor and soon realized what she did. Pink blood was flowing underneath Amami, and L/N was stained from hand to clothing. Terrified from what she had done, threw the scissor and stared at Amami's dead corpse. "I-I... i didnt... what did i... n-n-no..." she couldnt believe it, she wanted to escape and get away, but instead she took someone's life so she could be safe. Convinced that she commited a crime, cried and ran out of the room and ran away, far far away from others, she saw Ouma entering the mansion but didnt care anymore, he'll probably hate her for killing someone.

After getting away, she decided to block all of her contacts so she wouldnt be found.

[A few years later]

Ouma was just in his apartment, talking to Saihara. "Yeah yeah, you and Akamatsu will get married i know, what? You want me to go?" Ouma asked. "O-of course..! Youve isolated yourself in your apartment for... 5-7 years... please, your crew might be super worried..." Saihara said to me, i just hummed a yes. "And we'll find L/N okay? We might not be able to contact her, but i promise... me and Kirigiri will find her..." Saihara said, that name rang in my mind.




The name...

Does it sound so familiar...

Or is it in my head...?

"Saihara.." Ouma called out from his phone, "yeah?" Saihara replied to Ouma, he took a deep breathe and finally spoke...

"Who is L/N? Should i be familiar to that person? I only remember DICE.."


°•words: 1128•°

A/N: ending one complete! I know its shitty, but ill try my best i promise! Next is ending two!

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