Chapter 41: Back To School

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Today is the day I have to return to Hogwarts and explain to everyone why I'm not with Draco anymore, they knew that we got back together, but I can't find the words to say we had broken up for the third time. I curl my long hair and it cascades down my back, I have a dramatic make up look.

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I then change into a silk black top and over the top I wear a cheque romper and I also wear my signature black, suede, knee high, high heel boots

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I then change into a silk black top and over the top I wear a cheque romper and I also wear my signature black, suede, knee high, high heel boots.

I also wear my Adori locket, one of our family jewels, I grab my back, wand and bird cage holding Haydies, my owl

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I also wear my Adori locket, one of our family jewels, I grab my back, wand and bird cage holding Haydies, my owl. I walk down stairs, not even acknowledging Draco, and say goodbye to everyone, I blow them all kisses before Mother (who I had recently made up with), Father, Aunt Narcissa and Uncle Lucius apparate us all to Kings Cross. We get on the train and I go off with the boys, not even looking at Draco.

We get a compartment and I sigh leaning my head on Cassius' shoulder, he strokes my hair affectionately. Not long after, Daphne, Tracey and Millicent come in.

"Heyyyy can we come in?" Daphne asks. I nod in return. She shoves Adrian out of the way and sits next to me, smiling widely. I give her a 'what' look.

"So how come you and Draco aren't all smitten together in a secluded compartment?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows. I stiffen and get a lump in the back of my throat, I notice Tyler and Marcus giving her actions as in to say 'shut up'. She then realises what she had done and apologises repeatedly.

"Honesty Daph, it's fine, you didn't know," I tell her. She nods, but I can tell what she's thinking and what's she's going to say next.

"What happened? You don't have to say, when your ready we're here to listen," she states. I smile at her, but it's time.

"No, I'm going to tell you," I say, I take a deep breath, Cassius lightly strokes my arm comfortingly.

"Draco he um- he cheated on me," I stutter. Her eyes widen.

"He what!" She yells. She gets up and storms out of the compartment, we all exchange looks and go after her.

"Daphne!" I yell, I see her blonde hair swoop over her shoulder, I tell the Slytherin Heathers and the boys to follow me. We run down the corridor and I notice where she's going, I spy her storming into a compartment. Oh no, it's Malfoy's. I sprint in after her into it to see, Draco, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyal, and Daphne yelling at Draco.


"Daphne come on! He's not worth your time and effort! I'm only going to remain civil with him because of our friend group, nothing more!" I plead. She hesitates but stands down.

"Wait, wait, wait! You cheated on her?" Blaise asks just before we leave, I turn on my heels and face him.

"Yes he did, you should've seen the bruises on his neck in the morning," I answer. Everyone's eyes widen and their mouths drop.

"With who?" Theo questions, I shrug.

"He was so unbelievably drunk, he can't even remember," I sneer and walk away. I spoke about Draco like he wasn't even sat in that compartment.

(Time skip to the next day before potions)

I'm waiting to be let into potions with everyone. They're all talking about Bellatrix, and how they think she'll get caught.

"Honestly Trace, she's not going to get caught. She's extremely advanced in combat, and could beat all of those idiotic aurors," I say. The Gryffindors seem to have been listening to our conversation.

"Hey Adori! Why do you speak so highly of Bellatrix Lestrange?" Potter asks. I sigh and and roll my eyes.

"She's my Godmother Potter," I scoff, all the Gryffindors look slightly taken aback.

"Y-you're her Goddaughter," Granger stutters.

"Mhm," I reply "And my brothers,"

"And she's my biological Aunt," Malfoy chimes in. I turn to him.

"No one asked you," I snarl, he rolls his eyes again.

"Watch your back mudbloods, especially you Granger," I taunt and stand down. Potter draws his wand out and goes to cast a spell, I take my wand out to but Malfoy is faster. He and Potter shoot spells at the same time, but they backfire. Potters hits me and Draco's hits Granger. My nose feels like it's broken, and I can feel the blood oozing out of it. I cry out in agony. Every Slytherin in the class crowds around me, Draco pushes through and kneels down in front of me. He gently takes hold of my wrists.

"If you let me see, I can fix it," he whispers. I nod and pull my hands away from my face, the Slytherin Heathers and Draco's friends gasp. Draco looks gobsmacked and pale.

"Has someone bombardered her nose or something?" Parkinson scoffs.

"No, but I'll bombarder yours!" Daphne snaps back.

The potions classroom door swings open to reveal Snape. He scans the scene and the moment he sees me on the floor with a bloody nose, I can practically feel the anger sizzling up inside of him.


"Potter shot a spell at Malfoy but he missed and hit Clarissa!" Tracey explains frantically.

"What! Hermione got hit too look at her teeth!" Potter intervenes. Snape looks at Granger sourly.

"I see no difference," he drawls. Despite my current situation, I let out a laugh. She runs away crying.

"Two weeks of detention with me Potter," Snape spits. "Zabini! Take Miss Adori to the Hospital Wing immediately,"

A/N: I know that this kind of scene happened in Goblet of Fire but I missed it out then. I'll be adding a few things from the other books in it as well so yeah. Please comment, vote and share it means the world.

Ruby xx

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