Chapter one: Going To Hogwarts

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I walk along the platforms at Kings Cross with my older brother Tyler. Apparently he's like the popular bad boy at Hogwarts, I wonder what my reputation will be there, a good one though of course, I am an Adori after all. We stop walking when our parents stop to talk to people who I presume they work with. My Mother pulls me out from behind her to introduce me to the people they were talking to, a man and a woman. The lady had pale blonde hair with streaks of brown she's very pretty, she gives me a warm smile and shakes my hand.

"Clarissa, these are the Malfoys, your godparents," Father states, I nod and smile at them.

"It's very nice to meet you again Clarissa, I'm Narcissa Malfoy," she says to me. I smile at her. I look at the man, he has long, platinum blonde hair and a cold expression.

"Lucius Malfoy, pleasure young Clarissa," he says in a monotone, holding out his hand, I hesitate but take it.

"Ahh you must be Draco am I right?" My Father asks a young boy stood slightly behind Narcissa, I didn't even notice him.

"Yes sir," he replies.

"Draco, these are the Adoris, also your godparents," Narcissa explains

"Micheal Adori," my Father says as he stretches out his hand. My Mother smiles at the boy.

"Hello Draco, I'm Veronica Adori," my Mother beams at him as they shake hands.

"Draco, this is Clarissa Adori, their daughter. I expect you to be respectful towards her," Lucius says to his son. Draco responds with a nod.

"Oh look at the time, you children should be getting on the platform you have seven minutes!" My Mother exclaims. With that, I rejoin Tyler and we run through the wall to Platform 9 and 3/4.

"Goodbye children see you both soon," My Mother says with a blank expression. Tyler and I look at each other and sigh, we both know our parents use us to make themselves look good. I follow him to a compartment.

"Tyler please can I sit with you?" I ask and look down.

"Of course you can Clara," he chuckles and lifts my trunk onto the racks above our heads. Within five minutes three of his friends, Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey and Cassius Warrington come into our compartment, I know them all already from when they had visited the Adori Manor.

"Hey Clarissa," they all say in unison.

"Hi guys, Marcus did you get Quidditch captain like you wanted?" I reply. He smirks.

"Yeah I did," he beams showing me his emerald and silver badge. They are all on the Quidditch team, Tyler is Keeper, Marcus is Chaser along with Adrian, Cassius is a beater, there are three other boys on the team but I don't know who they are. Tyler is also co-captain.

"So, first year Clarissa, are you nervous?" Warrington asks.

"Um a little bit I guess, but I'm an Adori I'm never going to let it show," I reply sassily.

"Yep, you will have the same reputation as me in no time, I bet you're the gonna be the most popular girl in Slytherin by the time you go to bed tomorrow!" Tyler beams and claps his hands.

"It was only what I was expecting, being the famous Tyler Adori's younger sister and all," I shrug and ruffle his hair.

"If you get any trouble from anyone Clara, tell us and we will sort them out," Adrian chimes in making a fist and punching his palm. I giggle.

"Will do if they aren't too bad after I send a hex their way," I say and smirk.

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