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"hey catch me if you can!! "

"(Y/N) !! Wait up!! "

"hahahaha, cmon try and catch me auntie!!! "

"caught you! "

"aww man... Welp I guess it's home time? Right auntie? "

"hehe, yeah right.. "

Childhood memories are the best memories that we all have, especially when you made friends with someone who could change very quickly...

"what a loser! "
"what are you hiding? Your eye? Why? Was it plucked out!? "
"what an emo you are! "

I was playing along the park when I see three kids bullying another kid, I went up to them..

"hey.. What do you think your doing? " I asked them. "talking duh.. " , "doesn't seem like it, scram before I pluck out your eyes... " they ran away because I said something scary.

I mean, we are still kids and we have lots more to learn about life itself..

"you okay? " I lend a hand to the poor boy. "...y-yeah.. " he reached and dusted off the dirt from his clothes. "you know, that suits you... " "really? Kids said that I'm emo when I wear this.. " "and do you think you'll let them choose what should your style be? Be proud and happy!! Cmon give me a BIIGG smile!! " I said cheerfully to the boy, he suddenly smiled

"anyways what's your name? " I asked the boy as he fixes his hair. "K-Kokichi... The name's Kokichi Ouma " he introduced himself. "what about you? "

"my name is... (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you too Ouma-kun!! " I said with a big smile

Me and ouma spend almost everyday together in the park, and my auntie buying both of us ice-cream! Sometimes I buy panta for ouma with my own money that I save, I guess he likes panta, my money was almost gone everyday in my pockets since he buys like 2-3 cans / bottles


"hey ouma-kun... " I said, looking very serious. "what is it (L/N)-san?? " ouma asked, he suddenly saw the sadness that was in my face. "why are you... Sad?? " he asked again

"ouma-kun... I need to tell you something before we... " I stopped at my words. "before we what?? Hey cmon don't hide it from me.. " ouma stood and looked at me face-to-face.

"I-im sorry!! " I suddenly said, jumping out of the bench to hug him tight. "wh-why?? What's the matter? " ouma asked. "w-well... Me and my auntie are moving away... Gonna go to another neighborhood... And I can't go here anymore because I'll go to school there in my elementary years.. " I spoke. I can see ouma looking so sad. "(L/N)-san... Why do you have to leave..? " he asked. I didn't respond back, instead we both walked to the nearest vending machine to buy two canned panta for both of us.

That was the last time I saw him... The next day before we move, I slid a letter in ouma's door

(Kokichi's POV)

Once I woke up, I saw a letter on our door when I was about to go to the dining room. It's for me... From... (L/N)-san?

I opened it and it has a letter

To my dearest friend Kokichi Ouma,
   I already moved to the new neighborhood, I'm gonna miss you a lot, please don't ever forget about me, even if you change... I send you this bracelet, it matches your eyes! And this picture of us... Hope we can meet once the time is just right...
                                                 Your friend,
                                                   (L/N) (Y/N)

Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now