Chapter 15: confession...

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I can see Ouma blushing a bit once I told him about it. "wh-what are you t-talking about...? " he asked me, he's turning back to the Ouma that I knew since we're little. "I'm talking about you Ouma-kun... " I said, I flipped through the pages of my journal. "is it true you really didn't read it... Or you really did... " I said, looking at him. He looks all shaky, he really did turn back to the Ouma that I knew when we were little. "I... Um... Er... Wh-wh... I me-mean... Um... Ehh... " Ouma stutter, can't a word from his mouth, I sighed.

"just tell me the truth Ouma... " I said, I placed a hand on his shoulder, he was shivering. "just because your a supreme leader.... A lair... Of evil or whatever... You still have to be open" I said, trying to comfort him, I can see him tearing up. "because... Sometimes the truth needs to be seen in order to figure things out... " I said, wiping his tears away, his shaky hand suddenly held both of my hands that are wiping both of his tears from both sides. "and I can trust you...! " I said with a smile, he smiled at me. "well L/N-chan... I... " he paused. Then it was interrupted by a phone, ringing. Way to bother the mood too, I check and it was mine, my eyes widened. "crap it's already 8!!" I shouted as I immediately packed my stuff and dashed out of Ouma's room "let's talk later!!! Bye Ouma-kun!! " I shouted as I rushed down and slammed his front door shut.

Kokichi's POV

"bye L/N-chan!! Nishishi~!" I shouted as she hurried out. See you tomorrow... I guess... I thought as I threw myself onto the bed, tears are running. "why... I know... Why can't I... Form the words... Why... Am I being who I am before... " I said in between my sobs and crying. "why can't the ultimate supreme leader be this confident to tell a friend how he feels...? " I said, I suddenly hugged the pillow and soon fell asleep.


"hey ouma-kun? " the voice said, I looked at her. We were in a field, her aunt is watching us from the distance. "yeah? " "can you promise me this... " she said, the voice held my hands and cupped them together with her own hands, I looked at her. "promise me you'll tell me everything when we're older? " she asked, I was confused. "um... Yeah sure! " I said, she had a smile on her face. We both stood up. "tag your it! [ł_-_ń]¡¡! " I said as I boop her nose and ran. "hey!! " she shouted trying to catch me.


Tell you everything when we're older... Yeah... Everything except my love... For you...

*BEEP! *

*BEEP! *

*BEEP! *

"wah! " I shot up from my sleep, it was my phone buzzing. I got my phone and check "1 new message... And it's 10:50 pm... Huh.. " I said as I opened my phone and check my messages.



9:30 pm

-hey Ouma-kun!
-your awake?
-sorry if I'm bothering you!
-im boooorrreeeddd!!

10:50 pm

Yeah? -
Sorry if I did not reply sooner-
I went to sleep-
But here I am now! -
Wide awake!!! -


L/N texted me, I guess she wasn't in a mood to sleep yet I guess... I mean who else would text me this late? Celeste will only text me before 9, and the others... Eh not so much...

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now