Chapter 40: Aftermath

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Today is the day that I have to return to the Adori Manor, and in two days I have to go back to school and face my friends. I pace up and down the room, waiting for all the boys to get ready, I'm so thankful that they're coming with me. They finally come in and my breathing starts to get heavy and I start to get worked up, my eyes watering.

"I can't do this!" I cry. Cassius stands in front on me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Yes you can, you're strong Clara, you're undefeatable. Yeah, this might've broke you, but you can get through it," he states. I swallow and nod. They grab our things and floo to the Adori Manor's front doorstep. Since it's our house, Tyler and I lead the boys I'm without knocking, then it hits me, Aunt Bella and Uncle Radolphus is here. I stop and face Tyler.

"Tie, we forgot that we have some Azkaban escapees living in our house at the moment," I whisper cautiously. He looks at me with wide eyes and rushes into the drawing room, closing the door behind him.


I swiftly close the door of the drawing room behind me. I quickly turn around and see Mother, Father, Aunt Bella, Uncle Radolphus, Aunt Narcissa, Uncle Lucius and Malfoy. I smile at all of the, apart from the blonde scumbag who I just roll my eyes at.

"Hi everyone um- well you see um. Clara has came back, and she, Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey and Cassius Warrington are right outside this door. And we both forgot about the little uh situation, are the boy allowed to see Aunt Bella and Uncle Radolphus?" I say. The adult all exchange some looks.

"Well, their Fathers are all Death Eaters that wouldn't tell anyone our location, so I guess it's ok," Bella replies, I smile at everyone and return to my friends and sister. I can't wait to go back to school and teach him a lesson for hurting my baby sister,  I'm so ashamed that I couldn't save her from the heartbreak and pain, if I never pointed it out, she never would've known or he'd tell her himself.

"Ok boys, don't freak out but-," I start.

"But what?" Marcus asks. I make eye contact with Clarissa and I nod, telling her that it's ok.

"Bellatrix and Radolphus Lestrange, are in that room and they've been alternating between here and Malfoy Manor ever since they escaped, just please act cool, and you can't tell a soul," she says really quickly. Their eyes widen and their posture straightens up, I'm not going to lie, watching them in the presence of these people is going to be well funny, they're so nervous. Saying that, I probably looked exactly the same, Clarissa though, she was over the moon. I chuckle at their reactions and swing the door open with a smirk on my face.


I take a deep breath, knowing that he's in there. The boys walk in first, creating a protective barrier around me, usually, I'd laugh at how over protective they are of me, but I can't, not right now knowing that the person I relied most in the world, broke my heart in two. My heart/pulse is racing and my breathing is becoming irregular, I try not to let it show though, I'm not going to look weak in front of him, no way! Nervousness is radiating off my friends, but I'm way more nervous than them of seeing the boy that I'm in love with than they are with seeing two of the highest ranked Death Eaters that've escaped Azkaban.

"Hello boys," my Mother greets. They all greet her and Father.

"Where's my Goddaughter? I'm sorry boys but you can't just keep her all to yourselves," Aunt Bella says in a sing song voice. I break through their formation and run to my Aunt and hug her tight. She's definitely been more of a Mother to me in what? A month or two, than my Mother had been my entire life. According to Tyler, Mother went to comfort Draco after I left, I mean, I'm her daughter, her beloved Godson broke my heart and it seems like she's team Draco. Honestly the nerve that woman has!

"Hi Aunt Bella, I missed you," I greets, she smiles in return. I look around awkwardly at everyone else in the room, Draco looks whiter than a ghost, just seeing him brings it all back, all the tears, all the heartbreak. I don't meet his gaze but I feel his eyes study me and not looking away, I turn and see my Father looking stern but happy to see me, I immediately run into his arms and I feel a few tears trickle down my face and onto his waist, man my Father is way taller than me, how come I've never noticed this before? He strokes my hair and holds me close. I can practically feel the glare he's shooting at Draco. I sniffle and pull away, not turning around until I wipe the sadness out of my eyes. I turn on my heel and return to the boys, we got to leave and head to my room, but someone clears their throat, we all turn around and see Draco looking hopefully at me.

"Can we talk?" He asks, he eyes the boys carefully. "Alone?"

I take a deep breath and fold my arms.

"I don't want to talk to you! Besides, if whatever you have to say can be said in front of everyone else!" I spit at him. I can feel the boys stiffen besides behind me, I can already tell they're in full body guard mode.

"Ok then, fine, I'm so so so unbelievably sorry. I was drunk I-I-," he stutters but I cut him off.

"THATS NO EXCUSE! DRUNK OR NOT, YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING! AND I CAN'T FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS ONE! YOU DEFINITELY CROSSED THE LINE THIS TIME MALFOY! You finally did it. You broke us!" I yell but I whimper the last part. All of my sadness from before dissolves and turns into absolute rage.

"Clarissa, please just, go easy on him," Mother reasons. I dart my eyes towards her.

"No Mother, I won't! Oh and it's obvious where your loyalties lie, you didn't say a word to me the other day, but after I left you go and comfort him! Clearly your Godson is more important than you daughter's broken heart," I say with tears spilling down my cheeks. I walk out with my boys and storm up to my room, slamming my door. I break down in their arms, I can't believe that this has happened to me. This time last year, I was beyond happy with my life, the daughter of one of the most prestigious and powerful Pureblood families, everyone in my house (other than a select few) practically worship the ground I walk on, I'm the most popular girl in Slytherin, the princess of Slytherin, the most amazing friends and a loving, incredible boyfriend. Now I've never been so upset.

A/N: The tea is hot y'all. Please comment, vote and share it means the world.

Ruby xx

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