Chapter 54: Return And Announcments

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Draco and I have just arrived back to Malfoy Manor through the fireplace in our Bedroom, Draco's former room. We place our things down on the floor, compose ourselves and go down to the Dining Room where everyone will be having breakfast. We walk into the room and feminine screams fill the room.



We're both forced into hugs by our Mothers. We laugh at how happy they are to see us. I hear the door open again, I turn to see my Aunt Maria and Uncle Ryder stood there with my cousins Benson and Jackson.

"Clara!" The two boys shout and run towards me, each hugging my waist at the same time.

"Hey boys," I greet.

"We're going to Hogwarts in a couple of days for the first time ever!" Benson exclaims. I smile down at them sadly, I was meant to be going this year and look out for my little cousins in their first year but nooooo, I get caught up in Death Eater business.

"You even get to come with us now!" Jackson squeals. My head darts towards my parents, I give them an excited 'really!?' look. They nod. I smile like a six year old on Christmas morning.

"He wants you to return to school and be Head Girl," Father says, I nod. He didn't say the Dark Lord because of the two eleven year olds in front of me. I can't believe I'm going back to Hogwarts, I'm so happy, but then it hits me, what about Draco?

"Wait what about Draco?" I ask.

"Draco won't be returning," Uncle Lucius answers. I nod disappointedly. What's Hogwarts without Draco? I look over at my Husband, he looks just as sad as I am. I catch his eyes, he puts on a smile but I know that it's fake.

"Ok boys, I've got to go and pack, I'll see you in a couple of days. I'll try to find you on Platform nine and three quarters, I promise," I say. I rub their backs and lean down to kiss the top of their heads.

"Ok now say goodbye to Clara and Draco boys, we have to go now," Aunt Maria informs in a soft tone.

"Bye Clara, bye Draco," they say in unison. Draco comes over and ruffles up their hair. At the Wedding they spent more time with him then they did with me. Favouritism.

"Bye lads," he chuckles. They grin up at him.

"Goodbye boys,"

"Please can you tell Tyler that Draco is now our favourite over him?" Benson asks. Draco bursts out laughing and I smirk.

"I'll do it," Draco chuckles with an evil smirk. I roll my eyes and lightly slap his chest.

"Will do, I'll see you in a few days boys," I say and they run back to their Mum, waving at us before they apparate away. I sigh and turn to everyone else.

"I'm going to go and pack," I inform, I turn to Draco and tilt my head to the door, motioning for him to follow. He nods and we walk back up to our bedroom.

I close the door behind us and turn to him collapsing down onto the bed. I run my fingers through my silky dark hair.

"I can't believe that he's making you go to Hogwarts and I can't go!" He rambles. I nod in agreement.

He doesn't necessarily want to go back, I do, I want to go and be my cousins' spirit guide like Tyler and the boys were for me. I want to enjoy my final year of childhood with my friends and play Quidditch like a normal teenage girl. But nooooo, Draco won't be there, Severus will be Headmaster which I'm not complaining about, the Carrow siblings will be teaching for some reason, I don't know why they both have the IQ of a pebble. I'm quite surprised that the Dark Lord didn't get my Father or any of the boys to teach instead of those two imbeciles.

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