Chapter 20: project presentation

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i ignored the alarm and went back to sleep, but then i can feel like a shadow covered the light, i slowly opened my eyes and im surprised to see 'him'. "morning~ sleepyhead~!" "geek!" kokichi woke me up, he giggled and got up. "today's the presentation for the project.." i said to kokichi as i got some clothes and went to the bathroom to shower and change

i change into a white shirt with a cute black cat print in the middle, i wore a pleated black skirt and black belt, i wore the checkered scarf and the boots that kokichi suggested me to buy, then i wore some jewelry and tied my hair in half ponytail and a black choker with a cat tag in it. after kokichi wore his usual uniform and we got our project and bags and headed onto school. 

we arrived and went to our lockers, we seemed to see the 5 back after their punishment that togami-kun gave them, fukawa-san went to them, they mustve gone to the principal office where mr. monokuma is to hand their worksheets. thats when the announcement turned on. "attention all hope's peak student! please go to the gym for the project presentation! go in groups and find a place to sit in the gym! thank you so much!" then it went off, some students went already while the others were still fixing.

"kokichi wanna go now?" i asked him as i went up to his locker, he nodded and we headed our way to the gym. we scanned the area and found one, near saihara's group. we went over there and sat down. "hey love birds!" saihara teased us, i blushed a little as our attention went to the stage.

"morning hope's peak academy student! today's the home economics group project presentation! we'll be choosing 3 projects to be displayed in the school's museum after!" ms. monophanie said as she pulled out the paper and called on the first group which is from class 1-a which is togami-kun, shinguji-kun, maizono-san, and ruruka-san.


"thanks you four from class 1-f, next we have.." i got bored hearing that until..."these are two students in a group... i call on for kokichi ouma and Y/N L/N from class 1-c for their project!" ms. monophanie said as she walked down, me and kokichi stood up as we heard muffle whispers. "kokichi your alright...?" "a little i guess..." "we can do this.." i cheered on as were now on the stage. 

i heard kokichi gulped as we got the mic, i decided to talk first. "h-hello everyone, im Y/N L/N from class 1-c and this is my partner Kokichi Ouma the ultimate supreme leader, today we'll show you the project that weve taken progress.." i explained to the students then i look to kokichi so he put the mic next to his mouth. "the project we made taken only 5 days, the materials we used are cardboards, containers, and others.." he explained as i went to our project andpulled the cloth off to reveal our project. we heard the students gasp from the work. "we thought of our dream house like this..." kokichi explained. 

we explained a little bit of our project and answered some student's questions, then we answered the questions that ms. monophanie asked us then were done, we sat on the benches were the groups that are finished are. 

"wow... cant believe how nervous you are kokichi.." i said to him, he nervously giggled. "yeah, i was only afraid people will hate me again just like before.." he explained to me, i placed my hand on his shoulder. "i can feel you, but thats all at the past, im here for you--" "and im here for you too my queen.." he said as he held my hand, i blushed a bit. "of course my king" i said back, he seemed to blush so i laughed. 


we talked for a while until ms. usami came. "hello! so while waiting for all of the groups to finish, please write your team member's name and give some info about your project then ill collect your group projects to stick them there." she explained as she handed us papers and pencils. i wrote ours:

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