Chapter 9: Duelling Club

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After the cat got petrified, students are allowed to sign up to join a Duelling Club. Draco and I are walking to our first meeting discussing who's going to coach us. We enter the room and see a long, stage like table in the middle. We surround ourselves with Daphne, Tracey, Millicent, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyal, Tyler, Marcus, Adrian and Cassius and await the teacher's presence. Five minutes later, Professor Lockhart appears in front of us, I groan. Theo and Draco shoot me a confused look.

"He's such a self centred fraud," I mutter in response, they nod and return their attention back to the front.

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart, will be your Duelling instructor. Now, let me introduce you to my assistant, Professor Severus Snape!" He announces. My beloved Godfather walks out looking like he would rather be anywhere else.

"Now I promise that once I've finished with him you will still have your potions master," he boasts.

"Whatever," I groan and roll my eyes.

"Got something to say Miss Adori?" Lockhart asks with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, you say that we will still have Professor Snape once you've finished with him. Honestly, try have it the other way around, let's be fair, he will easily disarm you without having to try," I sass. Snape smirks at me whilst Lockhart looks dumbfounded.

"Well done Miss Adori, fifteen points to Slytherin for speaking truthfully!" Snape beams at me, I smile at him while my friends gush over me, I high five my brother, his friends and Draco.

"Ok then Clarissa, if you're so smart why don't we see you demonstrate for everyone," Lockhart suggests. I smirk.

"Of course, Professor," I reply, I wink at Snape.

"Granger, you shall duel against Adori," Snape announces slyly. All of Slytherin goes 'ooooo'. I give her a cunning smirk as she hesitantly joins me.

"Wands at the ready," we hold our wands up to our faces, bow to one another and walk our separate ways. I swiftly turn around and raise my wand, she followed suit.

"Disarm only!" Lockhart warns, I roll my eyes.

"Wingardium Leviosar!" I yell and she floats up into the air, I relax a little bit and start twirling her around in midair.All of Slytherin are hypnotised with laughter, I'm also laughing but try my hardest to keep it together so I can concentrate. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I glance to the side and see my godfather.

"Well done Clara," he whispers.

"Thanks," I reply. I continue twirling her around and upside down, entertaining everyone in Slytherin.

"Now, Miss Adori, I said disarm only!" Lockhart scowls, I look at him and smirk.

"Oh, I know you did Professor. You also said that you did all of these amazing things in your books, doesn't mean you did it, so why should I only disarm," I shoot back, the Slytherins double their laughter, everyone else even laughs at what I had said to the Professor, even Snape represses a small smile.

"Ok that's enough now Miss Adori, put Granger down," Snape says. I do as he says and lower my wand quickly so she hits the ground hard. She grabs her wand and points it at me.

"Expelliarmus!" She half shouts.

"Protego!" I cry and blocked it. She continues firing spells at me which I block with ease, everyone in the room is staring at us in awe.

"Ok Miss Adori, you have proven yourself powerful indeed. However, I'm still giving you detention for disrespecting a teacher and a well known one at that," he announces. I raise my hand and clap my fingers against my thumbs and mimic what he said but without actually saying anything.

"Yes, and she will be taking that detention with me, Lockhart. Miss Adori, you have also awarded Slytherin fifty points for your amazing skills!" Snape exclaims. Slytherin roars with cheers as I approach them. I hug all of my friends and they praise me, Adrian and Cassius lift me up so I'm sitting on each of their shoulders. I smirk over at the Golden Trio who are glaring daggers at me.

"Everyone now partner up and practice disarming each other and this time Adori, I mean only disarm," Lockhart announces I roll my eyes and get down from the boys. I approach Draco, we are about to buddy up but he's dragged away by Snape to work with Potter. I go over to Daphne and we practice together. Fifteen minutes later, Draco and Potter have to demonstrate. Draco looks at me and gulps, I smile at him reassuringly and nod. He raises his wand.

"Scared Pottah!" He taunts.

"You wish," Potter replies. Draco sends a spell Potter's way, causing him to fly back. He follows suit and Draco flies through the air and lands in front of Snape who pulls him up by the collar and pushes him forward.

"Serpentortia!" Draco yells and a snake appears on the stand, most people cower away at the sight, I just stand there casually leaning against the stone beam beside me.

"No need to worry Potter I'll get rid of it," Snape says stepping forward, but then something happens, Potter starts speaking another language and the snake seems to listen. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands, he's a parselmouth. I feel someone gently touch my shoulder, I turn to see Draco who wraps his arm around my back in a protective way. Everyone stares, terrified. Snape finally gets rid of the snake and looks at me, I look back with wide eyes. He just shrugs and motions for me to go over to the side where he can speak to me. I nod and do as I'm told, I release myself from Draco's grip and he looks at me confused. I say I'll be back in a few minutes and he nods. I quickly walk over to Snape.

"Well done Clara, I'm proud of you," he praises.

"Thank you Uncle Severus, when will my detention be, oh and please could you not tell my parents about it," I reply and sound worried for the last part.

"Don't worry I won't be informing your parents, and it will be tomorrow night, come to my office after dinner, don't worry you don't have to do anything bad, just catch up with some homework," he states, I nod and bid him good night. I walk back to Draco, we link arms and retreat to the Slytherin common rooms. It has been a good night.

A/N: I hope you liked it. Please like, comment, vote and share it means the world.

Ruby xx

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