Chapter 38: Cheater

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It's been a week since Draco and I have got back together and we're more inseparable than ever before, we're constantly together, we change in the same room, bath together and sleep together, a lot. We're now walking down to breakfast together, smiling and joking around, I'm so unbelievably happy. We sit at the table and start eating.

"Clarissa, Aunt Narcissa, Aunt Bella and I are going dress shopping later. Would you like to join us?" Mother asks. I feel Draco grip my thigh underneath the table.

"Don't go, stay with me and we can have some fun of our own," he seductively whispers under his breath, so only I could hear. I want to go and spend some girl time, since I spend ninety nine percent of the time around boys.

"I'd love to come with you, but Aunt Bella, how are you going to stay hidden?" I reply.

"I'll use polyjuice potion to be your Mother's sister again dearie," she answers. I smile and nod. We finish breakfast and Draco storms back to his room, I roll my eyes and go after him. He slams the door in my face but I barge in anyway.

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask.

"Nothing, just the fact that your dumping me off to go shopping," he snarls.

"Dumping you off? Sorry about the fact I feel like I need some girl time," I scoff. He stands up.

"Whatever! I'm going to a party," he states and floos away.

I get ready and go out shopping with my Mother and favourite Aunties.


I floo away to Crabbe's manor where his family is holding a party. I walk in and music hits hard at my eardrums and the whiff of alcohol invades my nostrils, this party is definitely unsupervised by parents. I feel someone tap my shoulder, I turn around and see the once and always grotty Pansy Parkinson. Why Salazar why?

"Heyyy Drakie," she says, twirling a piece of her hair. I roll my eyes but be polite, if Clarissa saw me doing this I'd be a dead man walking.

"Do you want a drink?" she asks.

"Yeah, fire whiskey," I demand. She nods and goes to make it, I want to get hammered. She returns five minutes later and I immediately down my drink, I look at Parkinson and she looks better than she usually does.

"So why isn't your stuck up, two faced girlfriend here?" She questions as soon as I gulp down my drink.

"We had another argument," I answer, she nods. She slowly starts to stroke my arms and leans closer and closer to me. I clear my throat and take another swig from the bottle of whiskey. I do it again and again and again, wow I'm definitely drunk now as I can feel myself get all woozy. I look back at Pansy and eye her up and down, I can't believe I'm saying this but she looks hot. She leans up to my face and I lean down, she kisses my lips softly and I do the same. Things start to get heated, she opens her mouth and our tongues dance together, she's an alright kisser but I've had better, I can't remember where from though. She wraps her arms around my neck and I do the same to her waist. She pulls away.

"Let's go and find somewhere more private?" She whispers, I nod and follow her to a bedroom which I pray is a guest one, although I don't really care, I want pleasure and I want it now.


I roll over and see Parkinson next to me instead of Clarissa. Oh. My. Merlin. My girlfriend Clarissa. My girlfriend who I love and loves me back. My girlfriend who last week I gave one of the Malfoy family jewels to. Fuck! Oh no, oh no, oh no. I quickly put my clothes back on and run out of the room, Parkinson calls after me but I ignore her. I sprint to the fireplace and floo back to the Adori manor, my angel's house. I feel so goddamn guilty. I walk back up to her well our room and see her in bed, I change out of my clothes so I'm just in my underwear and crawl under the covers next to her. She turns around and looks at me.

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