Chapter 43: The Fabulous Five

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(Time skip to April)

Even though he's Head Boy, I've barely noticed that Tyler, Marcus, Adrian and Cassius are in their final year at Hogwarts, and they'll no longer be with me after the summer, they will be getting their jobs, living their own lives and won't be there to help me or protect me if I need it, mostly for them to be there. We're the fabulous five. We met back in the summer after Tyler's first year of Hogwarts, and we immediately hit it off, they became protective over me the first time they laid their eyes in me, they treat me like a royalty and I love it. God I'm going to miss them so much it hurts. I'll just have my girls, and my boy mates, I don't have Draco either, I haven't talked to him civilly since January, when I found out he slept with Pugface Parkinson, we've just had blazing arguments, it seems as though he doesn't feel the slightest bit of guilt for his actions. But my boys, they mean the world to me, I know I'll always, always, always be able to rely on them to have my back and I know they would never betray me.

There's Tyler, my beloved older brother my two years. Growing up, we had the best relationship I could ever ask for, we got along perfectly. Don't get me wrong, we'd bicker and banter around sometimes, but that just made it even better. Whenever we would play outside, and an insect or something came near me, I'd scream and make such a scene, Tyler would always get it away or as I used to say, save me from it or get me to safety. I couldn't ask for a better big brother. My biological brother.

Then there's Marcus Flint. Tyler's best friend out of the three of the others. The Quidditch star and captain. If I ever get hurt on the pitch, he has an absolute rampage, I remember how mad he got at the beater who let me get hit by the bludger during tryouts earlier in the year, he's like my bodyguard. He's also my emotional support pillar, always there to hold me up, to stick up for me even if I didn't need it, and never afraid to seriously hurt or threaten anyone that upsets me, hurts me or breaks my heart. My aggressive brother.

Also, I've got Adrian Pucey. Where to even begin with him. He's the one who always helps me with my homework, or gets me out of sticky situations. Most people see him as shy, but he's nothing like that, far from it, he's so passionate about everything, especially his friends and family, and would risk everything to keep them safe. My intelligent brother.

Last but not least, there's Cassius Warrington. He's the person who helps me when I fall, and if he ever hurt me, which would only ever be by accident, he apologises over and over again. I'm not going to lie, when we first met I had a tiny crush on him, but that went away after about two days. And he makes me laugh countless times every day, especially if I'm feeling down. He's probably the funniest person I know. My sweet brother.

My boys and I form together as the fabulous five. You see, there are friends, there are family, and there are friends that become family, that's what these boys are to me, family.

Today is the last Quidditch match of the season, aka the last time I'll play Hogwarts with the boys, the thought itself makes my heart ache.

We're in our changing rooms, waiting for the scolding Marcus is going to give us, I bet I'm even included in it today as it's his last chance to get that damn cup, and I'm not going to make sure we win it, for him, for my brother, for Adrian, for Cassius. I pace up and down, wiggling my fingers and taking deep breaths. My beloved captain swans out and we surround him. He clears his throat.

"Look guys, I know I usually throw threats about at this moment, but it's my last match, and it's been wicked fun being captain for this team. So, let's go out there, try our best, crack the ribs and bash the kneecaps of the blood Gryffindors, and win back that cup," he states. I feel a tear escape my eye, and a small sob from my mouth.

"Oh Merlin, Clara don't cry not yet," he pleads and pulls me into his side. I nod and wipe my eyes.

"Let's go and get the cup and play dirty and bloody," I say with a small smile.

"Agreed," Cassius chimes in.

I look around at my teammates. Marcus, Adrian and I the Chasers, in Slytherin we're known as the Holy Trinity, Tyler, the Keeper, Cassius and Goyal, the Beaters and Malfoy (ugh), the seeker. I nod and smile at them all, well, with the exception of a cheating scumbag.

We grab our brooms and march out onto the pitch, Marcus swaggers forward and crushed Oliver Wood's finger bones for the very last time, a glimmer of amusement and sadness in his eyes. We mount our brooms, and I dive forward for the quaffle and immediately make the goal. The Slytherin crowd goes wild and I punch my fist into the air. I push myself harder than ever before, making goal after goal after goal, and now we're on one hundred and twenty points, and Gryffindor are only on forty. I swear to Salazar if Draco doesn't catch the snitch I will volunteer myself to get him to his death bed. And just as I think these words, from the corner of my eye I see Draco and the Weasley girl going head-to-head for the snitch. But Malfoy's Firebolt is no match against Weasley's Cleansweep. He lurches forward and wraps his fingers around the golden snitch. We did it! We've won the Quidditch Cup. I fly towards Marcus and we hug in the air, never mind the fact either of us could slip on the end of our brooms, we'd won the cup for the third year in a row, and I couldn't be happier, even if it's his last match.

A/N: Deep. Please comment, vote and share it means the world.

Ruby xx

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