Chapter 29: Y/N's disappearance

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You guys gave chapter 2 "666" views, wow, im very proud of you all

Anyways onto the story!

^that pic was taken hours ago-


Y/N... disappeared!?

"She what!?" I panicked. "When!? When did she disappear!?" I asked Yuki-san. "I dont know, maybe by 5 days ago, on the 1st day we all thought she was only sick, then on the 2nd day as well, then on the 3rd day her mother-"

"Her Aunt, thats her aunt.." i corrected her. "Oh sorry, i mean her Aunt called all teachers, the council and mr. Monokuma that she'd gone missing since...!" She explained. "Naegi-kun tried to contact you but it was no use, i also tried but you wouldnt pick up, we were all worried about her..." she said, my eyes widen.

"How... how... what happened to her..." i said as i tried to hold back my tears. "I was about to discuss with her about our issue, but now she's gone..." i said and suddenly burst into tears. Not crocodile tears, but real ones. Yuki-san pulled me into a hug.

Y/N... where are you...?


My... head... ugh...

I slowly opened my eyes, to see where i am, unfortunately i cant see anything, i was blindfolded, i felt another cloth on my mouth as well, refraining me from talking. My hands were tied up behind me, and my legs as well. "Mmmghh! Mmmhhhh!! Mhhh mhh mhhh!!!" I tried to say a word, until i heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Mfff! Mhhh! Mff mhh mghhh!" I trued to squirm away, when i felt a hand on my shoulder, and another on my blindfold. Next thing i knew is that it came off, and saw someone staring at me with light green eyes. "Hello there sweetie~" Amami said.


"Dont struggle, the cuffs will leave marks on your wrist, and you dont want that do you..~?" He purred in my ear, i noticed i was at a corner of a bed. "Mfffmff mffgmmm mmmm...?" I tried to talk again, he chuckled and took the cloth off my mouth to talk. "A-Amami-kun... what are you..." i asked him.

"Oh me? I like you Y/N, Good thing my plan work you know..." he chuckled. "P-plan... what plan?" I asked him.

"I tricked you... Yuki-san never actually liked Ouma-kun, Harukawa-san photoshopped it, never really guess that she'll study there..." Amami explained to me. "Wh-what... photoshopped...!?"

"Yep, its very clear because of the lines that were unrecognizable if it wasnt zoomed in... your so easy to trick..."

"Th-then that means... i dumped Ouma-kun for no reason..."

"Thats right, sweetie... now thats out of the way, your finally with me..." he said, i growled. "How dare you...! How many times do i have to tell you! I will never like you back!" I shouted right at his face.

He got angry then roughly kissed me, i tried to pull away but it was no use, i hate it when someone's stronger than me...! He pulled away from the kiss and smirked right at me. "Then ill make you.." he said before he kissed me again.

Kokichi's POV

"L/N-san is still missing.."

"Where did she go?"

"She didnt go on a vacation.."

"She's out of contact, i cant reach her.."

"Im scared, what if something happened?"

"Calm down, we have find out where she is.."

"Hey piano, dont get all optimistic.."

"Aw man, guess i have to cancel my concert..."

All of us Ultimate students were called here to the gym by the student council, were all going to discuss about the disappearance of Y/N. Not gonna lie but i actually really dont wanna participate in this one, but i have to, i wanna know where and what happened to her...

"Um may i have your attention students..." Naegi spoke through the mic from the podium on the stage, everyone turned around and took their seats, i sat next to Saihara-kun. "Alright, so you all know why we were here... right? " Naegi said, everyone nodded. "Yeah yeah we know, talentless girl disappeared with no trace...!" Saionji shouted from her seat. "Um anyways, were going to find a way on how to find her, does anyone have any evidence or witness?"

[Skip time: after meeting]

"Not that much evidence, so far they only knew where she was last seen... inside the gym..." I said to myself as i walk towards my locker, opening it and got my notebook, which i use when i have to write about some stuff, for now its my evidence notes so i can find where Y/N is...


"Get the hell away from me!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as Amami kept planting kisses all over my neck and on my cheek. "Why would i stop? Didnt i told you i love you..?" He responded and continued on whatever he was doing.

"Didnt i told you that i dont and ill never!? Your insane!" I said, then he stopped, and looked at me. "Then who?" He leaned in closer. "K-Kokichi... Ouma.." i responded, he suddenly laughed.

"You still love that little liar? I thought you dumped him after you fell for our plan for both of you...?" He said, brushing my hair. "Its was wrong i know... but he'll understand..! H-he was my childhood friend...!" I said back, he chuckled and stood up.

"He'll never understand you anymore Y/N-chan..." Amami said before he walked off his own room, probably getting me food to eat again.

"Ouma... sorry..."

Kokichi's POV

I walked towards the gym with my notebook and pen in hand, im starting my investigation, ill do anything just to see her once again, i dont wanna lose her again... as i walk towards there, i saw Saihara-kun and Yuki-san talking. I ignored them but they seem to notice me.

"Hey Ouma-kun!" Yuki-san waved at me, i flinched but i decided to wave back. "Where are you going?" She asked me, i wanna lie but i think my destination is really obvious. "Well... im going to the gym..." i said, no lie intended, its a full on truth. "Why? And why are you bringing a notebook? There's no class held there..." Saihara said. I sighed, "i just wanna do an investigation okay? I cant bear having Y/N disappeare and separated from me again.." i told the truth. "Wait... again?" Saihara said. "Did something happened to you two before? I mean you two are childhood friends..."

I stayed silent...

"Um anyways, forget about it... how about we help you Ouma-kun!" Yuki-san offered, Saihara-kun nodded as well. I thought about it...

"Mm.. alright! Thanks!" I said as the three of us walked off to where im gonna go

I'll find you Y/N...

Chapter 30: investigation

°•words: 1136•°

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now