Chapter 18: party crasher and sleepover

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Me and Kokichi snuck up on the party, hiding near the avenue of the party. "let's make up a plan first... " Kokichi suggested, I nodded as we scan the place, finding a way to crash it. I spotted a big cake and spotlights hanging from above the set up stage where Mioda is performing at her party. "what don't we... Tip the cake over then unattached the spotlights?" I asked Kokichi as I explained to him, he thought about it and nodded. "then let's blow up the stage!! " he said quietly, I was shock. "Kokichi.. No--" "I'm your king.. You listen--" "and I'm your queen, and I'm here to make you avoid getting into jail... " I said as I cross my arms, he pouted. "f-fine... " "cute... " I said, loud enough for him to hear, he flinched. "me cute? Aw thanks! But your cuter! " he said, I blushed. He giggled and then we went towards the party, unseen.

We hid behind the cake, it was pretty lucky for us that it's at one side so it easy to tip over, me and Kokichi pushed it until it fell. Then we ran quickly behind the stage as the people who are at the party looked at the messed up cake, it seems like Souda-kun, Maizono-san, Shinguji-kun, and The girl with short, dark green hair got some. I signaled Kokichi to untie the bindings that holds the spotlights and it did, then we fled seeing Mioda's face shock as the spotlights almost got her, then we threw some paint bombs, that is almost similar to blood, it exploded in the crowd and got covered in pink paint. Me and Kokichi laughed and fled away from the mess that we've both made.

Kokichi's POV

"stop right now Kokichi! And... Whoever you are!! " Saihara shouted as me and Y/N ran away from the sushi store, why? So we can have something to eat of course! I mean we do have money but since we're being like a thief, we'd be stealing. "try and catch us Mr. Detective! Nishishi! " I mocked, only going faster to hide from the detective. We're about to reach a dead end, then I pulled Y/N to turn right, running to the street market, we kept crashing, bumping, and pushing the people there and their selling, Saihara tried to catch up, but due to the crowd, it's hard to find us.


"did... We... L.. Lost... H-him? " Y/N asked as both of us catched our breath, I nodded a yes as both of us can finally be in peace. "that was... Awesome.. " Y/N said to me and I smiled, I remember we done this before, except no stealing of course. "wanna go back now? " I asked as I got the sack that is filled with all of the stolen stuff that we have. Y/N nodded so we carefully made our way to the woods, and get back to the base. as we went in, we saw my subordinates goofing around in the meeting room. we went inside quietly and dropped the stolen stuff on the table, seeing my members jump and squirmed back to their seats. "nishishi~! surprised to see the king and queen back~?" i teased a bit as i saw Y/N getting flustered. "anyways bring these to our other stolen stuff are hidden, ill talk with my queen first!" i ordered as they did as i told them while me and Y/N to my room to continue the project. "only 30% progress..." Y/N sighed at our work. hate to admit it but it is true... i mean we only cut out the parts and painted it so... 

"then why dont we start working on it eh?" i said as  i sat down and held the pieces, she giggled and both of us started working.


"and that should do..!" Y/N said as she glue gunned the last wall that is needed, we both decoded to design the inside too by the way so it would look more cool! i love her so much... "nishishi~! it looks cool more than i imagined!" i commented and she giggled, she then checked her phone. "oh god! auntie will kill me for going home late! im off Kokichi!" Y/N said as she quickly stood up. i immediately grabbed her wrist "Y/N~ can you at least stay~?" i asked sweetly like a puppy begging to be picked up. "but aunt--" "ask her if we can at least have a sleepover instead so you can stay?" i asked as i slowly stood up. "s-sleepover? ive never actually have one or gone into one..." Y/N admitted as i sighed. "well youll experience it right here right now with me!!" i cheered as  i escorted her all the way to her house. "s-sleepover does sound good... fine, ill just ask auntie if its ok.." she said and i happily hugged her.

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