Chapter 42: Her Of All People Her

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It's been a long couple of weeks since I've returned to school. I'm sat at lunch in next to Tracey, Daphne and Millicent are opposite us along with Malfoy. The girls and I are chatting about the newest shoes that have recently came out and someone sits next to me. No one other than my friends and family are allowed to sit next to me unless they have my permission. I turn to see the person that I least expected it to be, Parkinson.


The moment Pansy sits down next to Clarissa, I notice that across the table next to Daphne, Draco's eyes widen and he becomes very pale. I narrow my eyes towards him.


"May I help you or something Parkinson?" I scoff. She smiles evilly.

"Yeah, how's the relationship going?" She asks and rests her chin on her hand. The girls look at each other with wide eyes, I think we're all thinking the same thing. Oh no she didn't.

"You know we're not together anymore Parkinson! How you haven't pounced on him yet is beyond my thoughts!" I hiss at her.

"Well you see, Adori, I'm one of those select few who actually knows the reason behind your break up," she says in a sing song voice. Wait what? How does she know? Either she found out from the boys, or. Oh Salazar please god don't tell me that she's - oh no?

"How?" I ask, even though I've got a feeling at the bottom of my stomach that I know the answer, I just don't want to admit it. She leans towards me and looks me in the eye.

"Because I'm the one that Malfoy fucked," she snarls. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I open my mouth but I can't form any words, tears start to form but I'm not going to let them fall in public.

"W-what?" I mumble. My head darts towards Draco and he's looking down, Daphne grabs the scruff of his neck and forces him to look up at me, he meets my eye.

"I-Is this true?" I stutter. He hesitantly nods.

"Bu-but you said that you couldn't remember," I whimper. He just looks down at his lap again.

"If you'll excuse me, I um- I have somewhere to be," I say and get up. I walk casually out of the hall. My breathing becomes irregular, I sprint up to my room and slam and lock the door shut. My hands are shaking uncontrollably, I grab a glass bottle from the nightstand and throw it at the wall, it breaks into a million pieces, just like my heart. How could he lie to me? And why Parkinson of all people? I run my hands through my hair and sit down on my bed. From underneath, I pull out the box with Draco's stuff in it I open it up and pull a hoodie out of it. I throw the box on the floor and hold the hoodie up to my face. I sniff and his smell intoxicates me. I snuggle into it, god I didn't know how much I miss him, his scent is such a comfort. I start to cry into his hoodie. I lie down and hold it close to my body.

(Time skip six hours)

I've been crying into one of Draco's hoodies ever since I got back, and that was six hours ago. I hear someone knocking at the door, I swear to Salazar if it's the girls one more time I'll hex them, I asked them to leave me alone four times.

"Go away!" I call.

"Clara it's me!" Theo's voice shouts. I groan and drag myself to the door.

"You've not got Malfoy out there have you?" I ask.

"No," he answers. I open the door.

"Umbridge has found the location for Potter's secret group, we've got to go, Ministry officials will be here soon for Dumbledore," he states. I nod, I run into my bathroom and cast a quick spell on my eyes so it looks like I haven't been crying, I pull my high heel boots on and go with Theo.

He leads me to the seventh floor where Umbridge, Filch, Cho Chang and the rest of the Inquisitorial Squad are waiting. I see Draco approaching me but I quickly divert him. Umbridge casts a spell to blow the wall up, on the other side, about forty to fifty people are there, from every house except Slytherin. Crabbe and Goyal grab Potter and we take him to Dumbledore's office. None of us are allowed up though. We all walk away, me way behind everyone else to avoid conversation, I hear some Ministry officials walking to the office, I turn around to see if I know any of them and to my surprise, my Father is there. Maybe I'll get a ticket to come and watch after all.

"Father!" I call and run up to him, I hug him tight.

"Hello princess," he says and kisses the top of my head.

"May I come up with you?" I ask eagerly, the man next to him goes to say something but Father cuts him before he can even get a word in.

"Of course princess," he answers, I smile and walk up the staircase with him.

When we enter, I see an angry looking Umbridge and Fudge, a Weasley grasping onto Potter and Chang, a calm looking Dumbledore and more Ministry officials.

"I'M TELLING YOU HE'S BACK! LOOK AND MICHEAL ADORI'S FOREARM IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME HE IS A DEATH EATER AFTER ALL!" Potter yells. That's it, enough is enough, he's pulled the final string for me. I whip my wand out, get Potter out of the Weasel's hold and pin him up against the wall, my wand deep into his neck.

"Say that again, we'll see who death eats up first!" I snarl "Go on say it again, I dare you,"

Dumbledore stands up and points his wand at me, I couldn't care less to be honest. Father is worried by it though and reaches an arm out for me.

"Clarissa Scarlett! Stand down at once!" He demands. I hesitantly let him go and stomp off beside my Father and huff.

Everything then happens so quickly, we get knocked out and Dumbledore is gone.

"Well I guess we should get going," Fudge sighs.

"Minister you can leave without me, I'm going to escort my daughter back to her chambers," Father informs. They all nod and leave.

Father offers his arm, I take it and we walk back to the Slytherin common room.

"This is where we say goodbye, I'll see you soon princess," he says and kisses my forehead.

"I think Tyler's inside, you could come and say hi?" I suggest. He just shakes his head. I sigh.

"No wait! Please I just want to give Malfoy a bit of a scare is all," I whisper. He sighs and nods.

My Father follows me into the common room and I see everyone straighten up their posture. I chuckle at everyone's reaction of him just walking into a room. I look around and spy Draco, eyes widened, jaw dropped and as white as a ghost, but with Pansy all over him, she turns to see what's freaked him all out and rolls my eyes when she sees me, my brother and my Father talking. She decides to make her way over.

"Well, well, well, having a little family reunion are we? Have you told them the truth yet female Adori?" She taunts, I take a deep breath and face the two most important men in my life, they're both wearing confused expressions.

"I found out who Draco cheated with, he told me he couldn't remember but he could. It was this stuck up bitch right here," I explain. They both look like they can rip Draco apart, limb by limb.

"Y'know Draco, I told you to never hurt my baby sister, but you have, more than hurt actually," Tyler says and shakes his head.

"Watch you back Malfoy!" He warns.

"I would've thought that Narcissa would've raised you to be considerate of girls' feelings," Father trails. Draco looks down in shame.

"Some Godson I have eh?"

Father then leaves and everyone is silent.

"Enjoy the show?" I ask sarcastically and I storm off to bed. I bet my family inheritance that I cry myself to sleep tonight

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