Chapter 24: The First Task

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The first task is next week and I can't wait. Draco and I have been spending a lot more time together, his arm constantly wrapped around my shoulders we're constantly kissing each other's cheeks or foreheads. Right now for example, we are both sat up in his tree, him in his usual position, me practically on his lap with my legs stretched and my feet on the trunk he's resting his left hand on.

I see Potter having an argument with Weasley, he's walking past us, I nudge Draco

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I see Potter having an argument with Weasley, he's walking past us, I nudge Draco.

"Why so tense Pottah!" I call to him, he looks at us both in the tree. Draco holds me in his arms bridal style and jumps down, still carrying me but then sets me down on my feet. I proudly stand next to him.

"We and our Fathers have made a bet you see. Father and I think you won't last ten minutes in this Tournament. Clarissa and hers disagree, they think you won't last five," Draco torments. We all burst out laughing even though it was true, Father and I think he won't last five minutes. Potter storms over to us and shoves us.

"I don't care what your Fathers think Malfoy, Adori. Malfoy you're vile and cruel, and Adori, you're just pathetic!" He rages and turns around.

"Don't you call her pathetic!" Draco mutters and draws his wand. He goes to cast a spell at Potter's back when a flash of light comes at us and Draco has disappeared, and there is a blonde ferret in his place. Professor Moody has transfigured him into an animal, he's bouncing him up and down, I have to intervene. I step towards them and grab Draco the ferret and hold him close to me, he snuggles into my chest.

"What do you think you're doing! Do you think it's funny turning a teenage boy into an animal? Honestly gain some self respect!" I yell at Moody and the crowd who are laughing. Professor McGonagall then comes over.

"Professor McGonagall! Professor Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret!" I state frantically, she looks at the whimpering creature in my arms and gasps.

"P-Professor Moody! Is that a student?" She interrogates.

"Technically it's a ferret," Mad Eye replies, trying to take control of Draco again but I turn so he can't get access. McGonagall whips her wand out and transfigures Draco back to normal, I let him go instantly.

"Our Fathers will be hearing about this!" We shout in unison. Moody then charges at us, a Draco grabs my hand as we run around the tree and sprint back into the castle.

"Is that a threat! Is that a threat? I can tell you stories about your Fathers that a bad enough to curl your greasy hair! And it doesn't end here!" He yells after us.

Draco drags me back to the common room and up to his dorm. He paces around his room, he's utterly humiliated. He has his back facing me, I stand up from his bed and place a hand on his shoulder, he immediately relaxes at my touch.

"Hey it's ok, he really shouldn't have done that. I promise that he'll never do that again, I'll step in front of you and take it myself if that's what it takes," I state trying to comfort him. He quickly turns around and pulls me into a hug.

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