Chapter 3: The Quidditch Match

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I wrap myself up in my black cloak and Slytherin scarf, I grab my binoculars and head down to the Quidditch stadium, my gang following close behind. Today is the first match of the season Slytherin V Gryffindor, and I'm going to cheer my brother and friends on. I'm absolutely fuming that Potter, a first year might I add, is allowed on the Quidditch team and is allowed his own broom. They would never in a million years allow a Slytherin that kind of special treatment, I almost throttled everyone in sight when I found out. Me and my little gang huddle together in the cold weather, I see the players emerge from inside, I see my brother and his friends wave at me, I blow them all kisses in return. Both teams stand in a formation on each side of the pitch, Hooch stands in the middle next to a chest, which I presume is where the balls are kept.

"Now I want a nice, clean game from all of you!" She shouts indicating towards Flint, I scoff, he may play dirty but how else are we meant to win. The captains step forward to shake hands, I watch Oliver Wood wince as Marcus crushes his finger bones, I laugh at this.

The players mount their brooms, the balls are released and they set off. Everything happens so quickly, I cheer for Slytherin at the top of lungs, I love Quidditch so much, ever since I was younger, my dream position is Chaser. The next thing I know, Tyler lets a goal into the Gryffindor hoops, he catches my eye and I mouth to him 'Focus, get your damn head in the game' he looks slightly taken aback, but then remembers how competitive I am.

Within the next 45 minutes, something happens to Potter's broom and he's dangling off of it. Me, like the rest of Slytherin, howls with laughter before he clambers back on, which makes us all shout 'BOOOOO!'.

He spots the snitch and goes after it, the Slytherin seeker Terence Higgs, not far behind. They barge into each other's shoulders in an epic chase scene, then something happens to Potter, he flies to close and tumbles onto the ground. Slytherin is laughing so hard. He wretches and looks like he's gonna be sick, he holds his hands out in front of him and openes his mouth, out of his mouth plops the snitch, Gryffindor has won. Oh no!

"AND HARRY POTTER HAD CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WIN!" The commander booms through the microphone. Throughout the Slytherin half of the stadium, moans and groans echo as everyone walks out of their seats and leave. I however, sprint down onto the pitch towards my brother and friends. I'm absolutely gutted.

"Hey Clara," they all say in unison with their heads down.

"Hi," I say just a glum.

"Sorry we lost your first time watching sis," Tyler sighs and rubs my shoulder.

"Don't worry it's not your fault that Pottah nearly swallowed the snitch, when I make the team next year, we will every match," I state sassily.

"Oh yeah, and what makes you think you're gonna make the team little lady," Marcus chuckles as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, protecting me from the cold.

"Because just this summer we played Quidditch together, and you said the moment I become a second year is the moment I become the first female chaser in Slytherin," I say in a matter-of-fact tone and smirk.

"Now you lot need to shower, I'll wait for you outside ok?" I order.

"No need to princess, the other three will be done by now, so you can just come into the changing rooms, stay in the warm," Marcus says, I nod in agreement. We enter the changing rooms and I lean against the lockers and wait for them to shower and get ready.

After what feels like two hours, they are all done.

"Finally, what took you all so long!" I complain.

"Perfection takes time," Tyler says and smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Use your own catchphrases, I use that all the time at home and you know it!" I snap at him, he laughs.

"Come on, let's go to the Great Hall, lunch will be over soon," Adrian points out.

"RACE YOU!" I bellow and sprint ahead of them. They all start to run, but I'm quick and zoom towards the Great Hall. I slide through the doors and breathe as I'm out of breath. Next, Flint comes skidding into the hall, we high five before Tyler then Adrian then Warrington.

"Ha! You lot of thirteen nearly fourteen year old boys can't beat an eleven year old girl in a running race, how sad," I mock with a fake pout.

"Shut up!" They mutter in unison. We grab a few things to eat from the Slytherin table and sneak them back to the Slytherin common room to eat by the fire.

Later on, Tyler and I are sitting on the two seater couch, telling everyone funny stories from our childhood, Marcus, Adrian, Cassius, Daphne, Tracy, Millicent, Draco, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyal surround us whilst we tell the stories.

"Ok ok, what about the time when I was five and you were seven at the summer time ball that our parents held for their Ministry friends," I say between laughs. Everyone stares at me intrigued, wanting me to continue.

"So basically, our Mother, who totally uses us to make herself look good by the way, told us to be ready and all dressed up for the ball by 5pm. And when the time comes, I'm all dressed up in a silver ball gown and someone forgot all about it and walked into the Ballroom at Adori Manor, in his gym shorts and tank top!" I exclaim and burst out laughing with everyone else. Tyler scowls at me and then smirks.

"Ok if that's how it is, how about when you entered that magic beauty pageant when you were four," he chuckles.

"Don't you dare!" I growl.

"What happened when she was four?" Tracey asks eagerly.

"Keep it shut Davis!" I snap at her.

"This is what happened, so she flew through it, was doing so well and won first place, but when she waltzed up to the first place podium she slipped on the first place stand!" He explains and howls with laughter along with everyone else, I give them all a cold glare and they immediately stop, you don't wanna mess with my temper because you won't live to tell the tale. We continue talking for a few more hours before we go to bed, even though we lost the match, we still had a laugh afterwards. I love being a Slytherin, we look out for our own and are loyal to one another. Great things really do happen in this house, amazing friendships and bonds were made.

A/N: This is such a sweet a chapter, I love it. Please like, comment, vote and vote it means the world.

Ruby xx

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