Chapter 16: Boggarts

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The Slytherin Heathers and I prance into the DADA classroom to find that the desks and chairs have been pushed to the sides of the classroom and at the front is a dusty wardrobe.

"What are the chances the Weasleys donated that," I whisper to the girls, they all start laughing.

We are learning about Boggarts today and we form a line, preparing to face our worst fears and turning them into something funny. I'm third in line. Weasley's was a spider and Parvati Patil's was a serpent. We get told that boggarts can act a scene out too. I step in front of it and it shape shifts. I see Tyler, Marcus, Adrian, Cassius, Graham, Daphne, Tracey, Millicent, Draco, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyal dead on the floor, pale and blood streaming down from their eyes. My parents come out as well, they seem alive.

"This is all your fault Clarissa, you're the reason they're dead," Mother taunts.

"You're a disgrace to the name of Adori!" Father jeers. I'm transfixed at the scene in front of me. I feel a stray tear fall down my face, I wipe it away and pull myself together.

"Ridikkulus," I whisper. I don't see what it turns into, I just walk away and stand to the side.

A few weeks after, I'm quieter than usual. The news about Graham and I dating spread even more like wildfire. I'm now in another DADA class, Professor Snape comes in, his cloaks billowing behind him. He flicks his wand and the windows close.

"Turn to page 394," he instructs. I do as I'm told and turn to the page about werewolves. Know it all Granger then answers a question about Werewolves and Animagi, Snape then takes ten points from Gryffindor. Ha!

"Awoooooo!" Draco howls.

"Thank you Mr Malfoy," Snape drawls. I feel Daphne nudge my elbow, I look at her she motions her head to the right, I turn to see Draco blowing a paper bird at me.

It lands on my desk and I unfold it

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It lands on my desk and I unfold it.

Why are you going out with that useless git when you could go out with me (;

I blush and smile at the note, I look up at Draco and roll my eyes, he winks at me and starts laughing.

"What does it say?" Daphne whispers to me.

"It doesn't matter," I reply in the same hushed tone.

A/N: Hmm what's happened here 👀

Ruby xx

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