Chapter 39: My Boys

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I wake up, my head is killing and my eyes are sore. Memories of yesterday flood through my mind making sadness shower over me. I sit up and rub my face.

"Morning C," I hear someone say. I turn and see Adrian in the doorway holding two mugs.

"Morning," I grumble. "Did I by any chance have a drink last night?"

"No, you wanted to, but I wouldn't allow it," he answers with a laugh.

"Thanks, I'd probably have the worlds worst hangover right now if it weren't for you," I say and take the cup he offers for me. Coffee. Just how I like it.

"Couldn't have you drinking your sorrows away," he chuckles, I roll my eyes at him.

"I invited your brother and the lads over earlier, thought we could have a nice game of Quidditch to take your mind off that scumbag boyfriend of yours," he says, I nod but then remember my brooms are at home and my other at school.

"Don't worry, Tyler said he'd bring your broom," he informs in a sing song voice. It was like he read my mind, I'm very skilled in Occulmency though, and have been from a very young age. Must've just been my expression.

"I'll get ready then," I say and walk up to my room because I fell asleep on the couch. I change into my sports gear and tie my hair into a high ponytail. I look in the mirror and my eyes are red and puffy from all the crying I did yesterday and last night. I barely got any sleep, I just tossed and turned all night long, waking up almost every hour of the night. I slide my trainers on and walk downstairs. I find Adrian, my brother and the boys waiting for me. Tyler sprints at me and hugs me tighter than ever before, I breakdown in his arms again.

"Shh it's ok, it's ok," he soothes. I pull away and I smile at him and the others weakly.

"Princess, what's wrong? What's happened? Why are you staying here and not at the Adori Manor?" Marcus bombards.

"Well um, yesterday morning I found out that Draco cheated on me," I say in quieter than a whisper. Marcus and Cassius drop their brooms and I see their veins pulsating through their hands.

"WHAT!" They both yell in unison, I rub my arm.

"Yeah," I mumble.

"I'll kill him," Marcus growls.

"We're going to have to do it back at school though boys. My Mother and Aunt Narcissa won't allow me to beat him up, I'm lucky I got to pin him up against the wall and punch his jaw yesterday," Tyler says.

"Thanks Tie," I utter. He wraps his arm around me.

"Anytime sis," he replies and pecks my temple. We group hug and grab our brooms.

We practice Quidditch for a while and decided to have a big sleepover. We laugh, joke and run around for hours until we all fall asleep. I love my boys, at least I know I'll always be able to rely on them, unlike the one person I thought I could.

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