Chapter 18: Rough Match

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I wake up the next morning and notice that Daphne is still sleeping, I change into my Quidditch robes and put my hair into a high ponytail. When I come out of the bathroom, I see Daphne is awake.

"Morning!" She greets cheerfully. I nod in response, she looks at me puzzled.

"Hey what's wrong? You're usually buzzing the morning you play," she asks, concern evident in her voice.

"Graham and I broke up," I mumble. She pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh babes I'm so sorry," she consoles.

"Don't worry about it. He was really possessive and controlling anyway," I sigh.

"Come one, let's get you down to breakfast, take your mind off things," she suggests. I smile and nod at her. We make our way down to the Great Hall with Tracey and Millicent. I go to sit with the team (minus Montague), in between Marcus and Tyler and opposite Draco. I don't join the conversation, I just stare at my plait. Marcus pulls me into his side, I look up at him.

"I know you're upset about yesterday but you still need to eat," he says, Tyler, Adrian, Cassius and Draco look at me when they hear what Marcus said.

"Why what happened yesterday?" Draco asks, I lean over the table to him.

"Graham and I broke up," I whisper and draw back.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he replies. I just smile weakly at him.

"Wait a second, how much did you guys here of the break up?" I ask eyeing the boys.

"All of it," they said in unison, I groan and hide my face in Marcus' chest. I see Tyler push a fruit salad in front of me.

"Eat," he orders, I roll my eyes and begin eating. When I'm finished, we make our way down to the changing rooms, grab our new firebolts and gather around while Marcus gives us a 'pep' talk.

"Right you idiots, I want that Quidditch cup, we will win it and if we don't you will pay the consequences, so play rough and as bloody as you can!" He half shouts. I roll my eyes.

We make our way out and mount our brooms while Marcus crushes Wood's fingers. The whistle goes and I dive for the quaffle, Katie Belle and Angelina Johnson are sandwiching me in between them, with my left arm I jab my elbow into Johnson's ribs, I swear that I heard it crack, I chuck the quaffle to Adrian whilst I do some acrobatics on my broom to get away from the Gryffindors. Adrian throws the quaffle to Marcus who passes it to me, I fly at high speed to the goal posts and score. I'm having to use the famous Slytherin elbow jab multiple times this game, it's unbelievable bloody. I see Draco and Harry go after the snitch, it doesn't matter if Draco catches it or not, I had scored enough goals anyway we are on 190 points whilst Gryffindor are on 20.

"BOTH SEEKERS ARE AFTER IT AND DRACO MALFOY CATCHES THE SNITCH! SLYTHERIN WINS THE QUIDDITCH CUP!" The commentator booms. I smile sky high and cheer. I fly to Marcus and Adrian and we group hug, I'm crying tears of happiness. Madam Hooch gives Marcus the cup and he gives it to me, I hold it up high and smile.

"Come on guys, we need a photo for the daily prophet!" Tyler beams. He and Marcus get me up on their shoulder while I carry the cup. We have a photo shoot and go to go and change I'm so happy but it gets brought back down, I catch when Graham glaring at me, the boys noticed this too.

"Stop staring you perv!" I growl at him.

"Yeah, what are you doing here anyway you're not on the team anymore! The match is finished!" Marc sneers.

Graham rushes off to the changing room while we mess around for a while. We eventually get changed and go back to our dorms. Daphne and I are going to have a girl talk and go over everything that happened last night. I slip into my night gown and sit on my bed, she does the same. I explain everything that had happened last night and she comforts me. I feel my eyes well up.

"I don't even know why I'm upset! I never even liked him in the first place!" I cry, she hugs me.

"It's still your first break up Clara, you're entitled to feel upset about it," she soothes, I nod.

"He was really possessive and controlling to be honest. He'd try to pressure me into having sex with him, I wouldn't do it though. And whenever he'd see me with Draco he would always come up and drag me away," I trail.

We just talk all night about Graham and how awful he actually was, I love Daphne, she's like my sister.

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