Chapter 11: progress

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I looked at the reference throughout as Ouma was playing with our materials. While looking, I suddenly realized that I forgot my box cutter and scissors at home. "crap! I forgot something materials back at home! " I cussed as I bit my thumb, Ouma seems to notice. "sad, but hey I might have here! " he said cheerfully as he stood up. "you sure? " "totally!! " "ok then... " I said, he seems to smile and I smiled back, his smile when I first met him was memorable, his smile is just too cute! "so tell me what did you forgotten? " he asked as he placed his hat back on. "well only scissors and box cutter, that's all! " I explained, he nodded and went out to find some in his meeting room.

While he's gone, I pulled out my journal and started writing.

»first time in Ouma's place, it's quite big too... And it's hidden as well, welp they are an evil organization who loves to play harmless pranks. Anyways today we're doing our project, I seemed to left some stuff but Ouma got it covered. I love him so much~!

As I was writing in my journal, Ouma suddenly came in the room. I quickly hid my journal at my back. "I'm back with scissors and box cutter! Nishishi~!" he said happily, I smiled and Ouma sat. He suddenly noticed that I was hiding something at my back. "L/N-chan... What's that behind you? " he asked me. "o-oh it's just my journal! So-sorry! " I said as I placed it in my bag

Kokichi's POV

L/N placed the journal in her bag.

Don't you even dare to hide it, I already know... But.. I can't tell you...

I said in my head, I thought that she wrote something new on her journal today. After that I handed her the scissors and box cutter. "so what are we gonna do first? " I asked as she took one box. "were gonna cut some pieces for the house! And to do that we need to cut some pieces from this box! Here's the measurement for the walls and roof! " She said as she handed me her notepad. I looked and seemed to understand it. "and for the glass were using plastic container" she said pulling out some plastic containers. She handed me the box cutter to cut some walls and she'll handle the windows.

[few minutes later]

"and done! " I said as I cut the last piece that is needed. "and I'm don't too! " L/N said as she threw the pieces next to the finished pieces that I placed. I put the cutter down and drank some panta that I brought. "so... You want me to paint? " she asked as she placed her watercolor and acrylic paint and the paint brushes. "yeah I'm sooo tired! Nishishi~!" I said, she giggled and accepted it instead. Type of friend I am...

As I was playing at my console, L/N is painting the cardboard pieces for walls and roof, that's when my time rang. "shit! I'm gonna go home! " L/N cussed as she fixed her things and dashed out of my room. "wait! What about your materials!? " "leave it! We're still gonna do it's progress tomorrow!! " as both of us ran, I was trying to catch up, my DICE members saw us. Before she could reach the door...

I grabbed her wrist.

"L/N let me bring you back... " I said with concern. "I can bring myself home " she said. I sighed. "no, not when it's this late, I don't want you hurt L/N-chan" I said to her, she looked at me and simply nodded. "yay I'm bringing home L/N-chan! Nishishi~!" I squealed as I hugged her, I heard her giggle and I opened the door for her.


"can't believe your place is so far away from the neighborhood... " L/N commented, I smirked. "well it is an organization after all, we have to hide somewhere deep in this forest! " I protested as she giggled. "but it's also beautiful out here... Just imagine your laying down on the grass... Gazing up the moon and stars... " she explained, that's when I remembered Momota-kun, wonder if he's doing the stuck up homeworks? L/N was staring up, not even paying attention to the surrounding, even me, I was looking at the river. That's when...

*Trip! Crash! *

I heard something or *someone* fell. "L/N-chan, you okay!? " I asked her as I helped her up. "y-yeah I'm fine, I just tripped on a rock I guess... " she said dusted her clothes. "I'll help you with your things! " I said as I packed her scattered stuff. As I was packing her stuff, I got curious about her journal... Should I take it? No it's hers... But I wanna read... Fuck it! I placed the journal inside my cape. I picked up her bag and gave it to L/N. "thanks ouma-kun! " she said then I smiled, we continued walking until we've got out of the forest and in the park.

We've arrived at her home, she waved at me and I waved back then once she closed the door I turned around and went back. As I reached back to my secret place, I went to my room, closing the containers of paint and lay down on my bed, I took out her journal and read what she wrote about today:

»first time in Ouma's place, it's quite big too... And it's hidden as well, welp they are an evil organization who loves to play harmless pranks. Anyways today we're doing our project, I seemed to left some stuff but Ouma got it covered. I love him so much~!

I smiled and closed it, I hid it under my pillow. "man... I wanna confess to L/N-chan right about now... " I kept rambling words.

[the next day: snacks time]

I was looking at my food nervously, that's when Keebo saw me. "L/N... Are you alright? Your food is not gonna eat itself you know " he said as he wave his robot hand at me, I snapped. "o-oh s-sorry... " I said, I got my chopsticks and got some rice and ate. I looked at my friends who seemed to be starring at me. "L/N... Are you sure your alright? I mean you look like your having an asthma attack " Sonia said, I sighed deeply. "I'm just worried... " I said as I took a bite of the cooked fish, I got it from the cafeteria. "worried? Worried about what? " Hinata-kun asked. I sighed again. "m-my private journal... It was missing... " I said, I heard a gasp from them. "did someone took it!? It's not personal when it says private!! " Shirogane panicked as she held both of my shoulders. "i-i I don't k-know!!" I said while stuttering since Shirogane was shaking me due to her panic. Then she stopped and took a breath and sat back down. "do you have any chance you left it? " Saihara asked me, I nodded a no and sighed. I'm scared... What if the person that got it suddenly read it!? Then they'll keep it!? Then they'll blackmail me!? Or Ouma!!? Bad situation!! "L/N..." Akamatsu called me, I snapped and looked at her. "mind if I asked... Where were you after you left school?" she asked, I thought... That's when I remember... "I... I was at Ouma's place... " I said, that's when they were all surprised. "you were at his place? Then when's the time you checked your bag? " Nanami asked me.

"the last time I check it is when after Ouma brought me back to home..." I explained, she nodded and got into thinking...

"oh! Maybe it's with Ouma!! " Shirogane said, I looked at her. "no, I'm sure he wouldn't stole it, if I lost something he would give it back... " I explained and Shirogane sighed. "L/N... It might be true though, it might be with Ouma... " Akamatsu said and everyone nodded. I asked them why... "well you see, Ouma steals stuff from us without noticing, and he might have your private journal too... " Sonia said, I still nodded a no because I know Ouma will never do such thing like that to me I mean we're childhood friends, we've known each other's perspective.

The bell rang signalling snacks time's over, I packed my things and headed to class. "I'll just ask Ouma... "

Chapter 12: private journal

°•words: 1431•°

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now