Chapter 16: highschool lovers

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Me and Kokichi are walking along the hallways, some students were looking at us why? It's because we're holding hands... You know what I mean...

As we make it to class, we already saw that only me and Kokichi weren't there, then our classmate's face was full on shock and excitement. "ooh~ did atua gave you his wonderful blessing! " Yonaga shouted from her seat. "way to go L/N!!" Saihara shouted. "you too Saihara-kun!! " I shouted back, he looks flustered. I heard Kokichi giggle then we made it to our seats.

We both talked to each other until Celestia talked. "my highschool friend finally got his lover... " she said, me and Kokichi looked at each other and both of us have flushed faces. Celeste laughed and turned her back against us as Mrs. Usami came in.

[after class: lunch]

"hey Y/N!" Kokichi called out as I reorganise my books and headed towards the lockers in the hallways. "yeah? " I asked. "nishishi! Can we eat lunch together? " he asked and I nodded, he responded a yay and a hug, luckily my books weren't drop when he hugged me. After I placed my books in my locker, I got my lunch and headed towards who knows where were both going to eat. "Kokichi, wanna eat on the rooftop instead? " I asked, he looked at me and nodded so we headed there.

There was a space so we sat there. We laughed and talked as we both ate. I have curry while Kokichi has bento. "your bento looks delicious! " I said as I took a bite of my curry, I heard him chuckle. "nishishi~! Wanna try? " he ask as he got some pieces of rice with sushi. "open wiiiiidddeee!! " he said, holding the chopsticks with food right at me. "K-Kokichi!! That's embarrassing... " I said as I hid my face, he giggled. "cmon!! My DICE members made this!! " he said, I hesitated for a while but decided to try. "wow! So delicious! " I said, he smiled at me and he took a bite of his food again.

Then we heard camera click, I looked and saw my friends. "K-Keebo-kun!? " I shouted as I hid my face again, Kokichi was flustered. "aww you don't have to be embarrassed Y/N~ just ask him with Iruma-san!! " he said, Keebo suddenly backed away. "that's robophobic Ouma!! " he shouted, he and the others walked up to us. "mind if we sit right next to you lovebirds? " Akamatsu asked, I thought about it and decided. "sure but one condition..." I said, I smirked and it seems like Kokichi knew what I was thinking. "you must sit next to your boyfriend and girlfriend!! " I said. "and that means Keeboy, Sonia, and Shirogane should sit with each other while these four sit with each other's love!! Nishishi~!" Kokichi said. Saihara and Hinata's face flustered and both of us laughed but they didn't go against our condition so Saihara sat with Akamatsu and Hinata sat with Nanami.

All of us talked and laughed, teasing each other and passing it back. "hahaha! Say... Saihara-kun and Hinata-kun.. " I got the two boys attention. "Keebo-kun and Sonia-san as well" I said, I got their attention too. "how did you guys met them? I'm talking about your boyfriend and girlfriend if you know what I mean.. " I asked, their faces were now red. I giggled. "why don't we start with Hinata's interesting story! You and Nanami should share! " I said, he nodded nervously, he scratched the back of his head and started. "well it was like before, like after the 52nd killing game ended... " he started, I was shock. "in the game that's where me and Hajime met, we both had to team up to find the culprit because he's the protagonist " Nanami continued. Then they continued the story, sometimes we have to stop because Hinata gets flustered so easily. "interesting... Ok your turn Saihara-kun!! " Kokichi called out as he pointed at the tomato Saihara and Akamatsu.

"well... How do I put this... You see..." Akamatsu was lost at words. "let's say we were partners in the 53rd killing game, Kaede tried to stop Shirogane that time but yeah... " Saihara said nervously. "but once I was out of the virtual world, I went up to see Kaede and tell her what I felt... " he said, Saihara suddenly turned into a red tomato, we also listened to Keebo-kun and Sonia-san's love story too.

"what about you two? " Shirogane asked me and Kokichi, then everyone smirked at us. "eeehhh... Fine! Just so it will be fair! " I said while pouting. "well it all started when we're little..." I said, they were all shock. "what? It's real, our story is the same! " Kokichi said to them and they got interested. "from me saving you to the day we both save each other... Twice" I said, looking into Kokichi's purple eyes. "twice? From what? " "from bullies, the first is when we were little and the second is from Momota's group" Kokichi explained, everyone said 'oh' "how though? It's hard to get away from Momota's group! Not to mention his girlfriend is an assassin, she has sharp vision! " Nanami said. "Harukawa is Momota's girlfriend? Oh so no wonder why Momota called her from her first name... " I said. "so how did you got away from them? " Akamatsu asked us, we looked at each other and smirked. "we did a method that we've done when we're little! " I said. "and what method is that if I may ask... " Sonia said. "with pleasure ultimate princess! You see the method we use is like a coward to heroic thing! " Kokichi said, others were slightly confused. I sighed. "what we did is that I scream very loud, that causes me to attack stronger than my normal self-defense... " I explained to them. "then how come you two escape from their hostage situation, like both of you were held together... " Saihara said, he probably heard that from the student council since he was with Kirigiri. "of course I escaped too! I used my strength to get out of Owada's grip and hit him right were us boys hurt! " Kokichi said proudly, I giggled.

Turns out we gave our whole story to my friends and spend our whole lunch period talking about love life.

[time skip towards after school]

Me and Kokichi are walking along the alleyway until we came across a guy, who was being beaten up by a girl and a boy, I squinted my eyes to get a better view on who those are. "what is it Y/N?" Kokichi asked me as he looked at the direction that I'm looking. "is that who I think it is... " he said, as if now, I can see, the guy has purple spiky hair and the other has long brown hair that is in low pigtails and have red hair ties. "it's Harukawa and Momota! " I said, my eyes widened as I look to Kokichi who was also surprised.

Suddenly he grabbed my arm and we ran to them.. Then...

*WAM! *

"Jesus!! " Momota shouted as Kokichi landed a fist punch at his back, he crouched as Harukawa went up to him. Both of them looked at our direction and both of them stood, we saw the guy ran since Kokichi told him to get out. "so weve met again.. " Momota said as he cracked his knuckles. "yes and do you have the opportunity to do that to a guy? " I asked as I crossed my arms, I heard them chuckle at us. "and if you wanna pick a fight at us, don't try it... " Kokichi warned. He suddenly pointed at their bracelets. "I asked Togami-kun to make the bracelets prick you if you make a prohibited action among me and Y/N.." he said, he has his signature grin on. I heard Momota curse then both of us walked away and ran as fast as we could just in case momota dared to.

We arrived at Kokichi's secret organization and went inside and went to his meeting room. "good evening! " the members greeted him, I heard him saying 'nishishi' as he walked to his seat and wore his cape and hat. "you can sit here Y/N!" he offered, I suddenly blushed. "K-Kokichi! You don't h-have to do--" "I insist! After all, your the queen here! " he said as he placed his hat on my head, I giggled asni boop his nose. "and your their and my king, and I'm your queen~!" I said, he giggled and I sat down.

Kokichi went to out and saw his members smirk at me.

"what?? "

Chapter 17: New Member

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Childhood prankster // kokichi x reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now