Chapter 9: should I tell her?

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Kokichi's POV

I froze for a second until I heard footsteps coming, I quickly close the diary and put it back to where it was first placed.

"sorry to keep you waiting, here the chocolate tho! " she said as she smiles, she placed the bowl on the floor and it took some. "wanna work on English first or technology? " (L/N) asked me. "English, I don't want to tamper with high tech! " I said, she giggled and we both got our English textbooks.

[20 minutes later]

"do you have more ideas for an idiomatic expression? " (L/N) asked me, I looked over my textbook and decided to give her one of my answer. "here copy number 5, nishishi~!" I said with a smile, she nodded and copied it. "anyways... How many numbers do you have to finish? " I asked as she copied my answer. "still 3 more... You? " "just 1" "your lucky! " she said, pouting. That's cute tho... "Nishishi, I am the ultimate supreme leader after all... " I brag, she rolled her eyes as she smiled and proceeded to think of more to write, I wrote the last one which I use the word, "spill the beans" .

[5 minutes later]

We were both finished with the English assignment and we proceed to do our tech hw. Which is about the parts of a robot. "aww man! I wish Kee-boy was here! " I whined, (L/N) looked at me. "you mean keebo? Right? Or did you give him that type of nickname? " she asked. "nah, it's a nickname that I liked to call him, he is the ultimate robot right? Why don't we text him! " I said, pulling out my phone and look through my contacts until I saw Kee-boy's line.



Hey! Kee-boy!-
Hey! -
Hey! -
Hey! -
Hey! -
Hey! Answer me! -
Keeboy!! -
Hey! -
Answer meee!! -
Please... -


I spammed our conversation because he did not answer yet, maybe he's charging... Eh whatever...

"we'll wait, I think Kee-boy's asleep, nishishi~" I said, (L/N) nodded and got her sketchbook to draw. I just ate the chocolate that is in the bowl

Suddenly a ding came from my phone, I checked and it was Celestia... Not keeboy.. Oh well!



-Ouma, how are you?

I'm ok! Why? -

-oh nothing~
-how are you and (L/N)?

We're both fine.. -

-you sure?

Ok fine! I suddenly found something- from (L/N)

-what did you find?

Well.. -
Let's say I was full of curiosity.. -
And checked her diary.. -
Without her permission.. -

-what a trickster..
-anyways what did you find?

Just some everyday notes about her- school life
What's more shocking is what she- wrote since yesterday!

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now