Chapter 2: First day of lessons

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I get ready into my uniform the next morning and Daphne and I run down to the common room bags in hand, ready for breakfast.

"Good morning Adori," I hear someone say. I turn and see Draco and group of boys our age surrounding him by the fireplace.

"Morning Malfoy," I reply. I come closer towards them I gasp as I see my best mate from when I was little, I haven't seen him in a while.

"Theo. THEO!" I yell. He remembers me as well, we run to each other and hug.

"It's been so long!" We beam in unison.

Everyone heads down to breakfast, there I see my brother.

"Hey big bro," I say and sit beside him.

"Morning lil sis," he replies with a smile. Professor Snape comes striding down the table and gave me my timetable. I smile and thank him.


Transfiguration 8am-9am with Gryffindor
Break 9am-9:10am
Charms 9:10am-10:10am with Ravenclaw
Potions 10:10am-11:10am with Gryffindor
History of Magic 11:10am-12:10pm with Hufflepuff
Lunch 12:10pm-12:40pm
Astronomy 12:40pm-13:40pm with Ravenclaw
Herbology 13:40pm-14:40pm with Hufflepuff
Flying Lessons 14:40-15:40 with all houses

I examine my timetable before Daphne takes it and compares it to hers.

"Yay we have the same classes!" She squeals.

"Yay!" I beam. Draco takes my schedule and compares it to his, he's also in all of my classes.

We all head to Transfiguration, we take our seats at the back, I sit in between Daphne and Draco. Ten minutes into the lesson, Potter and Weasley come scrambling into the room.

"Woo, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if she found out we were late," Weasley huffs.

I smirk, knowing what is gonna happen next. The tabby cat that's sitting on the teachers desk leaps onto the floor and transforms back to Professor McGonagall. The two boys stare in awe.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Weaselbee exclaims.

"Thank you for the assessment Mr Weasley, perhaps I should transfigure yourself and Mr Potter into a pocket watch. That way, one of you might be on time!" She says sternly, Draco and I look at each other and stifle a laugh.

"We got lost," Potter chimes in.

"Then a map, take your seats," she snaps at them, Draco and I burst into silent laughter. The rest of the lesson is quite boring and before I know we had had break, finished Charms class and now it's potions. I can already tell that I'm gonna excel in potions because growing up I would like to read Potion books that I would find in the library at home, and Professor Snape is my Godfather, whom I obtain a good relationship with.

I once again sit in between Daphne and Draco, we are quietly talking amongst ourselves when Snape comes bursting in, his robes billowing behind him. Merlin this guy knows how to make a dramatic entrance.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or any silly incantations in this class. I don't expect all of you to get the subtle art that is potion making, apart from a select few," he says looking directly at Draco and I, we both smirk. His attention is swerved to the desk behind us, I turn around to see Potter not paying attention, I roll my eyes and turn my head back around.

"In this class you will learn how to bottle fame, brew glory and even a stopper in death," Snape says with a monotone. Harry looks up from what he was writing, I look at Draco, we are wearing identical smirks.

"Mr Potter, our new celebrity," Snape says slowly, he then goes on to ask him questions which Potter doesn't know the answers to. That Granger girl has her hand up for every question though, she's also a muggle born. Ugh!

"Clearly fame isn't every thing is it Mr Potter!" Snape snaps at him, Draco and I are holding in our laughter. We then separate into pairs and I'm with Draco, we brew the potion perfectly and gain Slytherin 50 points each.

The day goes by really quickly, and Daphne and I are walking outside to our Flying Lessons, I'm practically jumping up and down in excitement, I've been flying my whole life and I can't wait to show off my skills, I also can't wait to play Quidditch for Slytherin, it's always been a dream of mine, we meet with Draco and stand next to brooms on the floor. The teacher soon comes out to us.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson! Stand to the left side of your broom, place your right hand above it and say up until it comes to your hand," she orders.

"Up!" Draco and I command in unison, we get it first time. We look over at Potter and Weasley, Potter gets it first time and Weasley's hits him in the face. Draco and I howl with laughter and clutch onto each other's shoulders for support.

"Once you've got your broom, I want you to mount it. Kick up off the ground, hover a few feet, then come back down," Madam Hooch demands. That Longbottom kid loses control of his broom and is flying every witch way. Every Slytherin can't stop laughing whilst the teacher took him to the Hospital Wing. I spot something on the floor.

"Hey Draco, what's that?" I ask pointing at what was on the floor.

"Ha if Longbottom had remembered to give this a squeeze, he would've remembered to fall on his fat arse!" Draco sneers. I laugh, Potter steps forward.

"Give it here Malfoy!" he half shouts.

"No. I think I meet leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about on the roof," he says coolly as he mounts his broom and flies it high into the air, Potter following suite.

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Potter yells, I roll my eyes knowing he hasn't got the guts.

"Oh really, have it your way then," Draco says calmly, throwing the Rememberall into the distance and steadies himself on his broom as Harry zooms past him. Draco returns to the ground and we high five. Moments later Potter gets taken away, we are all hoping that he has gotten expelled.


What Tyler said on the train about me being the most popular Slytherin girl in first year is absolutely correct. I'm famous in Slytherin now, I'm even known as the Slytherin princess. I'm the popular bad girl of the school, I even have my own little group. There's me, the leader, Daphne my first mate aka best friend, and two other girls our age in Slytherin called Tracey Davis and Millicent Bulstrode. I'm the group leader since I have the looks, brain, status and name. There's also this girl in Slytherin called Pansy Parkinson, she keeps trying to impress me ever since we stepped foot in the castle, I immediately hate her though, she's so annoying, whiny and even looks like a pug. Ever since I rejected her we have been mortal enemies. To say I hate her is an under statement, I really despise her. Draco is now known as the popular bad boy, his group contained, Crabbe, Goyal, Zabini and to my surprise, Theo. Draco was also known as the Slytherin Prince, I was the princess.

A/N: Well this was Clarissa's first day of school. What do you think? Please like, comment, vote and share it means the world.

Ruby xx

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